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The covid-19 Vaccine is probably THE end game

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posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: blend57

Good point. That is most likely their ultimate goal. Make this vaccines a recurring bull# process. Like how almost everything is being changed to....monthly subscription....every month or 3 months, whatever the case may be is what they want. Continuous 'customers' to keep the money flowing. Follow the money as they say right?

posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: Middleoftheroad
If we categorized every illness like we do Coronavirus every illness would be considered a pandemic. This crap is way overblown, not very deadly, and I still don’t know a soul that has it.

The anti-American media does not want a vaccine to arrive before the election, and 70% of Americans will not get the vaccine, because covid-19 is not deadly to the vast majority who do end up Contracting the virus.

The media and Democrats said everyone wanted Obamacare, when in reality less than 20 million ended up enrolling in it. And that number has steadily dropped since the 2015 peak.

posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 11:20 PM
Virginia has already declared the vaccine to be mandatory when they don't even have test results. I don't know if it will work but I've heard it suggested you create a document someone has to sign for indemnity in case you suffer adverse results. Tell them you would be happy to comply if someone will just sign on the dotted line please. Nobody will do that of course so you might get out of it. That's my plan C anyway.

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 02:08 PM
How many of us will outright refuse? I expect quite a few. Why would it be required for say, online shopping? There will be huge black markets for everything. People will refuse to use their currency if it requires an injection... a reply to: St0rD

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
This is not a conspiracy, this is a pandemic. We've had them in the past and we'll have them in the future. We dealt with them in the past and we'll deal with this in the future. We have the tools to deal with them now - our ancestors did not.
In the meantime listen to the damn scientists, stop panicking over bullsh*t conspiracy theories and man up and wear a bloody mask. It will not kill you to observe social distancing and once we have a reliable vaccine we can all go back to normal.

This is the most depressing message I think I ever read. When humanity is told of a deadly terrifying virus which cant be isolated for in testing so they can only test for general antibodies we all make and then wait for a select few with the power to judge that test positive for a virus it didn't even test for or negative for it, when although we will all end up getting this deadly virus but we just have to entrust this elite group of deciders that we are sick since this magical virus doesn't result in any manifestation of symptoms, when we are told about millions dying, when a national count is kept which is clear regarding how it functions, that a person who tests positive for general antibodies the body will have if a person has been sick in the last 18 months with anything counts automatically as one more "case" of Corona virus which is so disgusting a practice since it has no relation to coronavirus whatsoever, simply that the person whom a previous test was used on does indeed have antibodies for illness inside them and the legislators and media work hand in hand to make people think a positive test means a new patient who has caught the disease and that's all their language asserts, nothing honest or to clarify true meaning...nothing...when because we dont yet have a system of contact tracing in place we simply follow the practice of assuming am average person in the week or two after the test will likely come into close quarters with about 18 people this making the nationwide procedure be so one positive test for antibodies in the system adds the number 19 to the count, since to be safe you must also assume all close contact resulted in spread, when that vomit inducing 300,000 number or whatever it is now simply means 16,000 people who took a test to see if antibodies were in their bloodstream did indeed show that they had been I'll with something, anything in the last year or so PLUS their 18 hypothetical friends and family they infected, when no, that cant be so since you had an endless supply of doctors from every single state saying they were commanded to consider any patient a covid case and any death a covid death if the person showed any of the symptoms at time of hospitalization or death, decapitated in a car accident and had a cough that morning? Coronavirus says the coroner. And that's no attempt at humor or exaggeration. Doctors all over were livid announcing they were forced to classify suicides, vehicle fatalities, and you name it as Corona virus. So what does that leave, 8,000 then who were just people who tested positive for a test which doesn't test for corona in the first place? And the average simpleton nincompoop who is working hand in hand to sell out mankind and rape his countrymen with his or her stupidity...just wait for round two. Idiots in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland are all starting to lose their crap this week as the media reports a coming 2and wave and they cry on tv about the terrifying number of cases skyrocketing. Again these morons dont get that all they report, and likely not the least bit honestly, is the number of positive tests for a random non Corona virus antibody test. I DID puke when I learned that none of these nations have seen a single COVID death since July. Is the virus weaker this time? No moron! Get it through your head, they control how desperate a pandemic is being experienced by controlling the number of tests administered. Wanna make a frightening second wave force people to buckle down even more? Just dont test people the la ssd's t few weeks then grab any random 5000 people and test them for being sick i km the last year and OMG, we begin tonight with an urgent message to the nation, we have had a sudden skyrocketing spike of 5000 new cases (BS) which can only mean one thing. That we simply opened up 5000 testing k...I mean, that we are in a more dangerous second wave and we must bunker in place and not leave our homes 12 months since we must have failed in our attempt to stop the virus from March to September! 100 doctors in Dallas alone meet on the steps of town hall to send out an urgent message that even the most sickly and elderly people who have been labeled as infected by the elite deciders which numbered up to 300 patients per doctor, were cured with a simple week of Chloroquinine and not one single patient no matter how weak or old even came close to dying. Their message was blocked from TV and on internet sites as Faucci had just put Chloroquinine on a nationwide total restriction. He calls it a conspiracy and just doesn't say ANYTHING when the very next morning, a study is found and all its literature from 2003 by what do you know, Dr. FAUCCI who did a study on a grant looking for the best way to cure a Coronavirus. His conclusion was that for any and all strains of it, Chloroquinine alone was the medicine that must be administered and better yet with erythromycin on too of it. He begins to refuse to acknowledge anyone who brings this study up and immediately exits the area if it is mentioned. He calls trump a maniac for suggesting Chloroquinine be used as first medication for the virus before the study is discovered then stays far from trump and avoids polling at him suddenly after that's out in the open. The CDC lowered its death toll at least ten times as it just never added up, hospitals faked being full that were actually entirely empty, and then CDC and WHO make alteration number 11 two days ago and say ok, it seems wr got it even more wrong and that scary number you know? Well you actually gotta cut it down to between 3 and 6 percent of what it's at because it turns out THAT is the real number of cases. And now they are looking at bringing it down to 2 to 4 percent.

