Hi I am not sure if many of you are aware, here in Victoria, we are now into a second round of enforced shutdown, as well as curfews, we cannot leave
the house after 8pm, except i you are an essential worker or an Uber eats driver!!
Dictator Dan Andrews, our illustrious wanna-be leader has put us into another long term lockdown, and he is in discussion with the solicitor general
to extend lockdown laws, unfortunately there is no detail on what these changes will mean.
If people think its not so bad an 8pm curfew, I'll give you a couple of examples of how questionable things are getting here in Victoria. After work,
I stopped by the local pizza shop ordered and as advised by these laws, wait outside until your order is ready. I was reading on my phone, when these
3 protective service officers (sort of cops though with less powers, though they can arrest) were eyeing me off, and I head one of them on their
mobile, running a rego check on my car. I was a bit pissed off by this as I did nothing wrong.
I did not confront them as I know how these guys work as I used to work on the buses, and on really quiet nights they would blatantly antagonize
someone who is an easy target just to get them to arc up and then they use this as an entry to arrest, and slap unwarranted charges just to get a
stat, and some entertainment. They really are evil.
My wife is on a running group on facebook, and one of her friends were stopped by the po-lice asking what is she up-to and where is she going, she
said for a run. The police asked for i.d, which she did not have, so the po-lice demanded and accessed her garmin gps watch to track her route to see
if she was within 5 kilometres of home. If that was me, I would have said come and see me when you have a warrant to search my device, see ya L8R.
It really saddens me as I have tried to educate people on what the real underlying reasons are that Dictator dan is trying to pull, and that is full
control over people. Fine people if we are out without a mask, fine us if we don't have a valid reason to leave home, fine us if we are out after
Dictator dan has really taken victoria for a ride, we are economically doomed, he has authorised massive projects such as the west gate tunnel project
16 Billion, the airport rail link 10 billion, the east west link another 16 billion, let alone the loss of state taxes form all the business which are
shut due to his decisions. The budget is going to be stuffed for decades.
The dictator has signed a secret memorandum of understanding with china, what is contained within this is unknown and he will not disclose what is
contained, I have an opinion, that due to these current events, it may allow china to freely take over many failed businesses without having to seek
any state foreign investment approval. It sound stupid though he has really screwed victoria over.
I really have to thank George Orwell for a view of what I see as a reality, Newspeak, the stupid non sensical slogans used by the dictator such as
"keeping apart keeps us together", "Were all in this together" These slogans to me mean the opposite.
On the news tonight a man at a servo in Laverton was shot at by police as the police claimed he drove at them, this was after curfew, within the T.V
news report it was the same junk, discredit the supposed criminal, by saying he had recently been released and was on bail. The guy probably made a
bad decision, though a round fired off who knows it this was warranted, as it is what the police report that stated he drove at us "so we fired at
him" not the supposed perp so who really knows. I saw this story as well if you dont do the right thing this "May happen to you"
I am really frustrated with where we are going here in victoria, we have no real leadership. The press conferences are, I havent been fully brifed on
this, you are our supposed premier, you should know your stuff.
As you probably can tell I do not like this man.
sorry about the long winded rant, I just had to get this out there.
edit on 16-8-2020 by robsmith because: bad spelling