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Covd 19 - It's not too late - Let's Stop it Now!

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posted on May, 27 2020 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

We had to develop a vaccine to keep influenza at bay. And the same goes for many other viruses and diseases. If we all relied just on our immune systems Spanish flu, and black plague situations would be the norm.

Is that what we want? A world where we are going to be piling up dead bodies every few years because we just relied on our immune systems.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: strongfp

Apparently it is. Ask the anti-vaxxers.

However, we do this routinely with common cold and some of those are coronaviruses.

Just remember - life is terminal.

edit on 27-5-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: AlienView

The survival of humans depends on distancing ourselves from a 0.004% risk of death?? Wow, did you take a sip of the kool aid or drink the whole bowl??

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 08:46 AM

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

You're right. The common cold is a good example.
But history is starting to show that common cold comes back harder and stronger it seems.
Either way, doing something is better then doing nothing.

With covid 19 it turned out to be our naive nature towards the unknown that got the best of us.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: strongfp

Is that what we want? A world where we are going to be piling up dead bodies every few years because we just relied on our immune systems.

Is this what we want you say? Yes this is what I want.

If I die, I die, it's natures way of telling me that I ate too much Sh!t, I smoked too many cigarettes, I ate too many burgers, I had too many vaccines which interfered with my natural immunity, I did too many drugs (legal prescription or illegal), or I had too many underlying health conditions.

Covid 19 is a result of all of the above, and many other factors.

We can't wrap up humanity in cotton wool.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 09:08 AM
I cannot believe how many of you fools allowed yourselves to be conditioned and programmed to become a hypochondriac over a psychological terror campaign. It's pretty damn predictable that nobody on the news is covering the CDC actual current model. How can they continue their terrorism is they had to report the truth to people??

The WHO was paid by China and Bill Gates to dramatize and sensationalize the common cold, that is literally what your freaking out over. The CDC gets the accurate numbers and is completely ignored.

Whatever, I suppose this is like trying to appeal to cattle.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: AlienView

A “stealth virus” ? What does that mean ? Nothing stealthy about a virus. We have always had viruses and will continue to have viruses since there is no known cure for any virus ever. Colds, Flu, herpes are all common viruses that at one time could have posed as great a danger as you believe the COVID-19 virus does.

Time to get outside and build immunity or we will eventually die but not from a simple virus. This is just stupid, and because viruses are airborne pathogens there is no way to avoid them, not by locking each other in our homes, not by hiding in the basement or hiding anywhere. The answer lies in building immunity and moving forward.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: strongfp

As I commented to the OP, I really don't understand this fear and panic. If the human body were as fragile as you seem to think, humanity never would have made it this far... None of us would be here at all!!! The OP hasn't replied to me... perhaps you'll help me out here...

Either way, doing something is better then doing nothing.

Very very true... and that begins at home.

So what have you done for yourself to fortify and strengthen your own body to manage this virus? How are your Vitamin D3 levels? How about C? Do you have any natural antivirals on hand, like olive leaf extract or oregano oil? How about some anti-inflammatories like turmeric? Do you know what to do for yourself at home if you become symptomatic? Have trouble breathing?

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Per the CDC current best estimates:
Asymptomatic infection compromises 35% of cases.
Of all symptomatic cases, 3.4% will require hospitalization.
Of all symptomatic cases, 0.4% will be fatal.

That's without factoring in age, gender, race, or comorbidities.

In 2018 the age adjusted CDC death rates per 100,000 were as follows:
Suicide: 14.2
Influenza and pneumonia: 14.9
Diabetes: 21.4
Alzheimer's: 30.5
Chronic lower respiratory diseases (ie COPD): 39.7
Unintentional injury: 48.0
Cancer: 149.1
Heart disease: 163.6

For comparison, according to Johns Hopkins University, the current US death rate sits at 30.2 per 100,000.

Twice as bad as the flu, but you're still more likely to die from many other things, including accidental injury.

End the lock downs.
Get back to your lives.
Stop spreading fear.

COVID- 19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios
Mortality in the United States, 2018
Mortality Analyses
edit on 5/27/2020 by cmdrkeenkid because: Syntax error.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: AlienView

The survival of Civilization - In fact the survival of the Human race is at stake.


Stop watching CNN - Lets stop FAKE NEWS NOW!

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: strongfp

And yet as many as 640 thousand succumb every year, a number likely much larger by the way as numbers can be manipulated in many directions. Small pox has decimated entire populations of people because they were never exposed to it and these populations were small pockets of people’s in isolated regions where they never built any immunity to the small pox virus.

A vaccine is simply put a boost to the immune system by infecting the population in order to establish antibodies in order to fight it off. If we continue to isolate and hide this virus could decimate large pockets of the population but if we go about life, take everyday precautions like hand washing and healthy life styles then we have much better chance than a vaccine can provide period.

What about all the bodies from influenza or cancers or obesity or diabetes or... perhaps now you understand or do you need more ?

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: KKLOCO

We have to give the devil his due. They have us perfectly tucked away into a perfectly assembled quandary.

If you use critical thinking and come to the conclusion that actions taken around the world in response to this virus, makes no sense, and that the virus is a convenient tool being used to manipulate us; you are wrong and should be removed from this Earth.

If you come to the conclusion that we are being selfish if we don't do what we are told. If you believe it is our responsibility to protect our communities by sheltering in place, only going out when it is extremely or essentially necessary, always wearing a mask when likely to be around other people, wearing gloves responsibility, and always having Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer at the ready; you are wrong and should be removed from this Earth.

