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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -28-

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posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Chinese Hackers Have Pillaged Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry

A campaign called Operation Skeleton Key has stolen source code, software development kits, chip designs, and more.

Even amidst China's wholesale hacking of its island neighbor, though, CyCraft's Duffy argues that the semiconductor industry represents a particularly dangerous target. Stealing chip schematics, he points out, could potentially allow Chinese hackers to more easily dig up vulnerabilities hidden in computing hardware. "If you have a really deep understanding of these chips at a schematic level, you can run all sorts of simulated attacks on them and find vulnerabilities before they even get released," Duffy says. "By the time the devices hit the market, they're already compromised."

Those chicom hackers are a tenacious bunch hellbent on infiltrating and stealing anything of value.

Hacking software is exactly the type of task someone with their interesting brain capacity to focus in minute details. I believe their written Chinese develops both the left and right brain functions nicely. I have noticed a lot of talent in thinking with the computer logic with my friends from China. Computer logic is , IMO, a lot lite math logic.

Some people, like my wife are not wired well for that. Some like me are so math/nerdy/fact seekers that we have a hard time understanding those wired like my wife. A + B = C what is C if A=-1 and B =1? That blows peoples minds for some reason and for the life of me I can't understand the simple ones doing that. I recall the wife, then girlfriend asking what is A? (out loud I respond "minus 1"). But "NO, what is A?" (In my head I go "oh hell I am in trouble"). It took her three trips thru Algebra to get a D.....I was pulling my hair out.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 08:41 PM

1 free. 3 to go. Comey, Strzok, and Clapper.

Very disappointed in the Brennan news. It’s true that you don’t become Dir of CIA and not know how to dodge bullets.

Maybe fake news. Bait n switch.
edit on 7-8-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

1 free. 3 to go. Comey, Strzok, and Clapper.

Very disappointed in the Brennan news. It’s true that you don’t become Dir of CIA and not know how to dodge bullets.

Maybe fake news. Bait n switch.

W T F ?

Honestly, this makes me question the rest of the investigation.
edit on 8/7/2020 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 08:53 PM
Woketopia: Michigan and Nevada both declared that “racism” was a “public health crisis” on Wednesday, joining Wisconsin, with Colorado set to soon become the fourth state to do so.

"Today, I also signed an executive directive declaring racism as a public health crisis in Michigan," Whitmer said on Wednesday, later adding, "We have a lot of work to do to eradicate the systemic racism that black Americans have faced for generations, and it's going to take time.
Daily Wire

What if Whitmer's ridiculous statements and the thinking that they're informed by are "the root cause"?
No doubt a coordinated effort between those dictator State governors.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: Trillium
LOL awesome come back
Reporter tried to mask shame the President and just got bitch slapped! This is priceless!😂

That sounded more like a Golf Club mini-campaign rally, where reporters in attendance were allowed to ask questions. I couldn't understand all the President's words, but he obviously had a lot of supporters there.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:08 PM
Q & Brennan

#4331 - manipulated intel on Russian interference in 2016 election.

#4301 - he was quarterback of Trump/Russia investigation.

#4227 - he suppressed Intel that Russia wanted Hillary to win.

#4027 - Brennan & Iranian/Muslim connection.

#3861 - Durham scrutinizing Brennan handling of Russian interference.

#3248 - Focus on McCain, Clapper, Brennan leaking POTUS daily briefing.

#3120 - John Brennan, Obama CIA DIR

#2570 - Treason meme updated to include Brennan.

#1892 - Brennan admits to spying on Senators.

#1885 - Trump revokes Brennan security clearances.

#1828 - Q names conspirators in SpyGate.

#1758 - Brennan knew about rogue missile attack on Air Force One.

#1161 - John Brennan killed SCOTUS Scalia.

Those are a LOT of Q drops to “swing & miss” on Brennan.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:20 PM
Ok frens...
I need help.
My feed kept going in and out because I am on the move.
What did Trump say about pay role taxes?
I caught the end about "peaceful protest " and it was awesome.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Brennan was removed from the jail cell meme in Q3040, RT'd by Trump.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Investigative Reporter Sara Carter says her sources indicate the top people are going to be let off the hook. Might just be frustration on her part?

President Trump said the amount of corruption found by Barr/Durham is "Breathtaking", but he also says he "HOPES" it will all be exposed to the public. When he uses words like "I hope he will...." when talking about his own appointed officials, it sounds so out of one of us talking. In private industry and the military, the Boss doesn't hope...he gives orders.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:29 PM
If you want a bit of a smile/laugh, this Tucker Carlson segment just popped up on Twitter..

C'mon man!


posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Brennan was removed from the jail cell meme in Q3040, RT'd by Trump.

Still listed as Traitor/Pawn on Qmap.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

I hope that source is wrong.

But, that article also said:

“It’s hard to prove criminal intent at their level, and unless there’s a smoking gun, like an email or text, they’ll probably get off with a damning report about their activities," former Assistant FBI Director Chris Swecker, who claims to know Durham personally, told RealClearInvestigations in reference to Brennan and other top intelligence community and law enforcement officials from the Obama administration.

If this 16-month long investigation doesn't reveal what citizen investigators have already unravelled themselves, then something is seriously wrong in our justice system and can't be fixed by means of it. There may come a time when these citizen investigators themselves have to file a qui tam lawsuit.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:35 PM
My expectation for “draining swamp” is it will evaporate with Trump leaving office.

