originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: karl 12
...Doubt many folk keep track of it but reports are coming in on a global level all the time.
Yes indeed they are.
Unfortunately, organisations like MUFON, NUFORC etc do very little with these reports
beyond collecting them. Some work could be done using space & air flight trackers, meteor sky cameras and astronomical software. But sadly I think it
all comes down to a lack of manpower.
So instead we get all the hype and hot air from the likes of Doorbell and The Debris and the world ends up laughing at batman balloons and
It’s funny that the government says last June there were 140 reports and this year (May 2022) we are now up to 400 reports….
They’ve decided to reinvent the wheel yet again, and start all over…..by dismissing all the thousands of previously reported sightings and
Also…..here’s a couple of playing dumb’s…….from the hearing transcript…
Michael Gallagher: (55:26)
It’s also been reported that there have been UAP observed and interacting with and flying over sensitive military facilities, particularly, and not
just ranges, but some facilities housing are strategic nuclear forces. One such incident allegedly occurred at Malmstrom Air Force Base in which 10 of
our nuclear ICBMs were rendered inoperable. At the same time, a glowing red orb was observed overhead. I’m not commenting on the accuracy of this.
I’m simply asking you whether you’re aware of it and whether you have any comment on the accuracy of that report.
Ronald Moultrie: (55:55)
Let me pass that to Mr. Bray. You’ve been looking at UAPs over the last three years.
Scott Bray: (55:58)
That data is not within the holdings of the UAP task force.
Michael Gallagher: (56:03)
Okay. But are you aware of the report or that the data exists somewhere?
Scott Bray: (56:09)
I have heard stories. I have not seen the official data on that.
Michael Gallagher: (56:14)
So you’ve just seen informal stories, no official assessment that you’ve done or exists within DOD that you’re aware of regarding the Malmstrom
Scott Bray: (56:25)
All I can speak to is what’s within my cognizant at the UAP task force, and we have not looked at that incident.
Michael Gallagher: (56:31)
Well, I would say, I mean, it’s a pretty high profile incident. I don’t claim to be an expert on this, but that’s out there in the ether.
You’re the guys investigating it. I mean, who else is doing it?
Ronald Moultrie: (56:42)
If something was officially brought to our attention, we would look at it. There are many things that are out there in the ether that aren’t
officially brought to our attention.
Michael Gallagher: (56:49)
So how would it have to be officially brought to your attention? I’m bringing it to your attention.
Ronald Moultrie: (56:52)
Michael Gallagher: (56:53)
So this is pretty official.
Ronald Moultrie: (56:54)
Sure. So we’ll go back and take a look at it. But generally, there is some authoritative figure that says there is an incident that occurred, we’d
like you to look at this. But in terms of just tracking what may be in the media that says that something occurred at this time at this place, there
are probably be a lot of leads that we would have to follow up on. I don’t think we have the resource to do that right now.
Michael Gallagher: (57:13)
Well, I don’t claim to be an authoritative figure, but for what it’s worth, I would like you to look in into it.
Ronald Moultrie: (57:17)
Michael Gallagher: (57:17)
If for no other reason, you could dismiss it and say, this is not worth wasting resources on.
Ronald Moultrie: (57:22)
Will do.
Michael Gallagher: (57:22)
And then finally, are you aware of a document that appeared around 2019 sometimes called the Admiral Wilson Memo or EW Notes memo?
Ronald Moultrie: (57:32)
I am not.
Michael Gallagher: (57:33)
You’re not.
Ronald Moultrie: (57:33)
Are you?
(Moultrie looking at Bray)
Scott Bray: (57:34)
I’m not personally aware of that.
Michael Gallagher: (57:35)
Okay. This is a document in which, again, I’m not commenting on the veracity, I was hoping you would help me with that, in which a former head of
DIA claims to have had a conversation with the Dr. Eric Wilson and claims to have sort of been made aware of certain contractors or DOD programs that
he tried to get fuller access to and was denied access to. So you’re not aware of that?
Ronald Moultrie: (57:59)
I’m not aware, Congressman.
Michael Gallagher: (58:00)
In my 10 seconds remaining then, I guess I just would ask Mr. Chairman unanimous consent to enter that memo into the record.
Mr. Chairman: (58:08)
Without objection.
They should have some type of answers to Gallagher’s two questions. Once entered into the record ….it becomes an obligation to follow up. Next
hearing is in approximately this December 2022.
edit on 30-5-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)