No offense, or yes offense...I really dont care when people are so reckless with sources of info a toddler would know better than to listen contracting Mama Cass Elliot to draft a weight loss plan or asking a Millennial or Gen Z'er to do long division, spell a polysylabic word, or ride Its a Small World without the overt racism and endless microaggressions seeing Walt himself's cryogenically frozen head dragged outside, bashed, and burned alongside that night's statue of Frederick Douglass, the also filthy racist...

...screw u, if u can honestly experience all that & your conclusion using your sense of logic and reason is that we are in the middle of a pandemic, six figures of people have been infected, there's no medicine for it, and we must social distance and wear masks till a vaccine comes out savior gates keeps touting (as thousands of kids in Chad last month were infected w/Polio from a Gates™️Vaccine with live polio) even tho doctors swear no such thing as vaccine for a CV, you're dangerous and helping destroy mankind and freedom. The dumbest fool ever could see it's all a frame job to take control & beginning the 2 class system

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: St0rD

Which is all under the blanket of Ordo ab Chao!

Order out of Chaos.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
I think that a nasty coronavirus has emerged (inevitably given mankind's ability to mess with nature), that it's killing people and that attention needs to be brought to this whole screwed up situation. This is not a conspiracy, this is a pandemic. We've had them in the past and we'll have them in the future. We dealt with them in the past and we'll deal with this in the future. We have the tools to deal with them now - our ancestors did not.
In the meantime listen to the damn scientists, stop panicking over bullsh*t conspiracy theories and man up and wear a bloody mask. It will not kill you to observe social distancing and once we have a reliable vaccine we can all go back to normal.

It’s a minor illness for the overwhelming majority of people who contract it. So much so that a huge number of “carriers” show no symptoms.

Is there an illness? Yes. Should at risk people take precautions? Absolutely.

