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In Australia, hotel quarantine suicides.

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posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: Forensick
a reply to: Tucket

this may be like the worst flu season x 1000?

But thats ok, play semantics with a word.

Go ahead and flip the panic switch. The mortality rate is not worth the fear.

a flu season x a 1000... lol

edit on 10-9-2020 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Forensick

Try reading again.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 11:08 AM
For perspective Victoria 1483 active cases in a population of 6.6 million. Lots of nasty things in Australia to die from before you even should think of COVID.

and watch it spike once you do open back up unless you are gonna stay in your bunker forever because that is what these viruses do. A vaccine LOL please LOL how effective is the flu vaccine LOL. Less than 30% effective and they have been working on it for years if not decades. This is all if it's is exactly as deadly as the government is saying, it's not and all we have collectively done is waste six months, ruin businesses and livelihoods, destroy life's savings because we were collectively panicked. This will cost more lives and be more debilitating for the public and our nations in the long term. This aspect of this is unavoidable, and they don't have a cure for that either
edit on 10-9-2020 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: putnam6
a reply to: robsmith

The mismanagement fear-mongering and negative media blitz has likely screwed up more people and will have a longer-lasting effect then COVID 19 ever would have.

CNN (Wuf Blister) was excited to hear that an additional 70,000 deaths could be tied to Covid-19, as "deaths of despair".

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: Forensick
a reply to: robsmith

But as I said, the government does not fund mental health, it doesnt fund dental health.

Hi Forensick and for those reading who aren't aware.

It is possible to get fully funded and/or partially funded counselling and psychologist visits by going to your GP and being put on a Mental Health Plan. It allows a person up to 10 sessions every year, along with additional services as a result of Covid.

My wife is currently on one and doesn't need to pay for her appointments with the psychologist, although she did pay a gap to originally see partially bulk-billed GP.

I should note this is in QLD, but I'm guessing the scheme would be nation wide.

I hope this is useful for anyone that wasn't aware of the resource we have available.

Take care.

edit on 10-9-2020 by MyAlterEgo because: Typo

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: Tucket

Selective quoting, piss poor behaviour.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: Forensick

The security staff that were employed were mostly students from asia. I worked with alot of them in casual jobs, they have no real work ethic, and are more interested in being on their phones having long chats with their mates, and texting etc, than actually doing their job.

I was on one worksite where if I wasnt observing, we would have had a five year old child under the wheels of a bus cause my colleague was on the phone. I had to grab the kid.

This is why hotel quarantine failed, I would hazard a guess and doubt the the chief health officer or department of health would have had induction training for the workplace for the security staff.

It was proven by the hotel staff reporting to police that the quarantinies are freely leaving the hotel to go to 7/11, sometimes the supposed security were filmed walking with the locked up people on the streets.

I work in an office, and if a tradie comes on site who has not worked there we have to do an emergency evac induction

So from the way you accuse Victorians if being responsible for the outbreak. It is the government ineptitude, and from what is apparent lack of training fir those security staff
edit on 12-9-2020 by robsmith because: Spelling

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