We need to get the details of the coronavirus/COVID-19 conspiracy theory correct if we want to prove that the pandemic is a fraud. These are the
presumed facts of the conspiracy as I understand them:
1) Hydroxychloroquine works within 8 to 12 hours to cure patients of coronavirus, but that fact is being suppressed to make Orange Man look bad.
2) The media and big pharma are promoting Remdesivir instead of hydroxychloroquine not because it works (it doesn't), but because Remdesivir is much
more expensive than hydroxychloroquine which means billions of dollars in profits for big pharma and consequently also for the media because big
pharma buys big media ads. Big pharma and big media also want to make Orange Man look bad, so it's a two-for-one deal.
3) People with COVID-19 are intentionally being allowed to die by the tens of thousands by being deprived of hydroxychloroquine just to make Orange
Man look bad and cause him to lose the upcoming election in November.
4) Every American who has died recently or who dies henceforth, regardless of cause, is labeled as a COVID-19 death. (Get hit by a bus? You just died
of COVID-19!)
5) The lockdown is totally unnecessary and is only being done to drive down the economy and take away Orange Man's biggest bragging point for
6) Fauci, Birx, and the rest of the medical establishment in the White House Coronavirus Task Force are in cahoots with the Deep State and are working
to subvert and sabotage Trump with their bad information and advice, which they know to be false.
7) Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has started his own coronavirus task force to contradict the findings of the official White House Coronavirus
Task Force and save the day for Orange Man and the Republicans in the upcoming elections.
8) Wearing masks actually causes illness. Quack pharma knows this, but they push mask-wearing anyway to increase the numbers of sick people to make
Orange Man look bad.
9) Bill Gates is in this. He's pushing vaccines, which will also line the pockets of big pharma and--you guessed it--actually make people sicker.
Gates is allegedly creating diseases by genetically engineering the viruses that cause them and then releasing them on the public. Then he is funding
the creation of vaccines for the viruses. These vaccines 1) don't work, 2) actually make people sick, 3) also cause decreased sperm count in men,
which, along with the afore mentioned points, helps to solve the perceived problem of overpopulation. Like all members of the elite, Bill Gates
believes in population control.
10) The governments of China, France, and Brazil also want Orange Man out of the White House. That's why they faked studies which indicate that
chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine delivered poor results in patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19:
"Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine ‘largely failed’ to improve coronavirus patient survival rates in early, small studies" --
Studies in China, France and Brazil report that these drugs have "largely failed to deliver improvements on other key measures when evaluated
in rigorous research studies. In research done in France, hydroxychloroquine reduced neither deaths nor admissions to intensive care units among
patients who received it. In a study conducted in China and another in Brazil, the two drugs failed to help patients clear the coronavirus faster."
Is the above correct? What did I miss?
edit on 14-5-2020 by kasalt because: (no reason given)