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Lightfoot denounces Chicago violence

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posted on Aug, 14 2020 @ 11:30 AM
Chicago must be starting to strain polling in regards to democrat election chances.

posted on Aug, 14 2020 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Drucifer

Just ONCE, I would love to hear a mayor of any town sound as fed up & disgusted as they claim to be. You know, a relatable, "Would you mangy pieces of s# knock it the f# off and grow up already" would be nice, it'd prove they're mean what falls out of their mouths, to an extent.

Sometimes the "polished/professional" approach really doesn't have much worth. When real people get pissed, they show it both in facial & body language, and typically in silver tongue language. Not getting that vibe from many mayors, or governors for that matter. Makes you wonder who's really human and who's just a talking organic meat sack shell anymore, doesn't it?

posted on Aug, 14 2020 @ 12:19 PM
Anyone directing questions to me are directing them to the wrong place. I live nowhere near Chicago and never once have even had an interest in visiting. "The Windy City" title alone keeps me at bay, I prefer the comfort of a hot sun.

I just found it to be an interesting statement from her and not one I've heard from anyone in Portland. If she keeps up her word, good on Chicago, if she doesn't, I won't be surprised. As stated, I have zero faith in elected officials to do anything but f*ck things up more than they already are.

Rarely have I heard anyone get tough or pissed off when talking to the press and while I'd certainly champion it when we're in dire times, I'm not surprised at the pussyfooting, especially from the left.

Speaking of people getting pissed/angry, I just watched that shouting match between Pelosi, Trump and Schumer for the first time last night and if anything has ever convinced me that all the politicians are in on it together, it was that. I'm surprised we couldn't hear a producer in the background giving queue's for when it was the next person's turn to raise their voice and act like they actually gave a sh!t.

posted on Aug, 14 2020 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: Drucifer
Anyone directing questions to me are directing them to the wrong place. I live nowhere near Chicago and never once have even had an interest in visiting. "The Windy City" title alone keeps me at bay, I prefer the comfort of a hot sun.

I live in Chicago. It's not called the windy city because of actual wind velocity. It's in reference to politicians from years ago.

posted on Aug, 14 2020 @ 01:49 PM
negotiations for next covid payout failed
Trump used Exec Orders instead

Pelosi was pushing for reconstruction $
not happening this year.

so maybe she realized she wasn't getting paid any time soon so now she's trying to get it under control?

posted on Aug, 14 2020 @ 04:09 PM
Publicly "denounces" violence because federal funds are involved. Privately, though, everything is fine .

posted on Aug, 14 2020 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: Drucifer

Mayor Lightfoot knows that the state's attorney for Chicago will release one out of every three convicted criminals... and decline to prosecute a bunch more.

posted on Aug, 14 2020 @ 04:59 PM
Mayor Lightfoot just allowed the BLM rioters to run the Macy's anchor store out of Chicago.

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