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Covd 19 - It's not too late - Let's Stop it Now!

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posted on May, 27 2020 @ 12:16 PM
I just get so ruthless when I feel hurt so unfairly by the fake Illuminati.

I'm the real Illuminati and everyone else can be too by opening their Eye just a lil bit. A small ray of light destroys darkness.

And I just slay it by refusing to agree.
I don't care if I die.
My life sucks because my civil liberties and heritage are oppressed and suppressed.

All of you are slaves like I was.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
a reply to: ketsuko

Its been a bit bizarre to see very normal virus behavior be framed in terms of The Virus as "quite literally the worst thing ever." Ive seen it with quite a few aspects regarding the Rona.

We have learned an enormous amount about these things in even just the past ten years.. yet none of it is being applied and we are handling it the same way we did a hundred years ago.

I know you've really dug into the medical side of this even more than I have so I'm hoping you'll share thoughts on something I've noticed from the start and that's been making me suspicious and skeptical from the start...

One would think from the media and even health officials that we know nothing about viruses in general, nor coronaviruses in particular, and by golly gee whatever we might know, well this virus breaks all the rules donchaknow!

Which, of course, is at the root of all the fear and panic.

Rather than simply stating, "We do not yet have clinical evidence for this coronavirus, but clinical evidence for most/all other coronaviruses shows people who recover develop antibodies and natural immunity," OR "...clinical studies show most/all coronaviruses ( fill in the blank )."

Everything is (and was) presented as a worst case scenario. Very little practical information or recommendations. At least that's what I've seen.

What are you seeing?

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: muzzleflash

I can teach tons about honey (tons is all over ATS lol) and there is 99.9% more knowledge for humanity to learn about it's medical powers.

We are in the dark completely AND yet it's clear this is the WINNER already with what modern medical science knows. The last 20 years have been the birth of the science and we've only begun to study.

There were articles explaining there were over 5000 enzymes in some random batch.

It regenerates and heals bones and any organ in even the most severe cases. We're talking reversing neuropathy and Ms and other neural disorders like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

Kills cancer cells and prevents spread, all the pathogens from protozoa, viruses, bacteria, fungi, worms.

Reverses diabetes, allergies, intestinal disorders, immune system deficiency, geez I'm losing track lol.

There's experiments proving all these things. Happy digging.

Gosh I hardly told you a percent of what I've seen.

Guys. Will you plz listen and actually question my post and then find those same (SOON TO BE HISTORICALLY FAMOUS) teams of esteemed and highly intelligent scientists at all the universities worldwide who are currently studying the medical and chemical properties of honey and actually making significant documented discoveries that the Earth of tomorrow will rely on for survival as our front line defense.

Plastics can be made from plants instead of having to drill like Ford and George Washington Carver proposed. Electricity can be free like Tesla expected.

That's tomorrow. That's the NWO I expect.

All you better get this # right.

I love this post. All of it. Thank you!

That's exactly the NWO I'd like to see too.

I bet 99.9% of humans agree too.
Let's do this!!!!

The NWO is about Good, not Evil.
We've been under Evil all our lives.
Look at the countless wars of history.
All the injustice.

We can and WILL stop this.
But weust Accept that it's our leadership doing it. They only can do it by lying to us.

So we turn it off.
We go outside and just BE.

If everyone got truly WOKE...

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Its disturbing.

Im completely convinced this can be done literally every year. Its all about how its presented.

I take The Virus seriously, but I take every "flu" season seriously because of my health. I watch it every year, and have for a while (even before I got sick).

No fear involved at all, just precautions with a very natural thing. That said, Ive learned more during this time than any before it.. so its not all bad! I never thought of Vit C as much of a medicine, never realized the extent of the role that the environment plays (both artificial and natural), never knew just how extensive these things spread through the weather and atmosphere.. All very cool stuff, and frankly, some things we can do something about pretty damn easily. But, they dont deliver those hits of fear and arent The Vaccine.

Thats kinda offset by so many only caring about The Virus, and whatever Manipulation Seed is planted.. but so much of what we do in life is a personal journey anyway.

