a reply to:
Well, you said that the information that is dropped is going to be all lies Kasalt... So you're saying that Q is real now, no?
Are you now saying that what was presented is the truth? You really must remain consistent. eyeroll.
Anyway, I have broke my rule of ignoring you... but the irony of you saying it'll all be lies and then agreeing with it afterwards is rather
Truth or not truth?
Was that all a waste of time? Did these lies create a truth? The truth is a lie?
Nope, non of that... just another puzzle piece to fit into the picture. Nothing bruised. No pain.
On a broader note, this wasn't what I was expecting, no doubt. I'm aware of some people who are going to be very hurt by this however... not people I
know/talk to, but just people on the net who are invested.
But clearly, there is more to this. Something doesn't add up regarding his speculation of where Q is at now.
This may indeed be the origin of Q, but is that all it still is? I'm not so sure. I'm going to be very interested to see how the Q board itself
responds to this (if it does).
I'm a little bit saddened that this is the story behind the JFKjr sideplot... It would have been a real game changer.
This planet can be so boring, that I always appreciate something actually interesting happening. Guess this isn't one of those moments. That would
have been a hell of a story.
That aside, it's kind of interesting what Q has become. Perhaps it doesn't really matter. Manifest destiny.
Where your focus goes, energy flows. The shared thought patterns of Q followers or observants could quite possibly change reality. I also go back to
earlier thoughts (maaaany pages), that this could be something a little bit more inspired (from above)... but it really does go into woowoo land.
When you consider the early things that happened revolving around Kek/Pepe and Trump... meme magic. Things coming about because of numbers and
ideas... or shared vision.
I'd really think some of you might find the following article interesting about 4chan and meme magic (hopefully it is the right one, I didn't double
check it)...
Where we go one (shared concept) we go all (reality).
This is why the meme (a successful one) has power. Shared reality. Easily held thought.
Whether this guy (let us call him JFaKejr) realised it or not, may have just unleashed something beyond his reckoning.
The Questions, the memes, the shared ideas, imagining the Q movement growing larger... unstoppable... conviction of thought... connecting with
others... power of will... manifestation in reality.
In his mind, all a Larp/Carp, but irrelevant to those with investment of belief and who are focused on it.
Q from the perspective just shared by JFaKEjr is a lie, but it has become something real to a LOT of people. Q might have inadvertently become a
vehicle for shared human will. That too can also be dangerous if the Q board is controlled by a random.
Anyway, that is currently where my thoughts are at.
This certainly is an interesting piece of information, but I do need to meditate on it a little. Less what was shared, and more the wider picture. A
little bit saddened that it did zero to further actual causes however.
It also raises the question, if all this were true... is Austin a way for the gov to try and harness this, or is he a latcher?
It largely raises more questions than answers. Something new then... : )
Right, i'm going to read through the reactions of others and see how everyone else feels about this.
Maybe McDs might be ok afterall lol, but i doubt it. At least it hasn't been slapped in my face.
p.s. Did it really take him 14 hours to write that? Sheesh.