If the DS can attempt a coup... get exposed doing it... and walk.... then the rioters were right all along.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

Catching up but re 72 seconds... 72 = 8x9 = 99999999, which appears in Q859 (Aug 5th to 9th?):

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 3c553f No.567502 📁
Mar 6 2018 11:04:43 (EST)

These peo>>567493
ple are stupid.
Wait for Russia/China reports.
Strike 99999999.


Note the blank dar kline between 99999999 and Q.
Timestamp and Chan post number both encode Aug 6th.

Above post links to Q3109 The 'SRIKE' will be FAST

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
My expectation for “draining swamp” is it will evaporate with Trump leaving office.

If the DS can attempt a coup... get exposed doing it... and walk.... then the rioters were right all along.

That a 84inch TV is free to "Peaceful Protester"?

Here's what I'm wondering; "Did Brennen rat out anyone that makes letting him off the hook worth it?"

After all didn't he state that Obama was behind this whole mess before. He could have provided evidence to back that claim. Brennen seems like the kind of rat that would sell his own to save himself.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Brennan doesn’t strike me as a “flipper”. He strikes me as a “take your best shot” kind of guy.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Cavv, I'm getting the same re sleep!

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: MrEnergy

Someone on /qresearch posted a PDF of "Positive results for steganography" that included the Q picture filenames below:

03c103032cecb1d10a6f626aafd33455c709e88cce196f0bb5876d5999f8d1ac.jpg 06788e3f1703ea105ef5518066835ba10fa83ab445662cbd3d65cf599337a407.jpg 07a3fecb62c8305ed3bd9a7a2f3f69a98409d3ff544196a64b301151dabdc7ca.jpg 0a697095ced026b2994a6f5afca61ce712355413dec71a558212af97c0f5de3b.jpg 0c2fa4b7874b6a6c74e01b04e6f1b21205bc7a8a6b664dcd9230ef4d0ca2a9ab.jpg 0e1e33b6af50fd19ba747624dfbb697e76c0c2078021fbe3138b717b4766d03f.jpeg 0e49907aa403fa266244befeba4f8420be217284b91a10eddf95638e166c902a.jpg 12d57a5523bba938f1a82d5b20e8905327925ddad6674ef04c85885ae8c2bf64.jpeg 1509855277416.jpg 1f133e668db01dee4f9257b614c4fe5ff04b86ad3667e559588ffadb9234a4e8.jpg 32c7c35d57e0e8b2571fe0a86baf33193aa6b6d9ee786631ca316c15f87adb94.jpg 38a6ab354a34063e25a2ebd89c9b8c2ab121aea600a9e5ebb299bec6b1db1d8d.jpeg 4419128011d5a2da38173d0ce64449cc499f7c9c8a9be3c4d85518127ad5fdcf.jpg 4458313fc2d1ca66feb5eaf6fe6f885669cef5c48cef59d7a0b05bbf8a1ca903.jpg 4b6051de2452a4ab7e1e3c057337cf387e1be6f13d94e13820341958095ccc16.jpg 50c14febf17743b6ce0033c28d8e0038e4aa8a2913223da27414b774bca56e35.jpg 5113674fc5f6d72bd94991bd733d2722722cae9c12274180dedfe983e74a0cc1.jpeg 5fe8457b71415b6c5f0c41521c017a84e151e190bea1e82afa343e1981a92d55.jpg 67cc8988712749e2478d02a2616415d12e8b0bec6db5a34112518cefb5ae2a69.jpg 6b1084338bfe39ccbc654a48b3275d9d496a307f1fce459908d31d815b1b1b5a.jpg 7ce9399d45f4498f97167ed054ddf3da406bf42b2438038b25e5a09d66f6f88b.jpg 82d95daaf3ee9a537f579774da0c206ee00800ea18a13c6c5d1542a6db627a07.jpg 841a9a982e9c8bf7efd69be9a981261cd72bea973bdd154bf8a06b028b0f2cd3.jpg 8724f79cfdcc15c5967989688cb59c32df25b241673da978af509ae74b1ae6e7.jpeg 8b078837f12b17cae44abbbffc7d415168c6a736201f76b4b90d24de4e6de956.jpg ab8d82a5a9b96d495975c20cb3ece26f83da86fccf41b611548e17afd83eba4f.jpg b287f019360dc9a6cee116ea204119debe51e370e21ac3310e0480e3b1e89fca.jpg b347c5efb8f099257d41aec3a2e692626b67feb068f7ba65edbb25e098f89306.jpg bc995027781a79fa91bb3abf6a188ee941fdfd6179735ceddb273e85bcf10480.jpg c1bf60fe3efac2a7ccd4447f0e3f99cae10f3758af66fdb55e65adf7e88e2b31.jpg cda5d06e8d42f553ca4b7488f18b8fd54e13943d135dafcc9f89ce2cc04e2c77.jpg cf3df150312daf57e78936f983fbc527f2e058c6b13e40d90607face2f873184.jpg e5a85c6a82e5ca9ffda657acc5c4c6f27568123827be6426acd353125e5512e1.jpeg eb788f84566b09c33256f57ac91bb015d025e95bc10de41bcb0125551a5f887f.jpg efe34c2047cdd4b5facaaffa1d40298ea46399a111216d2628f49a05fff3a1ad.jpeg

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Someone say "Source Code"

How many times has it been now?

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Wake up fell asleep on your keyboard again.

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