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New York Nurse's Breakdown on Video. Claims They're Killing the Patients.

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posted on May, 5 2020 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

My head is in reality. In reality there are limited resources and hard choices have to be made. I work on a covid unit in a nursing home surrounded by 40 residents with the virus. Wtf have you done?

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: DictionaryOfExcuses

She's putting her entire career at risk.....if lying why would she do that??? That makes no sense either. I'm more inclined to go with her as she's clearly very emotional about the situation..not that easy to fake

No it's not hard to fake. Also, no it doesn't require so many people to turn a blind eye either. In reality, people do what their told, and the knowledge in medicine is incredibly low even at the neurosurgeon level.

I have two brief stories to share;

My wife has VHL [Von-Hippel Lindau Disease] and causes tumors to grow on the central nervous system. I figured out she had a brain tumor based on symptoms I observed in my home, she went to the neurologist, he prescribed steroid packs, said they were just migraines. She asked for a brain scan and he turned her down and wrote her another prescription for steroid treatment.

Had to go to her GP and beg for a brain scan, she gave us one and came back with 2 brain tumors. The neurologist won an award for being the best neurologist in Bradenton Florida, and his whole job is to diagnose a brain issue, and he failed completely.

Second story; My dad has stage 4 colo-rectal cancer. They gave him a colostomy bag, which they then converted over to an illiostomy bag. They are meant to be temporary because they hemorrhage your hydration level. My dad ended up clinically dehydrated, and his liver function started tanking as a result. His NUCLEAR SCIENCE TEAM took him off his chemo therapy and radiation treatments because they thought it was caused by the Chemo, when it was clearly caused by dehydration. I explained this to the nuclear science team -- after 4 months of no treatments, they conceded I was right and put him back on the treatments.

In the mean time, his cancer spread tremendously.

So -- no, doctors are all idiots who can't be told what is right or not right because they have ego's and "credibility." Nurses get told what to do by these very same Doctors.

If I told you about the mistreatment my father went through, just to be diagnosed; y'all wouldn't believe it. He was bleeding in his stool; which was the inciting reason for getting checked out, and they told him it was "Spaghetti sauce" and not blood, and sent him home.

I took him to Doctor's Hospital in Sarasota afterward; and they laughed at him when he said he was bleeding while pooping, and they rolled their eyes, and laughed and made jokes and made fun of him; I raised hell, made friends with the head nurse of the hospital [who is also on the board of directors] -- she pulled some strings and got him admitted, and then they find stage 4 cancer.

So to think "malpractice" doesn't happen at gross levels in every hospital because it would take too many people to be complicit, is a fallacy. People are stupid, even people with degrees cannot critically think.

The moral of the story is, even before Corona, hospitals are killing more people than anything else is. Dr. Dethamasso; who is a surgeon who specializes in tumor removal in Venice Florida; killed a guy in my dads group. He was 33 years old, had one cancerous tumor in his abdomen. The doctor scheduled him for tumor dissection, split the tumor, let the spores leak into his blood stream, 2 months later he had 88 tumors in his abdomen.

You cannot operate on a cancerous tumor until you've killed the tumor first. Same doctor told my dad they were gonna remove his tumor, I denied it -- spoke with a different surgeon and the nuclear science team, and they put him on treatments to kill the tumor before they removed it. If my dad would have followed that other Doctor's Advice he'd be dead now.

Don't trust doctors. They don't know what they are doing. Let them run their tests, then YOU READ THEM, and then you read the medical journals to find the best treatments, and you do it that way. Otherwise you're probably going to die.
edit on 5-5-2020 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
a reply to: tanstaafl
My head is in reality. In reality there are limited resources and hard choices have to be made. I work on a covid unit in a nursing home surrounded by 40 residents with the virus. Wtf have you done?

I actually watched the video of this nurse crying, describing her patients, and other patients, being MURDERED.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

I watched the video as well. She is clearly LYING. This is just a poor mans “Obama’s got guillotines in the train cars”
This is a hospital. Not a horror movie.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

This is a hospital. Not a horror movie.

Some hospitals are horror movies.

Not all, but just sayin'...


posted on May, 5 2020 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: SRPrime

Thank you for describing how I became $100k in medical debt, that I didnt even think about paying back, because I was never diagnosed, and constantly told I had the flu, for something I had to solve and figure out via something called "science"

If my mom wasn't an RN, and I hadn't helped her study, I might not of been so lucky.

