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White slavery

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posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: halfoldman

Also the loads of human traficking that sapien talked about. China has concentration camps with like a million people in there who probably work for free.

It starts to make sense why there is that claim that the modern world has the most slavery.

posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: Spider879

originally posted by: eletheia

SOoooo......does that mean that the black population can no longer use

slavery to promote 'white guilt'?

You know it's not just about "Slavery" which was common in almost all African, Asian and adjoining middle east societies but racializing the institution, where as before it was an unfortunate condition, that had nothing to do with what you could not control about yourself, your physical make up, add to that the form it took in the west..that of chattel , which was particularly dehumanizing , leaving very little room for upward mobility, now because of the racialization of that peculiar institution , attitude of worth came into being , and followed us post slavery, thus modern racism and its fallout is connected to it.

Another thing, it was not Black folks who denied white folks were never slaves, lay that on those white folks who wrote books that made it seemed White folks were just too damned superior to ever being slaves, especially to none Whites, that attitude is still a thing among many today , with taunts of some white Ppl that their ancestors owned "BLACK SLAVES"

Yeah I never understood that either.
"White" ppl in history seem really nationalists warring against each other not exactly united.

But i guess for some the idea of superior Aryan theme was too much to resist.

Its awful we consider Saudi Arabia a close ally when they practice modern day slavery.

Enslavement is repugnant

posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: Spider879
You know it's not just about "Slavery" which was common in almost all African, Asian and adjoining middle east societies but racializing the institution, where as before it was an unfortunate condition, that had nothing to do with what you could not control about yourself, your physical make up, add to that the form it took in the west..that of chattel , which was particularly dehumanizing , leaving very little room for upward mobility, now because of the racialization of that peculiar institution , attitude of worth came into being , and followed us post slavery, thus modern racism and its fallout is connected to it.

^^^^ The same could be said for women?

They too were chattel and belongings?

The thing about the past is that we 'should' have learned to be better

people and the past should stay in the past where it belongs ...... and

not being constantly raked up to justify the lack of self esteem of others.

edit on 8-8-2020 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: eletheia

originally posted by: Spider879
You know it's not just about "Slavery" which was common in almost all African, Asian and adjoining middle east societies but racializing the institution, where as before it was an unfortunate condition, that had nothing to do with what you could not control about yourself, your physical make up, add to that the form it took in the west..that of chattel , which was particularly dehumanizing , leaving very little room for upward mobility, now because of the racialization of that peculiar institution , attitude of worth came into being , and followed us post slavery, thus modern racism and its fallout is connected to it.

The same could be said for women?

They too were chattel and belongings?

The thing about the past is that we 'should' have learned to be better

people and the past should stay in the past where it belongs ...... and

not being constantly raked up to justify the inability of self esteem of


Seems like during the times of kings and emperors everyone was owned. No?

edit on 8-8-2020 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 08:40 AM
anyone could sell themselves into slavery long ago. Parents would also sell their kids into slavery. Think about this, what is selling your daughter to someone to marry actually doing, a dowry is given to the father of the girl. It has been going on for thousands of is still happening.

Also, the parents of the bride are supposed to pay for the wedding, and the husband is supposed to support the daughter after that, that is also a form of indenture.

edit on 8-8-2020 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: eletheia

originally posted by: Spider879
You know it's not just about "Slavery" which was common in almost all African, Asian and adjoining middle east societies but racializing the institution, where as before it was an unfortunate condition, that had nothing to do with what you could not control about yourself, your physical make up, add to that the form it took in the west..that of chattel , which was particularly dehumanizing , leaving very little room for upward mobility, now because of the racialization of that peculiar institution , attitude of worth came into being , and followed us post slavery, thus modern racism and its fallout is connected to it.

^^^^ The same could be said for women?

They too were chattel and belongings?

The thing about the past is that we 'should' have learned to be better

people and the past should stay in the past where it belongs ...... and

not being constantly raked up to justify the lack of self esteem of others.

Oh yes the female aspect was very very bad on a good day, the best she would hope for was to be the wives or concubine of a " great" man..or the mother of a great man , she could then dominate things from behind the scenes, that aspect cannot be over looked.