One of the more disturbing aspects to me is the increase of demonization of "individualism." Not indirectly either.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 12:30 PM
We are traumatized by being ripped off. It cripples us. Enslavement.

So I Rebel.
1776 is the Illuminati year for a reason.
I'll never surrender now.

They are going to kill millions if y'all don't find the Truth fast.

More viruses are coming.
Mark my words.

The gunshot has sounded!!!

The War for Independence is NOW

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash


And I'm doing my best... I refuse to give up and I refuse to give in, so I just have to live my truth... in color. For better and worse.

Because I am only human, so not perfectly, but live and learn, eh?

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Why that won't work.

I live in the backwoods. only three of my neighbors even have computers and their cell phones are iffy. Mainly because cell phone coverage is almost none existent. We have no access to cable or WiFi. Only three of us have satellite and it is garbage, goes out every time clouds form overhead. Our electricity goes out at least four times a day, every time the wind blows.

This means the majority of us depend on what is provided by TV from over the air. We get 5 channels. The majority of us are absolutely clueless of anything that is discussed on ATS, Facebook, or anything else from the web. They are beautiful people, but are extremely trusting because they don't know not to be.

They are prime for the slaughter, and will be the first to be blindsided when the crap hits the fan. Our only saving grace is that we can be sustainable as far as food and water, and the majority can hunt.

It proves that people can live without the internet, but if everyone just pulls the plug we will be left at the mercy of those controlling the propaganda and the agenda. They won't know who to trust, or why their world is really falling apart.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Ive definitely seen the same thing. Its like everything we have ever learned is thrown out the window. There seems to be a massive amount of preying on ignorance.. The closest some will get is admitting there is existing research.

The reality is that we know a lot about these things, and while it does appear to be a novel virus, case reports from the very start have strongly suggested that knowledge still applies to a great extent.

Perhaps one of the bigger differences is the prevalence of cytokine issues. Something that not only frequently presents with novel pathogens, but also quite often with existing ones. Due to their varied presentation, the medical establishment seems to struggle to come to grips with it.. and its presented to the public as things like "SARS-CoV-2 really acts like eleventy billion different viruses at once!" and "it does All The Things!"

The only thing Id add is that this existing body of knowledge and research seems to be completely dismissed.. unless its convenient. We saw it with things like the vaccine possibility from Oxford. They clearly stated it could be fast tracked because they had been working on it before any of this happened. It didnt actually work out, as far as I know, but I didnt see too many asking "well.. hey.. since that was promising based on pre-Virus work.. maybe all this other stuff is relevant too?"

With an RNA pathogen that is causing cytokine issues, it is my understanding that most vaccine approaches will not only be mostly ineffective.. they can cause massive issues both with the virus they are supposed to innoculate against as well as possibly increasing risk for other viruses (called virus interference).

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Ground zero is that it's a virus, and they can only do so many things. Get yourself a good understanding of a virus, and you have a working base to start from. That at least would rule out a lot of the wilder things that have been flying around, like the amazing mighty morphing power virus that infects as one virus and morphs into a new pathogen entirely once inside you, not even genetic engineering could make that little bad boy.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 12:58 PM
Love that twist of Fate that my screen name I made 16 yrs ago matches up with who I became.

The Sniper who shot the Archduke. Saw the Flash then it was too late, lol.

My Sword is Justice, I kill violence and install Peace where I destroy.

What am I talking about?
Tomorrow! Our NWO!!

We don't have to spend $$$ on bombs and mass murder anymore.

That money will make Earth the Promised Land. The New Jerusalem for EVERYONE EQUALLY TO HAVE.

Im not trespassing. This is my Earth too and I need you as much as anyone needs anyone and I love you!!

I am your family. I'm a Human. There's a whole universe out there.
We can all care about each other Tomorrow.
Or Not.
Your choice.

This is the Endgame.
Choose your path.
I have chosen mine and will never turn back as I leave Sodom. I've had enough of this Govt. That one shot nuked em as far as I'm concerned.

I'll never see it their way EVER.
This seems to be the only actual way to properly revolt. Install Peace and Order with Love and Knowledge.

Zero negative side effects.
You'll all be so Happy for once!!!
Me too!!!!

You can finally stop worrying and learn to love the Covid. Now do you get Dr Strangelove?

