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Just a lowly waiter who heard a thing.

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posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: jommison
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

The thing is the next closest infected zone is 1500km away.. no-one within 500kms+ has ever had covid, we had hard biosecurity borders.

That means our state premier is lying and this virus isn't isolated wayyy down yonder.

If they are quiet about it in my town the knock on effects to indigenous communities will be detrimental including the people I know undergoing cancer remission and elderly.

I'm worried for my friends and I hope what I heard isn't true.

I don't know what to do so I post here

What country are you in?

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

Are you saying that because it is true or because the tests all come back poitive for COVID?

Covid 19 is waaaaaaaay overhyped. Except when it isn’t. I’ve taken care of over fifty elderly that had a positive test. All had fevers. A few had no other symptoms than fever. A couple didn’t even mind the fever. Felt fine. For most, flu-like symptoms. About 6 died. All 6 were on the way out with other comorbidities. About 10 of my coworkers had positive test. I can’t trust them to tell me how bad they felt. Of course they’re going to say it was bad. They were off work.
2 coworkers died. One woman in her early sixties but a strong sixty. The other a 32 man who was a bodybuilder in his free time.
This virus seems to be completely random.
I think it targets specific people. But that’s just my baseless conspiracy theory

Yes,it morbidly impacts people with a hug insitu volume of pleomorphic bacteria in their guts......nothing else matters.....just this insitu population of bad gut bacteria....ya gotta kill it ASAP.
edit on 26-8-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 10:52 AM
Covid is everywhere but most times it does not require hospital stay. We get to know how many people around here have covid from the news, we have been at eighteen deaths for a long time and the vast majority of covid cases around here are not harmful to the person who has it. That four cases may have been accumulative they were talking about, so it won't be on the news as new cases. They give us both results, total infections by county, and those who are healed already plus covid deaths in the area. Go to your local hospital website and they will probably have the number in the hospital at the present time. There are very few in the hospital here, evidently we should be catching this disease in the summer so we do not get a severe case, then gaining immunity for the winter when we are stuck at higher risk for a more severe case.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: jommison

Drop a tip to your local news outlet and see what happens

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: jommison

Makes me wonder if we're an experiment

we are in an experiment... its too see how gullible and subservient people like you are when they are scared. and how good little boys and girls you are by following orders.

the results of the experiment are disturbing.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

Otherwise, your risk increases as your age does, but that's a given with most illnesses.

In fact like I always like to say.....

Its a given that your risk increases, regardless of any illness, as you age anyway.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: smkymcnugget420

No way.
I live in the south and I just had to have a snowplow installed to push the plague bodies from the road so I could just drive to my rainbow yoga class.

Maybe it's a literal retardation virus.
For a pandemic, I see zero sick people and tons of retarded behavior.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
Vitamin C and active and in the sunshine works.....Vit C.....when under attack take 4000mg's....a day

a reply to: GBP/JPY

Like China ordered day 1.....ascorbic acid they reported...

People need to know why.

Vitamin C delivered liposomally in proper concentrations will oxygenate your bloodstream....when the Vitamin C breaks down a by-product is o2......high levels of 02 kills bugs in your blood dead....just talk to your Doctor.

Honey achieves this 100x more effectively and aids in countless other bio processes.

You do need C but y'all are taking to much. Plus the industrial C is not as good as natural sources. The body somehow knows the difference.

The only real way to be healthy is to have a diverse diet with fruits veggies nuts herbs etc. Exercise some, rest well, drink water, and eat the damn honey.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: smkymcnugget420
a reply to: jommison

Makes me wonder if we're an experiment

we are in an experiment... its too see how gullible and subservient people like you are when they are scared. and how good little boys and girls you are by following orders.

the results of the experiment are disturbing.

Are you not participating and doing your part in your area?

How's that working for you in your world?

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: jommison

Perhaps they are properly quarantined and no danger to the public at large?

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

i only wash my hands after i poop, i never wash the mask i am forced to wear in the 2 place i HAVE to go to be alive. i never wear it if i can help it. i don't social distance, i shake hands, touch my face all the damn time. and i go to parties.

i am not doing my part to the best of my ability. screw the collective.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
Vitamin C and active and in the sunshine works.....Vit C.....when under attack take 4000mg's....a day

a reply to: GBP/JPY

Like China ordered day 1.....ascorbic acid they reported...

