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When Will the U.S.A. Formally Split?

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posted on Aug, 1 2020 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

The fact that there are still people around in this day of age that actually entertain the notion of rapture.

Or anything, or anyone, coming to save them, other than themselves is half the problem really.

No, they're not the problem. You, and those who think like you, are the problem.

I've read your posts for a long time. Pure pessimism. Absolute, unadultered, 100% pessimism. You must live an absolutely miserable life, sitting there behind your keyboard always so sure that everything is bad, everyone is bad, and things will never get better because humanity its very self is bad. You say you have hope, but what you have is not hope... it is a dream that you can't bear to allow to come to pass, because if anything ever happened that wasn't bad it would invalidate your very existence.

Yeah, someone still believes in the rapture. What is that to you? How does someone else's belief threaten you? How does it harm you? I'll tell you how: it means there are people out here that are not wallowing in their own self-created misery, people who have some hope for something better, and you can't stand that. When one is so miserable, they want everyone else to be miserable as well... misery loves company.

Yeah, the USA was conquered. The indigenous people were killed off by the hundreds of thousands, initially from disease brought by the settlers. But what you don't seem to want to comprehend is that those indigenous settlers didn't know what they were doing. They just wanted a better life for themselves. Do you really think they huddled together somewhere prior to taking a journey that had a high probability of costing them their very lives, going "Hey, Jim, you got smallpox, right? You're on the crew. When we get there, go cough on anyone with dark skin."

I mean, really, dude. Get a grip.

The way out of all this hatred is for everyone to accept that what happened long ago happened long ago, we got past it, and move on. Everyone is special. Every culture is special. Every people is special. As long as we hate anyone, including ourselves, for something that happened before we were born, we will never progress past where we are right now.

YOU are stopping the progress... no one else. YOU.


posted on Aug, 1 2020 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Yes, I'm stopping progress. LoL

Have a pop and me and say i have a crap life if it makes you feel any better.

It's not me that's terrified the sky is going to fall now is it?

Nice to see i hold your attention and you are attempting to picture me in your head, even if you are way off. x

Creepy but the sentiments appreciated.

Progress is about to run all over the top of the USA, and that's nothing to do with people like me.

As to hatred nobody hates America, just what it is becoming, then again it seems to be to her senses.

So its all good or at least in the post.

Life is what you make it theredneck.

As to rapture, crap in one hand wish in the other, think you know which one will fill up first.


edit on 1-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2020 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Honestly, China could roll up to the west coast and I'd bet most of the people there would welcome them with open arms.

a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Oh, come on! You know if someone automatically disagrees with anything the left has to say it means they're automatically a Trump supporter!

a reply to: andy06shake

Even the highest end estimates put the Native population within the US and Canada at under 20 million at its peak, around the time of Norse expedition to where the Norse called Vinland. This was late 10th or early 11th century, and is concurrent with an epidemic that ravaged Erik the Red's colony in Greenland. By the time the major world powers in Europe had begun colonizing, the Native population had already been ravaged by diseases introduced by the Norse, leaving the population greatly reduced. By the time the US had begun expanding west in 1800 it is estimated that there were as few as 600k Native peoples.

a reply to: andy06shake

The aforementioned Norse abandoned the colony because they were overrun and couldn't hold the territory from the Native peoples. Also, this was well before the introduction of cannon, gunpowder, and tempered steel.

posted on Aug, 1 2020 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: jjkenobi

Gee, I live in the county.. it is mostly rural and it usually goes republican. The two nearest cities usually go democratic. That isnt to say the there arent arent dems in the county or republicans in the city, just that when election time comes around that is how the results go.
I would also like to point out that neither city has a huge problem with looting, or murders.

posted on Aug, 1 2020 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

It's not me that's terrified the sky is going to fall now is it?

No, you seem to be more of the mind that it has already fell.

I like to maintain a little hope for the future. It wasn't long ago that I was indigent, living in a building that was literally falling down around my ears, didn't have running water, and had a bunch of hoodlums trying everything in their power to have me locked up because they didn't like me. Today I am living in a nice home, have an income again, and peace of mind. Things can get better.

It would have been so easy for me to just give up and say my life was crap and nothing would ever get better... and had I done so, I would likely be living under a bridge right now eating out of dumpsters. So yeah, it bothers me that someone like you, who has some advantages in life already since you're not living under a bridge and own a computer, is so damn negative all the time.

Progress is about to run all over the top of the USA, and that's nothing to do with people like me.

Well, some of us are trying... and you're right: any progress we make will be in spite of you, not because of you.

As to hatred nobody hates America, just what it is becoming, then again it seems to be to her senses.


Life is what you make it theredneck.

Yes,it is. You should remember that.


posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 02:51 AM
Meh. I can assure you not as many people care about politics in the USA. You can’t tell unless you are actually here, most Americans are chillen watching tv under a low Alt. Low visibility weed cloud. We’re fine. I’m seeing ALOT of DYI engineering, rapid prototyping and manufacturing sprout out of neighbors working together. The world might wanna get back to work soon or get left in the dust lol don’t worry about us.. no pun intended, how are you?