And yeah while it would be great to let it go, the stink of it followed both the descendants of the Slavers and the enslaved, post slavery ie Jim Crow, which lasted another 90yrs..right up to the 70ts, so it's not just about esteem issues but very real concrete issues connected to that.
edit on 8-8-2020 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic

originally posted by: eletheia

originally posted by: Spider879
You know it's not just about "Slavery" which was common in almost all African, Asian and adjoining middle east societies but racializing the institution, where as before it was an unfortunate condition, that had nothing to do with what you could not control about yourself, your physical make up, add to that the form it took in the west..that of chattel , which was particularly dehumanizing , leaving very little room for upward mobility, now because of the racialization of that peculiar institution , attitude of worth came into being , and followed us post slavery, thus modern racism and its fallout is connected to it.

The same could be said for women?

They too were chattel and belongings?

The thing about the past is that we 'should' have learned to be better

people and the past should stay in the past where it belongs ...... and

not being constantly raked up to justify the inability of self esteem of


Seems like during the times of kings and emperors everyone was owned. No?

No not everyone, there were what I'd call proto middle class, merchants and the like, but most system out side of Slavery itself , had a system of patronship , meaning you owe someone services , whom you were dependent on to move ahead.
edit on 8-8-2020 by Spider879 because: Fix stuff.

posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Yes that's a good point, in the modern day of China becoming an economic superpower, if we throw off the nomenclature, and ask a CCP official what are a million people doing in that Camp. Where they are required to work which is part of the rules for their incarceration. It has to be called a Concentration Camp where free labor is exploited. Do the UN call it what it is? then on the other hand where a poor country peasant sells his daughter to a Brothel, where on the surface Slavery and Prostitution is illegal. But practiced openly. Have we already entered the world of double speak. Where these things are still an economic necessity but cant be called for what they are as it might destroy our paradigm of the modern world .I am not China bashing as all that exists there still exists in the West. But it has to be asked is Chinas economic rise the result of slavery by another name.

posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

When slaves were emancipated and freed, the family and their "help", as my aunt corrected us in her stories, cried due to the separation and uncertain future they now faced.

This caused sadness in me for mankind.
I suffer from a tender heart and often feel great anger first.
Followed by deep sorrow. My dear wife thought I was bipolar.
But now in these times the anger is often skipped.

It might interest you to note my family comes out of Missouri as well.
I was born in St. Joseph. I can only admit to great stubbornness in my
family. But fairness to every man you come across was preached to my
Dad. And all of us kids by him and his father after relocation in Cali when
I was two.

posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: anonentity

The problem is that eighty per cent of the population fall for it.

They very well do and I find that very weak and therefore disgusting.
edit on 8-8-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: sapien82

and these are the same principles we find ourselves all working under now

How clever evil is when the reality of it is made known. I see an intelligence
beyond the capability of man all thru history. No matter the topic. Not exactly
evidence but none the less it is confirmation for me.

This is an awesome thread.

posted on Aug, 8 2020 @ 05:44 PM

What you speak of is true. Not only did the Jew practice this but most of the world. It was a way to pay off debt.
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Imagine the unity we would enjoy in this society if a practice like this
was employed. And how do we see ourselves as more intelligent now?
I know I can't and the academic narrative fails "Again and again and
again". To quote Cometas in " The Gladitor" lol. Oh! the irony! lol

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Forget historic white slavery, we're seeing it a lot in the modern world. Every year thousands of white Eastern European women are trafficked into Western Europe and forced into prostitution in red light districts and illegal brothels.

Usually this is an Eastern European on Eastern European crime run by people smuggling gangs.

There's also a significant ongoing problem with Asians being smuggled into Europe to be sex slaves or for use as labor by drugs gangs. It's a particular problem in Britain where Vietnamese people are being enslaved in vast numbers.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: anonentity


Slavery does discriminate, no matter what color or creed you are.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
The problem with slavery is that its not much of a problem as long as you are not the one being used as a slave. But fifty years before the first slave left Africa for the Americas, The white slave markets of North Africa had already taken over a million white slaves. The problem was so great the British navy had to be greatly expanded to cope with the slave raids on the coastal villages.
It is a sad part of this sorry story which seems to be left out of the history books.

