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Wal-Mart will require shoppers wear mask July 20th

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posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 01:53 PM
I get the strangest looks from people that see my mask is a coffee filter duct taped to my face. I drew a happy face on it with majic markers. Keeping the clownshow alive and well!!

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 02:16 PM
I went into Asda today with a balaclava and baseball cap on, i also went in the vets and newsagent.

Nobody said a word. I was very surprised to be honest, i expected at least one person to say something.

But its balaclava face covering for me or £100 fine from the 24th.

Just having fun with the mask situation. When in history has it been socially exceptable to wear something like that in public? Never.

Maybe its just my English humour, and bending and stretching the rules. But only for fun.
edit on 16-7-2020 by Moohide because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Bloodworth
I will probably wear a mask anytime I'm in a store or around a crowd indoors for the next 1 or 2 years.

Good for you.

I will never wear one unless I have no choice, and even then, I'll pull it below my nose so I can breathe freely.


Anyone that loves you?

From your answer I'm guessing no.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: olaru12

It would work just as well. Cheap, disposable, easy to carry. Maybe I'll 3d print a frame that I can snap around a coffee filter and put a couple of straps on it.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: opethPA

originally posted by: tanstaafl
I'll keep doing what I'm doing until I'm threatened with arrest, then I'll just put the mask on, pull it beneath my nose, then as soon as possible, pull it beneath my chin.

This is a great example of why this country is the clownshow it is when it comes to COVID

Yeah, well, I can't help the ridiculousness put oout by the CDC/WHO and other so called 'official' sopurces...

well that and the total failure of leadership at the highest levels regardless of party affiliation.

Yeah, well, I can't help that the leadership has to cater to the nut jobs that want lockdowns and useless face masks for everyone.

Thankfully more stores , Target and CVS , are now making masks mandatory and hopefully they enforce it and also start to enforce it on the silly people that wear the mask with their nose exposed. I realize that due to the failure of the Presidents Leadership ability and the failure of all the top ranking Democrats to lead the current strategy has been half-measures plus hopes it will disappear and as you can see , that approach has worked out great.

Oh, you're one of those nutjobs that wants to force everyone to wear a ridiculousl;y useless mask.


posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: tanstaafl

Translation: "I won't comply until I comply! Reeeeeeeeeeeee! Muh freedom!"

If you call that compliance... yuk yuk yuk...

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: Bloodworth
I will never wear one unless I have no choice, and even then, I'll pull it below my nose so I can breathe freely.




Yep, 3, 6 and twins 3...

Anyone that loves you?

From your answer I'm guessing no.

Rotflmao! My wife is more against the masks than I am. We refuse to put our kids back in school because they are requiring them, because we refuse to teach fear to our kids. They laugh at people wearing them.

So, again...


posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: olaru12

I like this. It says, "what a joke this crap is!"

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

Racist dog whistle? Do you guys intentionally look for what you claim to be racism in everything, or does it come naturally?

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: JIMC5499
a reply to: olaru12

It would work just as well. Cheap, disposable, easy to carry. Maybe I'll 3d print a frame that I can snap around a coffee filter and put a couple of straps on it.

That's a great idea. But the duct tape method of attaching the filter has a definite artistic yet anti establishment vibe that I like. Plus the sting when you pull it off satisfies my latent S&M personality disorder.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Bloodworth
I will never wear one unless I have no choice, and even then, I'll pull it below my nose so I can breathe freely.





Yep, 3, 6 and twins 3...

Anyone that loves you?

From your answer I'm guessing no.

Rotflmao! My wife is more against the masks than I am. We refuse to put our kids back in school because they are requiring them, because we refuse to teach fear to our kids. They laugh at people wearing them.

So, again...


Oh my gosh

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: Bloodworth

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Bloodworth
I will probably wear a mask anytime I'm in a store or around a crowd indoors for the next 1 or 2 years.

Good for you.

I will never wear one unless I have no choice, and even then, I'll pull it below my nose so I can breathe freely.


Anyone that loves you?

From your answer I'm guessing no.

The mask does eff all to protect the actual wearer and I sure as hell doubt anyone wears their mask when they are in the presence of their wife and kids... it's sort of an accepted fact in my house that if one of us get it, we're all going to get it (especially between my wife and I as we share a bed for nightly sleeping and recreational activities.)

Not real sure how someone's position on not wearing a mask that does nothing to protect their house makes you think they live alone in said house.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: deadlysyn

Liberal buzzword tomfoolery... ignore it as most intelligent people do.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
The mask does eff all to protect the actual wearer

And very little to protect others... it is a 'feelz' thing, and I won't participate in the delusions of others.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: Bloodworth

Anyone that loves you?

From your answer I'm guessing no.

Did the virus suddenly decide to only attack married people and parents?

We need a negotiation team instead of a translator team... maybe we can reach an armistice with it.


posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: deadlysyn
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck
Racist dog whistle? Do you guys intentionally look for what you claim to be racism in everything, or does it come naturally?

Here's the quote:

originally posted by: carewemust
Four Walmarts within 5 miles radius of my place. All have required masks since late March. Masks should be required 365 days a year in one of them, if you get my drift.

How would you interpret the comment? I've asked the OP repeatedly, but he seems to have weenied out on responding. Do you have a better explanation?

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: deadlysyn
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck
Racist dog whistle? Do you guys intentionally look for what you claim to be racism in everything, or does it come naturally?

Here's the quote:

originally posted by: carewemust
Four Walmarts within 5 miles radius of my place. All have required masks since late March. Masks should be required 365 days a year in one of them, if you get my drift.

How would you interpret the comment? I've asked the OP repeatedly, but he seems to have weenied out on responding. Do you have a better explanation?

Yeah, the people who frequent Walmart tend to be of questionable pedigrees and either look better with their faces obscured, make a more healthful environment with their faces covered, or both...

Seriously dude, it takes a goddamn race baiter to read the quoted comment and immediately say "OMG, a racist dog whistle!" Visit sometime and tell me, what color are the majority of trailer park trash spectacles photographed inside of Walmart either looking skank, acting a fool, or otherwise appearing like someone you'd probably not want to occupy a close space with?

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

How does that have anything to do with racism? Seriously? I took it as maybe a group of people that might be unpleasant to look at. Maybe they have poor dental hygiene and expel a foul stench when they speak, or maybe the idea of a mask is to protect the person you were responding to from a foul stench of someone who has poor overall hygiene and doesn't shower as often as they should. At least that's what most normal people would take from a comment like that. I guess it takes a special type of ignorance to interpret it as racism. But hey, feels over logic, right?

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: deadlysyn

When all you have is a sledge hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Similarly, when all you have in your head is racism, every opinion that differs from your own appears to be racist.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Truer words have never been spoken. It just amazes me how far they will reach to try to claim racism in something that couldn't possibly be interpreted that way using real world logic. Then again, I was raised during a time when parents were raising their kids the right way, so I learned to look at things logically.

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