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: Atsbhct

Most of the other people are correct, the split is largely between traditional rural areas and liberal urban ones.

Saying this, if Trump wins in November then I can see the idea of Calexit coming up again. I'm all for that. Hopefully it would lead to a lot of liberals leaving the rest of the country and heading there.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Naw mate I'm perfectly happy with the sky where it is ta very much.

Well if you will call them hoodlums no wonder they did not like you.

I remember lots of things, now go make some progress, without the racism, and we will all be a hell of impressed.

Might need bad Orange Man gone all the same for that to happen. x

If its any consolation I'm glad you managed to turn your life around, some poor sods never manage to do so or are ever extended a helping hand.
edit on 2-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: cmdrkeenkid

Fair play the Vikings visited the Americas before Spain, but it was the Spanish colonization of the Americas under the Crown of Castile and spearheaded by the Spanish conquistadors that destroyed the indigenous people and civilizations.

Which was invaded and incorporated into the Spanish Empire, with the exception of Brazil, British North America, and some small regions in South America and the Caribbean.

I'm not going to argue the difference between 20 and 50 million people with you, because, for the purposes of the discussion, mass genocide and death is mass genocide and death, via disease, enslavement, subjugation, and plain old murder.

And the Vikings did not bring Measles and Smallpox to America, they might have introduced Typhus through lice in their hair and clothing.

It's not shrines to Thor nor Odin that are built atop the embers of a once-great empire, but chapels and churches.
edit on 2-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 10:30 AM
Makes me think of the saying


reply to: andy06shake

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Aye, Trump could be doing with getting better at quite a few things.

Like the use of the English language for one.

When is he going to "GiT GuD" at that?
edit on 2-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Lysergic

Aye, Trump could be doing with getting better at quite a few things.

Like the use of the English language for one.

When is he going to "GiT GuD" at that?

Why don’t you go # on your own eff’n country, so sick of your anti American, anti Trump BS. YOU DON’T EVEN LIVE HERE.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: mtnshredder

Isn't that the truth

So much for foreign interference with our elections

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: mtnshredder

I think i will do as i please ta very much.

My nation in no better if that's any consolation.

And if you have any issue with people expressing their opinions i suggest you READ the TnC.

I would not wish to live in the USA under Trump.

Don't need to live somewhere to have an opinion on the place, just not how the world works or ATS, even in your tiny little mind. x
edit on 2-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: JBurns

At least im not suggesting delaying the 2020 Election.

Or worse, unwilling to accept the writing on the wall.

posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Just following the lefts lead refusing to accept the 2016 election

Hey, they proved election meddling by foreign powers. Now we're going to make them eat Every last word of it

Frankly anyone who would put a senile fool like Biden and his commie cronies in doesn't deserve a vote for the future of this country

A "progressive" government would be unconstitutional, since it is not a Republican form of government

posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: JBurns

So now we are deciding who can and cannot vote bassed on there political affiliations?

Well there goes any semblance of democracy.

Frankly that would go down like a lead balloon.

posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

We already decide who can and cannot vote. Every country does. I can't go to England and vote for your Prime Minister, nor should I be able to.

Citizens are allowed to vote in our political process, except for citizens who are felons. That goes back to the legal issue of one being subject to the authority of the country. In order to be a full part of the country, one must have subjected themselves to the authority of the United States (or have been born into such subjection) and must have not demonstrated an unwillingness to be subject to the authority of the United States (as in felons). Even a convicted felon can have their voting rights restored if they demonstrate an acceptance of subjugation to the authority of the country.

That's just the way it works. No country could stand if its leaders were chosen by those who wished ill will upon the country.


posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

"Frankly anyone who would put a senile fool like Biden and his commie cronies in doesn't deserve a vote for the future of this country"

That's not what JBurns was alluding to, which is plainly clear.

Of course, you cannot vote if you are not eligible, that goes without saying.

Political ideology should never dictate one's right to have there say and cast there vote.

Else that's not democracy.
edit on 4-8-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Political ideology should never dictate one's right to have there say and cast there vote.

Up to a point, that is true. However, after a point it is not. That point being when one wishes harm to the country. It is completely feasible (even demonstrable as of late in some opinions) for an organization of citizens to have as their goal the overthrow of the legitimate government and the institution of themselves as leaders. Traitorous? Yes. It is still possible for citizens to be traitors.

It is actually only possible for a citizen to be a traitor. Non-citizens do not have the legal requirement of subjection to the authority of the country. I have broken no English laws... but if I were subject to English law I would have by now probably broken every single one. I am not subject to the authority of England and therefore cannot violate English law (at least not unless I am physically in England, which will likely never happen).

I believe what JBurns is trying to say is that he considers those who have thus far committed deeds that appear to be harmful to the continuing operation of the country for the benefit of all its citizens to be traitors who therefore would not be legally able to exercise their votes. That opinion, of course, carries no weight unless there are convictions, but opinions such as his are sometimes necessary to begin investigation of charges.


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