Treat your damn self, and stay healthy...

At least be smart an seek multiple opinions that align

a reply to: TheRedneck

Oh yes! Some are straight up barbaric.
edit on 5-5-2020 by Tranceopticalinclined because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 09:46 PM
If you are by yourself alone without an advocate (relative etc.) in the hospital with any type of serious condition, you have a very good chance of not lasting very long. I have also seen and experienced this myself several times. It is an absolute fact, you have to be a serious nag to get a loved one the treatment they need. I have been on both sides of it, both the patient and advocate. These people with COVID hardly have a chance, and the ventilators are definitely killing these people. Yet, the MSM still screaming that Hydroxychloroquine doesn't work, when there are several credible studies showing it ABSOLUTELY helps. Trump is correct, the dems want more death and the economy to continue to crash, it's the only thing they have left that could possibly help them in the election. I predicted months ago, the only thing left was to crash the economy.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: Tranceopticalinclined

I want to be careful here... some medical establishments try their damn best to help as much as they can. I don't want to give the impression that I think all of them are sub-standard. I have one helluva cardiologist... old-time doc.

But yeah, situations like ours do exist, and far too often to have an allegation like this one dismissed out of hand. There's one smaller general hospital near me that I unlovingly refer to as "the butcher shop." I went there after stepping on a rusty nail sticking out of some rotten cedar lumber (yes, cedar can rot!). I finished the day (roofing job I had subcontracted) but by the time it was time to stop, the foot was hurting very much badly. As it turned out, it was about 1/4" from going all the way through.

So I figured, OK, I can handle the pain so far, the job is almost finished, and I can just take it easy on the foot until it heals. Then I thought about tetanus... when was the last time I had a tetanus shot? Hell, had I ever had a tetanus shot? So I go to the butcher shop to get a tetanus shot. Nothing else... no insurance, I need a tetanus shot, I got money, and I'll be on my way. 4 hours later, still not seen anyone but the nurse who commanded me to soak my foot in hot soapy water (a doctor later informed me that is the worst thing one can do to a deep puncture wound), with my foot now unable to bear any touch to the floor, I grab a wheelchair and wheel myself out of the ER. I managed to get to a doc the following day and get the shot... and a prescription for crutches.

I won't go into the little encounter with security that occurred between one ticked-off redneck in a lot of pain and the guard that wanted to cop an attitude... but suffice it to say he thought better of his actions prior to receiving the worst butt-whooping he had ever experienced by a one-legged man.

That was bad enough, but they actually had the nerve to send me a bill! I politely sent them one of my own... additional lost time from work, medical costs (including the crutches), and a little bonus for pain encountered without cause. I explained that they could use their bill to offset mine (which was several times theirs). They never paid. Then came the collection agencies... I explained that the hospital owed me money and when could I expect to be paid? After a couple of different agencies, I wrote another letter to the hospital, detailing exactly what had occurred, and explaining that if I were ever contacted about payment for a bill that should never have been issued and paled beside my actual damages, I would be filing malpractice and the pain and suffering amount would increase by a couple of orders of magnitude.

They never bothered me again.

Yeah, these places exist... and should be closed down, with the administrators charged criminally. Considering what they did to an able-bodied redneck, what do they do to someone who is helpless?


posted on May, 5 2020 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

While dudes with MBA's run around setting fires while cackling like deranged morons.

The biggest problem with our hospitals is money (and cuck-Mammonites who think they're "winning" a race to the bottom).
edit on 5-5-2020 by 0zzymand0s because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 12:32 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
The main issue is that they have orders from higher up to use ventilators and skip less invasive methods because they could aerosolize the virus, and anyone who questions that is being censored on all platforms from what I can tell, that's why no one will listen to her. However it seems like some hospitals are now reversing those guidelines and treating patients with less invasive methods as is standard practice before using ventilators.

The death rate with the current ventilator settings is around 80%.

Gerhard Laier-Groeneveld MD, a respiratory failure pulmonologist, received 8 seriously ill, deeply sedated patients receiving ventilation. He used the following settings on the ventilators:

Positive pressure at the end of expiration (PEEP) be adjusted to zero
Inspiratory time to 1.4 seconds
pCO2 to less than 35 mmHg
Tidal volume increase to at least 800 ml.