Has this been turned into a political stunt to forward an agenda? Absolutely. No doubt about it.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
Bill Gates has already made it clear he has a depopulation agenda.The MSM is happy to promote this. Covid19 is only the start to cull the herd. From what I have seen so far with the relation between flu shots and covid deaths ain't good.

This is a long term program, those that do expose themselves to vaccinations will be more exposed to future genetic manipulation from the data so far. Trust requires understanding, all i understand so far is a pandemic of fake news.

Take it a step further. I feel like we are in an old movie called Arcadia. Watched it on hulu. Not the greatest, but a powerful point.

The government was making it mandatory that prople take this medicine, now insert vaccine, to cure people. Bill Gates said we might have to take more than one dose of vaccine for it to be effective. In the movie they took it daily, and most were sick.

There were people who questioned the medicine. They were arrested. Long movie short, the people who questioned the medicine found out beyond a doubt and got proof that the medicine was making the people sick and die.

The government did it intentionally for population control. The Earth was too over populated. Happy ending, the resisters released the proof as millions were glued to their tvs. All they had to do was stop taking the medicine to get better.

The only thing I wondered was how did the government get people to take medicine when they were not sick. The movie didnt say. With what is happening now current day, I can see how it started.

A virus created in a lab got out, and some people did get sick, and a few died. Not much worse than other flus and viruses that got world wide attention like the swine flu.

Now insert mass hysteria created by the media, statements by the CDC, and shutting down states and countries. Heavily sensor doctors speaking out against the lockdown, isolation, and masks. Call all other potential cures, and drugs that have had success as dangerous. Only the vaccine will allow poeple go back to normal.

Now I have the beginning of the movie Arcadia. To think a part of Bill Gates plan is busted wide open by an old movie, as if someone knew the plan. Maybe the plan has been there all along, and never really changed. Just got some up dates. The movie tried to serve as a warning back then. Will we heed that warning now?

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: St0rD

ALERT FYI - July 28, 2021

California counties with the highest vaccination rates, are also leading the state in the number of new Covid-19 cases.


National news media is HIDING THIS CONNECTION. It's a pleasant surprise to see the Sacramento CBS affiliate have the nerve to go against the wishes of CBS News' New York headquarters, by broadcasting this revelation.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 12:36 PM
For me at this point, the suspicion is that COVID-19 is the threat/mechanism and the experimental vaccines are the objective and the true purpose could be many different things. The media and medicos in general have completely removed the "experimental" tag from the vaccines. Toronto talk radio hosts absolutely denigrate callers who try and defend their stance of not taking the vax. I have family members that live on their own who refuse to see me because I am not vaccinated. I see the 5G roll-out continues under the advertised "make your life more convenient" shtick however I am suspicious of it in relation to these vaccines, which for all intents and purposes I consider to be a refined Trojan Horse that I dare not question because I'm not smart enough. I'm getting more and more "you are selfish and inconsiderate" backlash from a few of the vaccinated lemmings I come across. I expect that to increase dramatically over the next 3 months. I also expect to be given the ultimatum soon at work, the gym and more and more corporate entities.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
I think that a nasty coronavirus has emerged (inevitably given mankind's ability to mess with nature), that it's killing people and that attention needs to be brought to this whole screwed up situation. This is not a conspiracy, this is a pandemic. We've had them in the past and we'll have them in the future. We dealt with them in the past and we'll deal with this in the future. We have the tools to deal with them now - our ancestors did not.
In the meantime listen to the damn scientists, stop panicking over bullsh*t conspiracy theories and man up and wear a bloody mask. It will not kill you to observe social distancing and once we have a reliable vaccine we can all go back to normal.

Wow I bet you feel smart..

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 04:01 AM
Where are we now in 2021, brothers?

Everywhere I look lately I hear about the ''need'' for mandatory vaccination to be implemented into all aspects of society.
The amount of hate and division between us is at an all time high.
The obvious push by the Government and the medias that represent them to forcefully inject the Covid shot into all of us, even our childrens and babies without our consent, is starting to get truly disturbing.

What is in this vaccine that they are doing everything in their power to vaccinate humanity as a whole as fast as possible?
wtf is going on....

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