This is not at all left out of history books, you are just pretending it is so you can be outraged about something and claim no one cares about white people. Anyone who paid the vaguest attention in school knows slavery was essentially everywhere across all ethnic groups prior to it being abolished in the US. That was the era most countries were coming to their senses that it should be stopped, though it did continue in some areas. Schools also taught you about indentured servitude which, despite a different name, was essentially slavery (clearly indicated at the school I went to) for white people coming to the new world.

Poor white people, you just can't get a break!

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Far more than a million I am certain, those estimates are highly conservative and only based on numbers that can be supported by surviving records such as church registers etc.

However back then record keeping was not very common and since the church was often attacked by the slavers survival of those records was often doubtful and of course time destroyed most of what they did not.

White slavery continues to this day, there is a hunger for white, blond young woman and children in Islamic nations, when they can not get Europeans they will often kidnap from non Islamic minority's within there own nations.

While for Western Europe the main enemy and taker of European's as slaved were the Berber and Arabic tribes of north Africa and the Ottoman empire and it continued until at least the 1830's when regular slaver pirate raid's were more or less stopped by the conquest of the Slavers homeland's by Britain, France and The Netherlands this was not the whole story by far.

While most slaves had been taken by north African slavers during previous century's even sub Saharan African empires had often indulged in the trade in White Slaves.

The main culprit behind African AND European slavery (this is debatable since Europe often had conquering rulers that imposed serfdom onto there subjects which is of course a form of ownership and slavery as well and they were often very cruel masters to the peoples of Europe - notably the Normans in Western Europe and other groups in eastern Europe, indeed the word Slav which is used to identify so called Slavic People's is the origin of the word Slave and that is exactly what the Slav's were to there rulers).

Certainly while we have far better records for the sheer and horrific number of people Bought and Sold from Africa by the western powers - and less accurate numbers for those that died in the crossing to the America's and while probably more African's have been slaves over all if we also take into account Islamic Enslavement the real figures may be very much closer than the conservative estimate for Europeans that have been enslaved (By non European's including African's).

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: carsforkids
a reply to: anonentity

Why does everyone believe this crap that people were enslaved
because of racism. If the people of Africa were brown instead of
black. How much difference would it have made to the slave market?
Or slave owners? The people of Africa and Native Americans were
both treated horribly for one reason only. The civilized world saw
them as savages first. No matter what skin color they had.

Actually RACISM was later used as a tool, the greatest gift the Slave traders in western Europe and the America's had was Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution which was used to try to make the Black African's and other native peoples into other than human being's, it was used by these despicable men also against the lower classes in there own society's.

So while Racism was not part of Slavery at first it definitely became part of Slavery as the trade grew to industrial proportion's.

But the strong have always persecuted and oppressed the weak, rule by force and slavery is just part of that is a sad and very evil fact of the human races history and spans all ethnicity's.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: halfoldman
Many other forms too - for example the armies and navies at the time.

Not all those men were willing recruits.

There were press-gangs, and young drunk men could suddenly go missing.
Wakey, wakey - party last night dude?
Ouch my head, why does everything seem so wavey?
Because we are now in the mid-Atlantic, and you are a slave of the Dutch East India Company.

In Portland they actually had trap-doors in the pubs.
Having a cheers - whoops, you've been shanghaied and sold to a navy.

Let's not even talk about Australia, and "convict" labor.
Slavery in effect.

Yip, here is a short video on the Shanghai Tunnels. It's almost like Portland has always hid evil below the surface.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Those last few posts are pretty enlightening, who would have guessed.

Marines wouldn't need to guess, it's in our hymn “To the Shores of Tripoli”

Ooh Rah

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Actually RACISM was later used as a tool, the greatest gift the Slave traders in western Europe and the America's had was Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution which was used to try to make the Black African's and other native peoples into other than human being's, it was used by these despicable men also against the lower classes in there own society's.

Already been agreed to in an earlier post. Just after mine went up
good sir. But none the less truth in every right. A bit of evilution
one might say without spell check.

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