posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 06:41 AM
That's so funny!
It's like a prisoner being scared about the thought that one day he will be free..
You never die. Your body does. You are energy, and energy can't be destroyed - even Einstein realized this, and thus awakened to the truth about
eternal life of the soul.
Anything with a beginning must have an ending. You have no beginning, so you have no ending. Your body had birth, so it must have death. You are life,
and life has no opposite. The opposite of death is birth, not life.
'Separation' had beginning, so it must have ending - this means, that at one point, we 'melt back' into The Great Spirit, that created us by
separating us from itself, creating a temporary, 'artificial', illusory 'separation' (although we're still connected, as All is One), that will end
soon.. (cosmically speaking).
You can think of us all as drops of water that have been taken out of the ocean - we can be said to be next to each other, to the left, right, above,
below - but once we're gathered and dropped back into the ocean, this kind of separation-based distinction can no longer be done.
Don't be afraid to return whence you came from - for it is a much better way of existing than having to lower yourself enough to be miserable in a
physical body for such an agonizingly long time.