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In Australia, hotel quarantine suicides.

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posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 04:25 AM
Hows this for poor performance and mismanagement. On Dans watch due to a substantial lack of most likely funding, and not having proper processes in place, we now have heard of the first of a person in hotel quarantine take their own life.

One welfare call in five days, pathetic chairmsn dan, wish you dan would drop off the perch.
edit on 10-9-2020 by robsmith because: Spelling

edit on Thu Sep 10 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: robsmith

The mismanagement fear-mongering and negative media blitz has likely screwed up more people and will have a longer-lasting effect then COVID 19 ever would have.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: robsmith

FFS bottlenecked calls went through Hello Worlds travel agency contact centre!!!!!

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Agreed, the media is controlling the narrative. All this negativity, it does my head in. All victorian governments, have let mental health services down over the years with poor funding.

The implications of these decisions are serious.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Its pathetic, laying blame on their tools, they would make poor tradespeople. I would hazard a guess that the quaratinies, would have had cell phones if they could not get through on a landline.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 05:19 AM
a reply to: robsmith


posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight
This news only broke in the last few hours, so I cant wait to see the political fallout tomorrow morning at the dictators press conference.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 07:01 AM
Not to mention the BLM protests and other blatant stupidity by the mong Melbournians.

Dont blame your PM, its your actions that are to blame. Seriously, you all sit there giving it "im not a sheeple" but then when your self righteous behavior comes home to roost you blame the government.

Wait, its the governments fault that Victorian Security shagged Victorian quarantine?

Its the Victorian governments fault that they the relax the rules and you take full advantage by acting like d1cks?

Absolutely pathetic blaming governments for this, stay at home, wear a mask when you cant be at home, wash your hands frequently, keep your distance from other, be a grown up and stop acting like children blaming others, take some personal responsibility.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: robsmith
Hows this for poor performance and mismanagement. On Dans watch due to a substantial lack of most likely funding, and not having proper processes in place, we now have heard of the first of a person in hotel quarantine take their own life.

One welfare call in five days, pathetic chairmsn dan, wish you dan would drop off the perch.

So its Dans fault that someone commits suicide?

Tell you what, instead of being like the other politicians and press, what would your solution be? Let them wander the streets giving old people Covid and killing them?

I know people with depression and one who killed himself, he didnt get one welfare call in 10 years. What on earth do you think happens to the mentally ill, some kind of health service support network??? Sorry but it doesnt exist, in any country. Mental health services are not covered entirely by medicare, there is not a team of free health workers for mental health patients.

Covid-19 and quarantine...let me tell you something about mental health, most of us dont want to go out anyway, Covid-19 is a blessing because we dont have to make up lies about how good our weekends were so our colleagues dont know we hate going outdoors with the general public!

Also, for the one reported death of a suicide in quarantine, there have probably been 1000 other suicides in the last 6 months.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Forensick

When I leave the house I wear a mask, I work in a phone farm (call centre) I have to wear a mask all day I dont object to it. It is what it is for me.

The big picture here is this lockdown will be long term, people want some freedom, new south wales doesn't have these harsh restrictions though after the ruby princess crisis, you would think nsw would look like a runaway train. This has not happened.

I am nit sure if you are in vuctoria, we can r eve let the kids play on a playground.

When you are living under what is government mismanagement, and runaway numbers, and being locked up, you dont know how this is affecting mental health.

The dIctator, selected a private security firm to allow him plausible, deniability.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 07:20 AM
Yes.... Hello fellow voice of reason. WTF is Dan supposed to do? Give me YOUR roadmap.
Will you be as harsh when some stuff up causes a wave of covid to spread through NSW? No doubt there is shady s#it going down, but all this Dan hate is just helping the rest get away with it.
To me, he appears to care, and is erring on the side of caution. I've got no problem with that. Keep your poweder dry, because there's way more important people than him to go after.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: homerJ

I think myself and most people I know, is some honesty, particularly with his roadmap, he has not stated if each stage will be repeated until victoria achieved his reduction, and then move to the next or if there will be some leeway.

These are concerns many people have, we just want an honest answer if the reduction is not achieved then what, is it rinse and repeat.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: Forensick

I apologise if this has hit a nerve, I have lost good friends due to mental health. As I stated earlier numerous state governments have seriously failed with mental health services. Now is the time to really pumpin funding and staffing.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: robsmith

Im in NSW and continue to self isolate despite lockdown, there is still a pandemic, we have no vaccine, there are vulnerable people out there.

I go to the shops i need to and come home. I dont need the government to tell me to lock up, because I do it anyway so even if they did, it wouldnt make any difference.

So I dont know how lock down is affecting mental health but you do based on what, media articles?? Its not like the media to have any kind of agenda to sell news is it?

Victoria is a mess because of the public, not the PM, and you wont learn either, the minute he lifts an inch of enforcement, you will blindly congregate in massess causing another outbreak that will put you back in lockdown and you can blame "dan" for lifting sanctions, and then implementing sanctions.

Personal responsibility, its not about claiming to be woke, its not about being a snowflake, it is about taking personal ownership of the pandemic en masse, your failure to do that is what causes government intervention.

