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Is Steven Greer an alien?

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posted on May, 28 2020 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: Bent8484

No , just a Very Informed Intellect who is trying to Give Us All a Hint to What is Real , and what is Not in My Humble Opinion . .

posted on May, 28 2020 @ 06:53 PM
Which type of Alien are we talking about?

posted on May, 28 2020 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakenedSince no life forms existed when the planet was formed, all life forms are technically "Alien".

posted on May, 28 2020 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Tulpa

No, I'M an alien and I'll do for $1,500!!!

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 05:46 AM

originally posted by: ChayOphan
a reply to: Tulpa

No, I'M an alien and I'll do for $1,500!!!

Beat $1000!


posted on May, 31 2020 @ 02:11 AM
This case is very interesting, and a little bit scary as well, as it's comparable to John David Van Hove case.

In both cases, the same thing happened (at least from my perspective);

- A seemingly credible, legitimate, well-spoken, professional someone that clearly knows what they're talking about, with a stern, powerful and believable tone of voice
- Lots of playfulness and wit, but always in the confines of the 'credibility' he radiates in all levels
- Looks good, sounds good, makes sense, speaks well, articulates clearly, has explanation for everything
- Very promising, someone you can possibly trust and have faith about, maybe finally some real change!

And then... the only thing that changes is them. Suddenly they go from all that's mentioned above, to:

- Complete, utterly 'fantastic hokum'
- Tone of voice has changed to softer and less believable
- Personality has changed to a 'New Age-Hippie' with all the nonsense that comes with it
- Suddenly ridiculous clothing and outfits
- Talking nonsense and has changed their views and focal point

In Greer's case, he was almost utterly frustrated about TPTB not releasing and admitting UFO information and secrets, and he was gonna do something about it. Suddenly he talks about TPTB as some kind of 'lion' that, if seen in proper light, is just a harmless lion cub that can be negotiated with and whatnot. I can't remember the details, but it was a true 'WTF'-moment for me.

In John's case, the focus wasn't the 'factual professionalism' about how the system works anymore, but some kind of weird New Age crap and business ventures and whatnot. And suddenly it was all about business. How the .. what ..

It's remarkable, that such a similar thing 'happened' or 'stroke' both individuals, and completely took away their previously such a strong credibility (or at least the aura of).

I don't know WHAT happened - it could be that both were legitimate, but TPTB decided to 'handle' them a little bit, and now they're both living in some kind of programmed New Age Cloud they can't get out of (or even want to, if they could).

I also don't know about Greer's alleged 'scams' or whatnot, so I can't speak of that stuff, but as a theory, perhaps he actually -was- sincered before the transformation? Perhaps not, I am not going to research it further, just wondering how this kind of thing happens.

posted on May, 31 2020 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

That's an interesting way to answer the common "if this guy's stuff is true, why haven't they dealt with him?" question. Maybe they have. I'm old enough to remember when Alex Jones made the switch from sincere but naive activist to government employee and agent provocateur (and later into a vitamin peddling personification of midlife crisis and insecure masculinity), so I'm definitely not expecting anyone working within the conspiracy community to be incorruptible. TPTB can definitely get to them, and ensure that they make fools of themselves, which is far more effective to discredit them, and allows them to be banked as disinfo assets.

For the record, I don't think Greer is an alien. I also don't think he's helping disclosure... quite the contrary.

Funny thing about the name, though. With a bit of creative translation, that makes him "Dr. Martyr Mason Nephilim". I found another odd name, while watching videos of alleged reptilians... I'll make a separate post about it. Is there some kind of rule that states they have to drop hints? Cuz yeah...

Edit: here it is.
edit on 31-5-2020 by Bent8484 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2020 @ 10:23 PM
Not at all. I happen to know for certain that Steven Greer is very, very, human.

Honestly, I think Dr. Greer would be pissed if he knew what I know.
In 2016, Dr. Greer was present for something that was wiped from his memory after he lashed out and got pissed off that the public wasn't going to be told about it. I know someone that was present for that event.

Then again, this post could just be smoke and mirrors, of course. What did they find off the east coast in 2016, though?

posted on Jun, 2 2020 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: Archivalist

Well, that could potentially be very interesting, or potentially nothing at all, then.

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