They have us neatly pinioned. You can't win no matter what side we choose. So that leaves us angry, frustrated, and striking out at who and whatever is in striking ranging. Leaving only the controlling ones safe from our wrath.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Honey kills all viral pathogens including Covid and even the super bad bugs like HIV and Rabies.

Too bad no one's been doing any research on all the studies conducted over the last 20 years on how honey is such a powerful antiviral agent.

Plus consider the fact I've been in over a dozen major cities and lived outside under the stars this entire pandemic, around thousands of ppl.

I haven't seen a single sick person in 2 months, I saw 1 back then coughing profusely but that was it. 1 person a lil over 2 months ago.

I been around thousands, perhaps 10s of thousands, in a dozen airports, a hundred+ major retailers, etc.

Covid-1984 is not what they're portraying it as.

Honey works. It's a fact. No negative side effects and it's 100x more powerful than any antiviral poison they're pushing.

Problem is it's not profitable, it'd obliterate the entire pharma industry, and it'd strip them of the Quarantine powers immediately cuz we'd all have the actual CURE!

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

I am going to have to look into this. I know over 40 years back, we used to use honey as a barrier on slow healing wounds, and it did a wonderful job. Then they stopped using it as a standard medical practice, and replaced it with much more expensive pharmaceutical products with no increased benefit.

My Brother keeps bees. Honey is a mainstay in our daily diet, because it is plentiful, healthier than commercial sweeteners, and far better tasting.

Maybe it the honey that keeps us all healthy out here in the backwoods.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: DJMSN

I get you're nihilistic viewpoint on life. We all have the same ticket out of here, but not everyone wants to get off at the same stop as you.

Some people want to live healthy lives to build better futures for those they surround themselves with.
And I don't know about you, but I'd rather not get something like ebola or Spanish flu where your own immune system goes haywire and kills you.

Just because life is fragile doesn't mean we all need to suffer and abuse our bodies in the way you describe.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 10:07 AM
The virus will Not be the death of the human race NO virus will No bacteria will .
A really bad one which this could have been but lucky for us its not could easy wipe out 1 billion people in under a year .
Heck even if humans went all out killing our self FULL scale nuclear - Biological and chemical war we mite just manage to kill of 3/4 of out population The math means earth would still have 1.3 - 1.8 Billion people .

But as one poster pointed out we can or a Virus could easily cause the fall of our so called civilization .That is much much more delicate and that is what I am truly most concerned about . Oddly every single poster here knows ONE fact The det We had before the virus was and is UNSUSTAINABLE .
The money to pay it off just does not exist The ONLY reason our civilization has NOT already fallen is because we all pretend every thing is fine and the money we use acutely has value but like bit coin any value money has is ALL IN YOUR HEAD .

I do HOPE ONCE it can no longer be ignored the Governments have enough sense TO SIMPLY forgive all det or if you like a world wide bankrupt and start over if we could get along well enough even this Unpayed amount would not be a problem thing is humans cant get along that well .

if we do fall it wont be the virus it will be our selfs who cause it .

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: midnightstar
The virus will Not be the death of the human race NO virus will No bacteria will... Oddly every single poster here knows ONE fact The debt We had before the virus was and is UNSUSTAINABLE... I do HOPE ONCE it can no longer be ignored the Governments have enough sense TO SIMPLY forgive all det or if you like a world wide bankrupt and start over...

I agree. So do these folks:

(Jubilee USA) Debt Cancellation: Biblical Norm, Not Exception

Forgive us our debts: the case for a Jubilee

if we do fall it wont be the virus it will be our selfs who cause it .

That's exactly right.

posted on May, 27 2020 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: strongfp

If we all relied just on our immune systems Spanish flu, and black plague situations would be the norm.

Well, then, haus, you got yourself a problem!

As I already said, there is nothing... nothing known to mankind that can destroy a viral infection except our own immunity, No medicine, no vaccine, no therapy. It has never been done. A vaccine can trick our immunity into making antibodies before we actually contract the disease, but it is still our own immunity that keeps us from dying. If we had no immunity, the first cold would kill us.

That's just how it works. There is no magic. The doctors do not have some secret mystical power to cause virii to disappear.

About 1 in 58,000 babies are born without a functioning immune system. The condition is referred to as SCID or Severe Combined Immunodeficiency. Such children, unless the situation is treated with stem cells, are lucky to make it to their first birthday. That's what happens when one doesn't rely on their own immunity.

I have never had a flu shot and I have no intention of getting one. I rarely, and I mean rarely took medicine until the heart attacks started. Even now, I take an aspirin, a statin for the cholesterol, and vitamin D for a deficiency... that's it. And I almost never get sick enough to slow me down, much less hospitalize me. Medicines weaken one's immunity... by making it easier for the body to work, the body becomes weaker. It's the same principle that we know muscles develop stronger when stressed more. There are even studies that show that children who are kept in too sterile an environment develop allergies and weaker immune systems in adulthood.

You might want to change your outlook. Not depending on your own immunity will kill you.


posted on May, 27 2020 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: AlienView

This isnt how these things are "conquered."

Both from the perspective of normal immune function to how pathogens spread. Spread also happens through local weather and the atmosphere in general.

Which should, of course, bring a lot of things into question about our perspective and approach.. but meh.

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