Remember, personal responsibility.....

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 07:46 AM
I am a drastic person. I put up with stuff for quite a while but I have a line. If that's crossed I do drastic measures and I really don't care.
We are talking about the media running the narrative right?
Well, I hate reddit but I kept going [rarely] back every now and then to use the conspiracy sub.
Yesterday I was banned from one of the dumbest subs there r/quityourbullshirt because I nearly had an aneurism as they now practice open propaganda for the dumb and the Karens and the eternally scared and the uninformed.

It was literally a pad on the back to condemn people who won't wear masks. Not only that but also condemn ill people who can't wear masks, why?
Because apparently some older woman who apparently said she has asthma wears these things and nothing happened.

Well I have asthma and hot flushes and I get incredibly claustrophobic, which leads to hot flushes and after a short while to asthma.

I thought I'd share that with their community of 12 year olds. I also explained that 'just wear that damn mask' is not an incentive to actually make people who can't and explained why masks are a bad idea. I gave scientific explanations for the exaggeration of covid but as the left can't argue [because their ideal is based on lies] they legged it and cancelled me. [Shrugs shoulders]

Me being drastic, I reached my line. My line of putting up with stupidity and being insulted as a bonus by people with absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Talking to empty NPCs and/or kids.
So I am now deleting my 19 000 posts and then it's hasta la vista reddit.
I tried to leave facecrook too but that will take longer because I live in a different country to my family and I have friends all over the world who I don't want to lose.

I have not used FB for anything but saying 'thanks' when it is my birthday and to get really quickly and free in touch with my nearest and dearest family.
This can all be sorted but it is a long road. I have to give everyone my email, they have to give me theirs [all 200 odd friends] and of course I will be forgotten after a while because some people only remember you when you make a comment. But I hate FB and their ideology and I need out.

Never read any MSN, delete them as offensive on YouTube. It's spring cleaning time.
I would also chuck ATS in seconds if I were ever treated against my heightened sense of justice. So far so amicable despite my naughty step for using an ad blocker. But I can live with that.
There are other places I am already member of.

I think at my age and my mentality, I don't need to help the NWO or the communists or just young idiots that don't know what they are doing when they defend socialism.
It's time for my own circle jerk, at least it's with people who have done some research and came to conclusions on their own.
I cannot cope with Karens in shops [I don't wear a mask], I can't cope with people who are eating up lies or spreading them.

I even cannot cope with government measures that are all based on a calculation error. I need peace from all of that.
My mind isn't coping well.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: robsmith

The mental health has not at all hit a nerve with me, its a real issue and Covid is not helping, it is quite the opposite. But as I said, the government does not fund mental health, it doesnt fund dental health.

Right now, it is funding jobs and the jobless which is by the way, a huge cause of mental health issues.

You might be best stop blaming Dan to sleep easy at night thinking you are 'doing your bit' and try and generate some support for Beyond Blue or other Mental Health charities, these are the places that will call you every week to check in, the health service has never offered that and never will, simply cannot afford it.

Its R U OK day today, donate to a Mental Health Charity and focus your anger at fundraising, Dan is a flash in the pan in the scheme of things, this isnt his mess and he will be gone before its solved, luckily, noone votes for charity.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: Forensick
a reply to: robsmith

there is still a pandemic,

No, there is not. A pandemic occurs when a large portion of the population is infected. Roughly 0.1% of the population has contracted the illness in Australia. The percentage of people who have actually died is negligible.

This is more like flu season.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Forensick

Council workers are carrying on gardening work on parks and yet private companies like Jims Mowing are losing millions in not being able to service their clients. How does a lawnmowing contractor working on his own and putting the invoice in your letterbox pose a risk?

Explain to me in simple concise English why that makes sense?

I'll be waiting news-story/4f7817d39ba02eebc8636c25e9aebf93

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Tucket

So would you rather sit there and say its not a pandemic, its no worse than flu, as you are doing, and see what damage this disease could really do if we just ignored it?

I mean, that is what you are saying, I am not putting words into your mouth here, lets just ignore Covid, its just Flu Season.

I dont wear a mask in flu season, I dont social distance, there are no limited places on busses, bars and gigs sell out 60,000 people gather in the you not suspect that if we acted like that, this may be like the worst flu season x 1000?

But thats ok, play semantics with a word.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: Forensick

Council workers are carrying on gardening work on parks and yet private companies like Jims Mowing are losing millions in not being able to service their clients. How does a lawnmowing contractor working on his own and putting the invoice in your letterbox pose a risk?

Explain to me in simple concise English why that makes sense?

I'll be waiting news-story/4f7817d39ba02eebc8636c25e9aebf93

1. The Media have an agenda, I wouldnt trust anything they print
2. How many council gardeners have you seen working
3. How is it in the governments interest to stop people working and pay them benefits
4. The height of this conspiracy for you, your burning platform, is based around Jims Mowing and Council gardeners?

There there, goats and sheep can eat the grass and they are not banned, sometimes in summer, when mr sun gets really angry, the grass all dies anyway.

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