People need to know why.

Vitamin C delivered liposomally in proper concentrations will oxygenate your bloodstream....when the Vitamin C breaks down a by-product is o2......high levels of 02 kills bugs in your blood dead....just talk to your Doctor.

Its actually Hydrogen Peroxide it breaks down into, not O². And having high levels of O² in your blood doesn't "kill bugs dead" - if you talk to your doctor, he/she will laugh at that one. Even if the doctor is a "Bacteria Poop Theory" believer, they'll know better than tobelieve that one.

Don't just spout off nonsense as if its truth.
edit on 8/26/2020 by dogstar23 because: Off* nonsense, not of* nonsense. That doesn't even make sense. Well, it sort of does, but wasn't my intent. %$@#ing phone keyboard **smashsmashsmash!**

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
a reply to: smkymcnugget420

No way.
I live in the south and I just had to have a snowplow installed to push the plague bodies from the road so I could just drive to my rainbow yoga class.

Maybe it's a literal retardation virus.
For a pandemic, I see zero sick people and tons of retarded behavior.

Saw the documentary on AMC. I think it was called "The Walking Dead."

You folks in the South have it rough!

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: jommison

Cases or people that tested positive?

I know personally, several people that tested positive, and their family, and spouse, that sleeps in the same bed, was tested three times and tested negative all three times.

If they are hospitalized cases, they should be easy to follow up on. Isn't that what contact tracing is all about?

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: smkymcnugget420

Well friend, I sincerely hope you stay well. You don't wait a table when dead...

Think about it. Stay well.

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
Vitamin C and active and in the sunshine works.....Vit C.....when under attack take 4000mg's....a day

a reply to: GBP/JPY

Like China ordered day 1.....ascorbic acid they reported...

People need to know why.

Vitamin C delivered liposomally in proper concentrations will oxygenate your bloodstream....when the Vitamin C breaks down a by-product is o2......high levels of 02 kills bugs in your blood dead....just talk to your Doctor.

Honey achieves this 100x more effectively and aids in countless other bio processes.

You do need C but y'all are taking to much. Plus the industrial C is not as good as natural sources. The body somehow knows the difference.

The only real way to be healthy is to have a diverse diet with fruits veggies nuts herbs etc. Exercise some, rest well, drink water, and eat the damn honey.

I use Rose Hips made into tea with Coconut oil.Works great for me.
edit on 27-8-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: dogstar23

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
Vitamin C and active and in the sunshine works.....Vit C.....when under attack take 4000mg's....a day

a reply to: GBP/JPY

Like China ordered day 1.....ascorbic acid they reported...

People need to know why.

Vitamin C delivered liposomally in proper concentrations will oxygenate your bloodstream....when the Vitamin C breaks down a by-product is o2......high levels of 02 kills bugs in your blood dead....just talk to your Doctor.

Its actually Hydrogen Peroxide it breaks down into, not O². And having high levels of O² in your blood doesn't "kill bugs dead" - if you talk to your doctor, he/she will laugh at that one. Even if the doctor is a "Bacteria Poop Theory" believer, they'll know better than tobelieve that one.

Don't just spout off nonsense as if its truth.

My Doctors dont laugh @ me they take notes from me.

You know the Pleomorphic Bacteria story so say it only a Coward would choose not to.

First link should clue you in , second link is your Jackpot,use it.There is a MOUNTAIN of available research data so dont worry if this isnt your style we have a lot more shoes for you to try on if these dont fit.

You wouldnt know truth if it walked up and gave you a Purple Herman.

Careful what you post until you can begin to understand the 2nd link.Because I shall happily spoon-feed it to you now that you have engaged.

edit on 27-8-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 03:15 AM
The scientific verbiage needs to be re-structured.

But here some more food for thought....that pins things down nicely.

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 10:48 PM
Like I was saying....bad pleomorphic gut bacteria that enters our body via parasitic impacts within our Foodchain----untreated Foods...only a few--.

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Enteric Microbial Supplements are Known to Help the Gut Extinguish the Bad Bacteria in them . Food for Thought .

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