posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 09:39 PM
The woman who handles renewing my health insurance finally called back today. As always, there is a screw up. As everything is done by mail or
sometimes by telephone with the government thanks to the virus I received some unpleasant news today. Following instructions on government forms is
difficult for me to do own my own. There are three things that need to be corrected on my renewal form meaning it is being sent back to via the
postal service.
Why does this stink? I one week and five days from now I have the appointment to have the cast and I am hoping the pins in my wrist removed. In
order for the insurance to pay for this the policy has to be renewed and anther referral made by my primary doctor for me to see this specialist.
Otherwise the best I can hope for is to pay for this upcoming visit myself with what little money I have.
I had planned on saving this money(of sorts) to use to by much needed glasses as it is way past time for me to do so.
Eating my comfort foods to ease the pain of all this.