a reply to:
The fact that there are still people around in this day of age that actually entertain the notion of rapture.
Or anything, or anyone, coming to save them, other than themselves is half the problem really.
No, they're not the problem. You, and those who think like you, are the problem.
I've read your posts for a long time. Pure pessimism. Absolute, unadultered, 100% pessimism. You must live an absolutely miserable life, sitting there
behind your keyboard always so sure that everything is bad, everyone is bad, and things will never get better because humanity its very self is bad.
You say you have hope, but what you have is not hope... it is a dream that you can't bear to allow to come to pass, because if anything ever happened
that wasn't bad it would invalidate your very existence.
Yeah, someone still believes in the rapture. What is that to you? How does someone else's belief threaten you? How does it harm you? I'll tell you
how: it means there are people out here that are not wallowing in their own self-created misery, people who have some hope for something better, and
you can't stand that. When one is so miserable, they want everyone else to be miserable as well... misery loves company.
Yeah, the USA was conquered. The indigenous people were killed off by the hundreds of thousands, initially from disease brought by the settlers. But
what you don't seem to want to comprehend is that those indigenous settlers didn't know what they were doing. They just wanted a better life for
themselves. Do you really think they huddled together somewhere prior to taking a journey that had a high probability of costing them their very
lives, going "Hey, Jim, you got smallpox, right? You're on the crew. When we get there, go cough on anyone with dark skin."
I mean, really, dude. Get a grip.
The way out of all this hatred is for everyone to accept that what happened long ago happened long ago, we got past it, and move on. Everyone is
special. Every culture is special. Every people is special. As long as we hate anyone, including ourselves, for something that happened before we were
born, we will never progress past where we are right now.
YOU are stopping the progress... no one else. YOU.