It's about a paradigm shift in the Hearts and Minds of humans everywhere.
OR door 2 = we all die in Armageddon.

We either figure it out or die.
Our very survival as a species is at stake.

Surely I'm not the only one here with a grip on myself? I thought I heard everyone say they were SPARTACUS!!!

It's just too easy.

K I'll stop posting now and I'm gonna go to sleep. I'm tired from all that.

Mods I am on topic.
Covid 84 let's stop it now.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: DJMSN

Vaccination is a big part of herd immunity. Are you pro or anti vaccines?

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: ketsuko


If people would actually look into even just basic virology, immunology, epidemiology, etc. they would probably have a vastly different perspective.

Instead of the Mighty Morphin Power Virus of Doom, it becomes "oh, the immune system is going bonkers. Does this happen elsewhere? What could be some causes? Maybe the pathogen is just unmasking existing issues?"

The vast majority of things we are doing are not only outdated and ineffective.. They are causing massive issues beyond The Virus. Everything is viewed through that fear porn lens though.. And the seasonal curve of disease that happens every year is called a "success."

Even if it was, looking at the entire world through the myopic lens of (questionable) stats on a single virus is.. silly. Especially so when we get slogans like "we are putting life before money!"

I think peoples minds are being raped, and Im not using that word lightly.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
a reply to: Boadicea

Ive definitely seen the same thing. Its like everything we have ever learned is thrown out the window. There seems to be a massive amount of preying on ignorance.. The closest some will get is admitting there is existing research.

"Preying on ignorance" is exactly what it is -- thank you. And it does seem that the most ignorant and uneducated on how viruses work -- and how the body works -- are those most likely to be fearful and in panic mode.

Those who have a basic understanding of viruses, illness, their bodies, taking care of their bodies, seem much more confident about the future -- and their future, even if they do catch it.

The only thing Id add is that this existing body of knowledge and research seems to be completely dismissed.. unless its convenient. We saw it with things like the vaccine possibility from Oxford. They clearly stated it could be fast tracked because they had been working on it before any of this happened.

Excellent point.

With an RNA pathogen that is causing cytokine issues, it is my understanding that most vaccine approaches will not only be mostly ineffective.. they can cause massive issues both with the virus they are supposed to innoculate against as well as possibly increasing risk for other viruses (called virus interference).

That's my understanding as well. Which is why we don't already have a coronavirus vaccine.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

In my rant, kinda forgot to add in:

I think the government and "experts" mishandling of this is borderline criminal. Even just in the "benign" perspective that there are no ulterior motives.

All along, they should have been talking about:

General immune health, diet, etc.
Temporary alternatives to medications that greatly increase risk
How pollution both compromises immune systems and creates higher areas of infection density
How pathogens also spread through the atmosphere (NON-fear inducing)
How the varied presentations of covid are explained through immune response
The steps we can take in our own homes to minimize the impact of lack of flora in winter
How we can actually gain self-sufficiency for food, medicine, power, and manufacturing (personal bias
How EMFs impact our immune systems negatively
How vaccines are not only *not* the Nectar of the Gods, but can play a negative role in outbreaks

And on and on.. The vast majority arent specific to The Rona, but how to better handle outbreaks, diseases, and general health overall.

Instead, its all about locking ourselves in our homes and wearing masks until The Vaccine comes. None of which properly address major factors, and will even exacerbate the issue both with The Virus itself, society at large, and life as a whole.
edit on 27-5-2020 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Just had a neighbor drop by with a fresh baked loaf of bread and a cake. We drank tea and talked for over an hour. She barely watches TV, and gets most of her information from her son-in-law, that she listens to with a mental filter and a grain of salt, yet she said very much what you just said, not including the EMFs.

Much of this is plain commonsense. Living most of our lives in the country, we are very familiar with the dangers of viruses and bacteria. We are pretty good at avoiding them and treating them. General health, diet, exercise are indeed crucial.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
a reply to: Boadicea

In my rant, kinda forgot to add in:

I think the government and "experts" mishandling of this is borderline criminal. Even just in the "benign" perspective that there are no ulterior motives.

All along, they should have been talking about...

