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The right time to remove Georgia guidestones

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posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: IAMTAT
I always wondered...WHO gets to choose the 500,000,000 that live?

The "chosen one", been nice knowing you!

Thank you...nice knowing you too.
Now, don't worry, you won't feel a thing.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ

originally posted by: peck420

originally posted by: RMFX1
It's on private property and commissioned by a private individual who has also paid for the use of the land it sits on.

Not that I agree with removing them, but are they on private or public land? I know the land was legally purchased by the stone designer's "agent", but it was also transferred back to Elbert County by the original purchaser was it not?

Who cares? The left does not. Just do it and think about it later. 😎

Let me make sure I understand your point. So, you think that emulating the left is a good strategy for creating a better society? Maybe thinking first, then acting, or not, is more likely to lead to better outcomes for more people?

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 05:49 PM
The other problem: What happens to member of 'maintained' humanity #500,000,001...when they're born?
Do they get aborted after birth...or is some random old person killed?

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Once you hit 30 you're sent to Carousel and renewed. Piece 'o cake!

edit on 7 16 2020 by underpass61 because: added

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: Enderdog

It sure is but if that's the name of the game now then mirroring them exposes double standards and more.
It's still far from setting abortion clinics on fire.
You are forced to do it anyway - when they yell at you, you yell back. When they attack you, you have to answer with violence.
Do I see myself doing anything beyond my personal space bubble untill it's invaded? Eeh, not really.
However in theory I see that engagement is a form of love. It takes energy.
This one little action would say more than many words. At least that's the epic, out of the box idea.
Is there a better target and way able to derail the confrontational MSM psyop?

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
The other problem: What happens to member of 'maintained' humanity #500,000,001...when they're born?
Do they get aborted after birth...or is some random old person killed?

Random oldie....

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
The other problem: What happens to member of 'maintained' humanity #500,000,001...when they're born?
Do they get aborted after birth...or is some random old person killed?

Ever seen the movie Population 436?

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

TPTB wouldn't allow it.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ
a reply to: schuyler

Feeling offended is not a crime either. It's ok to feel offended. And to take action obviously.

I need to know this, do you feel you have the right to bypass laws that would otherwise be followed due to you being offended?

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ
a reply to: Drucifer

It's still not your business to regulate population.
Researchers Warn Of “Jaw Dropping” Crash In Global Fertility Rate

Are you happier now? Do you approve somebody killing you with a virus or sterilizing you with a vaccine, screwing your genes, killing children? It's a wrong mindset


That does make me happier. The world we have created is incapable of caring for it’s inhabitants and vice versa. Why add more? It’s as simple as that. There’s ALWAYS going to be people reproducing. That article goes 80 years ahead of now, a LOT can change in 80 years and at the rate we’re going, it’s not going to be good.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: gspat
You could always build a museum for it...

Put it right next to the confederate statues.

you could buy the land and then do whatever you want with it, but until you own the land, you are free to cry, throw tantrums, kick sand, spit while screaming at the sky. But you have ZERO rights to do anything to that structure.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: Annee
Ahhhh, there it is.

Was waiting for someone to condemn the Georgia Guidestones.

Because they offend who, exactly?

If I say they offend me, it must be ok to tear them down right? Of course not.

Since when has offense been a valid reason to destroy property? Whether public or private.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 08:01 PM
Instead of just making sarcastic and dickish comments like I have been, I’ll explain my POV of the stones-

First off, I do not believe these stones were put in place for the world’s current population, but more likely a civilization that comes next, or those remaining after an apocalyptic event/war where many die.

1-Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

See above. What happens when you get to 500,000,000? I don’t know. I didn’t write the stones. My assumption is that people actually utilizing these guidelines will have a very different perspective on the world and it’s inhabitants. It’ll be up to them. “Guide reproduction” can certainly assist with this.

2- Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

Don’t f*ck your cousins. If a genetic disease presents itself in your family tree that leaves it likely you will pass on unfavorable genes, don’t have kids. Not everyone needs to have children in order to live a fulfilling life (I speak from experience, as does my wife. As do the majority of our child-free friends.) Is it really wise for the sick and diseased to have children? Can they guarantee they’ll be around long enough to take care of those kids without incurring massive financial debt to take care of their illness?

And should people who can barely function due to limited intelligence really be in charge of raising children? My mother is highly unintelligent. My childhood and even my life now at 37 has been GREATLY negatively affected by the lack of her intelligence. I suffered physical, sexual, verbal and mental abuse due to the decisions she made. While I’ve sorted myself out now and will hopefully have another good 50 years to look forward to, at MANY points in my life I had no interest in being on this planet due to the situations I was subjected to that I had no say in.

How many children and adults are in medical care now because their conditions are bad enough that their families could not care for them? How many children in this world are in orphanages or starve to death every year? The USDA says there are 11,000,000 kids who live in “food insecure” homes in just the US, never mind 3rd world countries.

3- Unite humanity with a living new language.

Can’t say I have a lot of feeling regarding this one. It would surely make it easier to communicate and communication is a cornerstone of life. Without it, we’re pretty well f*cked.

4- Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

Seems pretty logical there. Do I really need to give a reason to support that?

5- Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

Again, pretty logical thinking. Our country made a plant illegal because someone was worried he wouldn’t be able to sell enough rope and/or newspapers back in the 20’s. How many lives have been ruined after getting busted with a joint in their vehicle? If I gave this more time, I could find more than enough laws in place that are just stupid.

6- Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Not a bad idea if you ask me. Let the whole world decide if another world war needs to happen. I’m very curious what the outcome would be if all our world leaders got together and said “What do we do about the Middle East?”

I’m of the mind that, if we rid the world of corrupt politicians, rulers and leaders, the planet could function much better if all nations worked together. This does not mean any country needs to lose it’s identity.

7- Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

Can anyone argue with this? Especially in regards to useless officials. Our political system is strife with useless officials and it’s gotten us no where.

8- Balance personal rights with social duties.

Right now is a perfect example of why this would be good. Because of the imbalance in our political system and the lack of trust, people are refusing to wear masks. If we did not feel the threat of tyranny and we had a proper balance within our system, would people be so opposed to wearing masks that would surely slow the spread of the virus?

Even taking the mask situation off the plate, again, is this something that can be argued?

9- Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

Nothing wrong with celebrating truth, beauty or love. The infinite is up for debate as to it’s meaning, but if you ask me, it points towards consciousness, which is infinite. What most people refer to “God”, I call it consciousness.

10- Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

We’re as parasitic as it gets. We do whatever we want to this planet as if we bought and paid for it. I know this one will be a hard one for right-wingers to dig into, but I don’t see deforestation, destruction of rainforests, fracking, dumping chemicals/nuclear waste into the planet as a good thing. We’re temporary guests here, we should treat it with the same respect we treat any other home we’re a guest in.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: Drucifer

I'm behind you on this one.

Of course looking at it, and comparing it to how the world is now, could be worrying for some people, but honestly, I don't find anything too nefarious or evil behind these tenants.

Especially if they could be followed after a calamity of some sort, where the world is still connected, just in a state that requires a new way.

Who knows. . . At this point, it's a wait and watch situation, and I plan on doing a lot of that.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: Liquesence

originally posted by: IAMTAT
The other problem: What happens to member of 'maintained' humanity #500,000,001...when they're born?
Do they get aborted after birth...or is some random old person killed?

Ever seen the movie Population 436?

No, I haven't.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: Drucifer

While many of these talking points may feel reasonable, the very first one - population control/depopulation is sick enough. A peck of poison in a tasty soup that we already have to some point anyway.
Also, you can hear nice words like this from communist China all the time. They are all about peace and harmony and social justice. Once you buy into it or you are stripped of personal freedom the reality of a rulling class kicks in.
It's a bunch of control freaks telling us how things gonna be. Usually hidden like spiders untill recently. Eugenicists, priest class of mad scientists poisoning a self-regulating world with their ideas and agendas, scams like global warming and artificial pandemics, forced sterilizations, abortions, one child policy, slavery.
There's always a catch. That's why people try to put their trust into the original creator instead of people.
It's history approved.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: network dude

What laws? You cant kill unless in war approved by a congress? Thou shalt not jaywalk?
For me being offended is usually not enough unless it's invasive but it's not a tabu. If there is a good political reason. Laws are constructs of people. They may be immoral, unconstitutional, sick and evil like in communist or islamic countries,against nature, depriving you of self-defence... Where is your turning point? Where would it be if you lived in China or UK? 🙂

Starry sky above me and moral law within me. One part encoded in my guts and the other in the spirit. Christian ethics if possible. Freedom.
I jaywalk a lot. Everyone has a knife at home but more than 99% of people dont go and stab others. It's not just because of the human laws. Not all countries/races are equal though. Obviously. Some people need a hand over them.
edit on 17/7/2020 by PapagiorgioCZ because: grammah

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Full disclosure...I prefer white meat.
Does that make me racist?

Nooo! Not at all.

*looks over shoulder for BLM*

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ
a reply to: Drucifer

While many of these talking points may feel reasonable, the very first one - population control/depopulation is sick enough. A peck of poison in a tasty soup that we already have to some point anyway.
Also, you can hear nice words like this from communist China all the time. They are all about peace and harmony and social justice. Once you buy into it or you are stripped of personal freedom the reality of a rulling class kicks in.
It's a bunch of control freaks telling us how things gonna be. Usually hidden like spiders untill recently. Eugenicists, priest class of mad scientists poisoning a self-regulating world with their ideas and agendas, scams like global warming and artificial pandemics, forced sterilizations, abortions, one child policy, slavery.
There's always a catch. That's why people try to put their trust into the original creator instead of people.
It's history approved.

If you look at it from the context of how our planet is run currently, or this were being used to cull our current inhabitants, sure. However, the tenets in the inscriptions themselves remove any nefarious action IMO. Protecting people with fair laws goes against the idea of depopulation as far as I’m concerned.

Like I said, I don’t believe these were written for our current civilization. If you apply it to a new civilization that may start up after we inevitably destroy this one, it leaves a lot of room for success without having to depopulate. Population control doesn’t need to be a state sponsored act. A small number of people are more likely to agree on larger issues than a larger number of people. So say the population were closer to 1,000,000 and they said “We know this planet was destroyed the last time around because they let too many things run amuck. Do we agree to take preventative action to limit our population?”

If something like that starts and becomes the norm when the population is a million, it’ll be that much easier to keep it in check as the population grows. Hopefully, the next civilization following us will be operating at a higher level of intelligence, which is entirely possible depending on how much of our current world is left behind. If they have an ample way of learning the pitfalls of our civilization, they’ll be that much more apt to avoid them in theirs.

I’m not trying to insult or being facetious, but by putting faith in the ‘original creator’, where does that leave humans on the accountability scale? Just seems to me it takes the heat off humans and allows for whatever chaos to ensue by assuming this is all the creator’s plan. What does this faith allow for? How does this faith resolve anything? Are we waiting for some kind of intervention from this creator to set the path straight?

Just seems like the ultimate blank check of accountability. People do terrible things, “well, it’s God’s plan....have faith, it’ll work out.”. Seems like we’re getting dangerously close to things not working out. I think the second we started dropping nukes on other country, the road map for annihilation was laid out.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

Are we now in favor of tearing down private property, may not like them but where does it stop? With book burning, Blood guilt?

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