posted on Jun, 11 2020 @ 03:14 AM
In modesty Ill say I 'cant' play?
Im back at that stage where I can string chords together on the acoustic and the dog doesnt run away any more.
Its like learning morse remembering the chord names, I can hold the chords and slowly making progress changing between each. Some tunes are less
complicated but certainly recognisable....I DONT sing.
First riffs I ever got together back in the day were 'Layla' & 'Oh Well' with Pete Green, chords were 'Rising Sun' of course and the chords from
'Stairway'...."wind on down the road' section? First spanish was slow like Malaguena, simple but cant remember the title. Have to find that 'name that
tune' website and see if I can find that. my sixties, mostly house bound and wired and wonderful taste in music to chase after. My only audience is the dog and my wife occasionally.
Whats to lose?