That's a great list... but I would really really emphasize diet and nutrition, including supplements. There is plenty of clinical evidence of both Vitamin C and Vitamin D3's antiviral properties, and plenty more healing or fortifying qualities, there's really no doubt that both can help, and people should be advised of their benefits, and proper medicinal dosing.

Of course, it would seem plenty of people already know, judging by the sold out stock of both C and D3 -- and plenty of other natural products -- at the two websites I frequent. This was about the first week of March. It's heartening to know that so many do actually know and are prepared to take care of themselves!

Instead, its all about locking ourselves in our homes and wearing masks until The Vaccine comes. None of which properly address major factors, and will even exacerbate the issue both with The Virus itself, society at large, and life as a whole.

They have created far more problems than the virus has -- or ever would have.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
a reply to: Boadicea

In my rant, kinda forgot to add in:

I think the government and "experts" mishandling of this is borderline criminal. Even just in the "benign" perspective that there are no ulterior motives.

All along, they should have been talking about:

General immune health, diet, etc.
Temporary alternatives to medications that greatly increase risk
How pollution both compromises immune systems and creates higher areas of infection density
How pathogens also spread through the atmosphere (NON-fear inducing)
How the varied presentations of covid are explained through immune response
The steps we can take in our own homes to minimize the impact of lack of flora in winter
How we can actually gain self-sufficiency for food, medicine, power, and manufacturing (personal bias
How EMFs impact our immune systems negatively
How vaccines are not only *not* the Nectar of the Gods, but can play a negative role in outbreaks

And on and on.. The vast majority arent specific to The Rona, but how to better handle outbreaks, diseases, and general health overall.

Instead, its all about locking ourselves in our homes and wearing masks until The Vaccine comes. None of which properly address major factors, and will even exacerbate the issue both with The Virus itself, society at large, and life as a whole.


World leaders are taking hydroxychloroquine to minimize the chances of Contracting covid-19.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: strongfp

Sometimes our immune systems aren't enough if we want to survive as a species, that's the bottom line.

That has never happened. If it had happened, just once, we wouldn't be here. Vaccines are fairly new creations... for most of my lifetime, there was no such thing as the annual flu shot; that was a ridiculous idea, to get a shot every year for something you did 't have yet. Immunizations were for truly deadly things only.

And yet, I survived; my parents survived; my grandparents survived; my great grandparents survived; my great great grand... you get the idea. Humans have been on this planet for thousands upon thousands, maybe millions of years and in all that time the species did not die off.

Even the bubonic plague was finally conquered through hygiene and herd immunity... not by a vaccine.

If you want to depress your immune system, that's up to you. But understand, it is little more than suicide. I'll keep building mine up so it can handle whatever comes next while the medical profession scrambles again to make something that maybe doesn't exist to combat something that didn't exist while people like you die.


posted on May, 27 2020 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Notably, we are finding that vaccines in general can increase risk for other viruses.

I'm not surprised. Immunity is a very complex mechanism, and our attempts seem to be akin to fixing a Rolex with a chainsaw. I'm not really anti-vaccine (both my kids were vaccinated when young), but I am cautious about anything done to me. I doubt I would be willing to take the new vaccine if it were created, and even if I did, it would be after a decent amount of time to see what unintended results it had.

I'm just not big on being a guinea pig (unless I developed the thing I am playing guinea pig for).


posted on May, 27 2020 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

Everything is a balance. If one needs honey, honey will help them. If one needs vitamin C, vitamin C will help them. In my case, vitamin D is a Godsend... it may not be for someone else.

Cravings help. At one time I was craving mushrooms for years (they are primarily one of the B vitamins, I believe). My body didn't "know" it needed that B vitamin, but it did "know" that mushrooms caused whatever imbalance that was to be mitigated a little. After a while the imbalance was corrected and I quit craving mushrooms (although I still love them). I've had similar cravings with dark chocolate and an assortment of vegetables.

That's why we eat a variety of foods: to get all the nutrients we need, and let our bodies determine how to balance them out depending on our needs at the time. We can't calculate that; we can't even understand it all yet. That's why it is best to rely on our bodies and make the smallest adjustments necessary as they become necessary.


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