posted on Jun, 9 2020 @ 04:02 PM
Im a 'Cuban Heels' kinda guy from a young age!
Perhaps I wasnt clear enough, both are offered on pvt sale strores still closed and likely to be for a while yet.
My fav player plays a Gretsch White Falcon and a couple of LP's, but Ive heard him say that the Gretsch was hard work...whatever that means. But a
Gretsch is still a Gretsch.
I like the body style on the Epiphone and it fits my body size slightly better.
It 'looks' sexy...all that dark wood & F holes. Gold hardware...
Both have a Bigsby and I hear stories about them putting the guitar out of tune, dont know maybe theres a hack or mods for that, even for a Gretsch or
Epi in general.
I have one chance to get this right and dont want to end up screwing it up. Im considering visiting both sellers and trying them out, with my wing man
in tow of course....and yes he can play, unlike me. LOL
Reminds me of my digital slr drama, had to choose between a Canon or Nikon I went for Canon as the Nikon had a rep as a 'star-eater' in
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