a reply to:
Hey CM, thank you for your considered reply.
I really don't want to drift too far from the main conversation, but i agree with you, the FMs have been brought into this. In fact, it is for that
very reason that I wanted to bring more awareness to the total demonisation of all FMs, because I don't think that would be fair.
Firstly, I think that I did say that I was not entirely supportive of Young Pharoahs assertions and the links he made. So, please don't take his
opinions as mine. I was more interested in his collection of information surrounding the people involved in the B L M/George Floyd case. But I do
think he is right about factions within the police force. Whether it is Albert Pike related or not is (as you point out) hard to debate, non
conclusive. But the KKK to me seem more like another group that are a tool of agenda. I digress.
Here in the UK, it is a well known that there are Police/FM connections. So much so that it seems they are interfering with police reform. Regretful
Guardian article linked...
Quote - Steve White - UK Police Federeation*
“It’s about trust and confidence. There are people who feel that being a Freemason and a police officer is not necessarily a good idea. I find it
odd that there are pockets of the organisation where a significant number of representatives are Freemasons.”
One previous Metropolitan police commissioner, the late Sir Kenneth Newman, opposed the presence of Masons in the police.
*The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is the staff association for police constables, sergeants and inspectors (including chief
inspectors), having first established in 1919.
We are one of the largest staff associations in the UK representing over 120,000 rank and file officers.
So, this is the UK, and this is merely a result of a quick search, but it is known quite openly the connection between police and FMs here. I have no
doubt that the same is true in the US and many other countries.
Also, we then have the Royal / NHS connection.
We also have the direct Royal connection...
Royals in Freemasonry
The royals... do I need to go into them?
Prince Andrew.
Prince Charles... best friends with Jimmy Saville.. and others rumours abound.
Not to mention many of the buried sick stories surrounding that family... many of which I think might see the light if the truth comes to light.
In fact, I personally researched and brought about considerable heat for myself because of it, and to which I have little interest in going over again
personally, lest I get entangled there again.
If you dig deep enough, you can find more.
There is an interesting book called "The Story of the Committee of 300" by Dr John Coleman. In light of what is happening now, I'd say that it is a
very relevant book, highly rated. Ebay though... it's £170 on Amazon
Here you will find many of the connections that lead right into the Scottish Rite... which is also the prevalent Rite found in the USA, and in all of
the architecture found in Washington. The fingerprints are all over the capitol. (Out of interest, which Rite are you following?)
But of course, beyond that, we also have the likes of Alistair Crowley, The Great Beast 666, Perabduro, Ankh-f-n-khonsu, the wickedest man in the
world, Aleister Crowley was a noted and controversial occultist.
Now, here we have a quote from a Freemason, and it exemplifies my point about organisations, symbolism and degrees that echo Freemasonry.
"He is also frequently referred to as a Freemason, and it has been the subject of debate for many years. He was a member of many "Masonic-like"
groups, including the Ordo templi Orientis, but the Grand Lodge of England does not recognise him as a Freemason because none of the organisations he
belonged to were recognised Masonic bodies or lodges. All of the groups in which he was a member were irregular (clandestine) organizations."
But yet, Masonic like bodies. Here is my point. The OTO (Ordo Templis Orientis) is more likely the source of the Masonic connections. Crowley has
echoed through pop music, and I've seen theories that suggest that Barbara Bush is actually the daughter of Crowley.
Given the current narrative, that fits right in.
There is so much written and connected to Crowley, that it is easy to find plenty of information on him and his direct influence on popular
But as much as Crowley wasn't a Freemason, it would be easy to assume he was because of the symbolism surrounding him, Thelema and the Golden Dawn.
The Hexagram, the pentagram. Macro and microcosm. The cross, The Eye...
Of course, he created his own, such as the Unicursal Hexagram too. But much of this symbolism actually refers back to the Flower of Life and
constructions within. The matrix/womb of the mother, possibility, constructions, power, the seed, energy, vibration, time. Derivative... even the
cube, which is the connection with Saturn so often discussed, the material world, materialism... The triangle and the eye, authority. It's all in
there. All related to source, aspects or projections of power/energy. But this is a deep subject that I hope to release a video about some time in the
near future, but for now that is going of topic. The point, is that symbols are connected... how they are used is the divisional point. I think we
agree on this.
So when I talk about aspects that sit deep behind the public facing aspect of Freemasonry, you find the Royals. whose dark secrets are only slightly
coming to light. You find the OTO who circles around the same symbolism and understandings, but perhaps with a different orientation.
When we hear about ritual sacrifice, there are figures on the dark path that use the exact same principles... even if in opposition. You can't be
ignorant of that surely?
Equals and opposites. Light and dark. Rituals... spells. Magic, Magick.
When the Royal family and their connections sit highly at the table of the FMs, then that should concern you a little. But FM is compartmentalised and
disconnected, so blaming all FMs is a fools game. But no one likes secret societies except those in them.
I think I have covered most of your questions. As for the number I mentioned, well that took a lot of digging and comes as a result of my deep study
of and into geometry. It is actually a very controversial number that connects the idea of Jesus Christ with the number of the beast. It is not
something openly discussed, and I believe it goes to the very heart of the ideas of Jesus, Lucifer and secret societies.
Heresy talk. Very dangerous, so forgive me if I don't go too far with that... besides, i still have much to study on that front before I can make a
personal assessment.
Just for the record, I am a member of no secret societies. I follow the belief, that all secrets and knowledge can be found or presented through
study, thought, meditation, prayer and understanding. I don't believe in secret societies, but I fully understand why they exist.
At the root... it is Empire. Heresy. Dangerous or guarded knowledge... and in the lighter aspect, maintaining ancient knowledge through symbolism.