With these settings his patients are still alive, four weeks later. He has been testing passive ventilation without sedation in patients with respiratory failure for almost a decade, and has achieved mortality rates as low as 2% to 8%. With conventional settings, the mortality rates among acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients receiving pulmonary protection ventilation was 35% to 50%.

Patients arriving in Neustadt for COVID-19 are treated with oxygen, mask ventilation, and high tidal volumes to satisfy the respiratory drive. Noninvasive ventilation is very effective and many people do not need intubation or sedatives.

He shared his strategy through Medscape Consult, and some doctors around the world responded, thanking him for his advice and asking for clarification. However, most doctors are still using the old settings.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 05:15 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: highvein

This isn't the only one stating there is problems with treatment. Serious problems. Here is another video with similar information:

This video was proven to be weeks or months old and NOT valid anymore. It may have been happening in March but according to sources, most hospitals had cleared up the traffic and were pretty much empty.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: highvein
I don't know where to begin with this.

Is it true? If so, what does it mean?

Is this the population reduction that Bill Gate's speaks of on occasion?

Help me out with your thoughts on this.

A Nurse in a New York Hospital, I know it's not a lot to go on, but she makes a facebook video that gets put on youtube.

She is claiming that Dr's and Nurses are killing patients in a New York hospital.

Is this really happening or is someone trying to persuade a certain thought process with a lie.

It is a little long, but I found it to be interesting so I am posting it here.

If it is happening, I get a sense that something quiet evil is behind it.

There ya go. Have at it.

Hey, not saying she is lying or exaggerating things but how old is this video?
Which hospital is this?
There is no time stamp or reference to anything.
This video may have been made weeks ago, just like the other nurse video.
We don't know how to validate this.
I want to believe her. I know there is gross mismanagement taking place or have been taking place in the hospitals BUT we have to be careful in making assessments just by watching a tearful video.

I got essential workers in NYC telling me for the most part, hospitals there are pretty much back to "normal". Low traffic and care workers are being disbanded. I just don't know who to believe anymore.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 05:40 AM
Taking this at face value I have but one question:
I am as serious as cancer. Someone - ANYONE - who can properly do so PLEASE point me in the right direction.
I will make this cause my literal reason for existing.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: SRPrime

Absolutely, there as many chances of getting the wrong or right treatment as there are levels of competence in the practitioners. Sadly in my experience the chances of competence seem extremely low.

It can be the doctors: giving my dad pills to lower his blood pressure, when the issue was already low blood pressure. That sped up progress of his cancer.

It can be incompetence exacerbated by systemic shortcomings: my mum was suffering a high heart rate and rushed to hospital. In the triage I found her virtually abandoned in a corner Beijing a curtain, despite the A+E being only averagely busy. She was hallucinating and having an anxiety attack, though no one seems to care.

Finally got the head doctor’s attention after a couple hours and she was at a loss as to her condition and basically told me to prepare for the worst. I found the paperwork and noticed that folded small, hidden between blank pages was the hand over notes from the ambulance. They’d given her the full dose allowed of a drug to lower the heart rate. However, the paperwork stated that she’d then been given further doses at the hospital. The doctor in the hospital hadn’t done a proper hand over - hadn’t looked at the notes and had overdosed her.

When I challenged them they basically denied the mistake, but couldn’t tell me why I was wrong. They lied. My mum recovered and I’ve always wondered if I should’ve sued (I took a picture of the paperwork).

And then there’s failures to properly investigate chronic condition’s causes, instead opting to treat with ever stronger drugs, which no doubt make the hospital and big pharma a lot of cash: I was diagnosed with seronegative inflammatory arthritis. The osteo specialist gave me powerful drugs, tetanus shots, doses increasing over a year. It got so bad they wanted to stop work all together and use a walking stick. I resisted. When they suggested I take Methotrexate - a form of chemo I stopped going to the specialist and stopped taking all of their drugs. Within a month I was 90% recovered and have fortunately remained that way in the 20 years since.

You have to take medicine for what it is - 50% guesswork and ongoing trials in which we are all the Guinea pigs. We always think we’re on the cutting edge, but a century from now they’ll view many this era’s damaging treatments the way we view those a century ago; often with horror. However, one thing that looks like it can only get worse is the business aspect - the profiteering from treatments, for which a cure kills the revenue stream.

Make your decisions and assumption of those that treat you - most of whom probably have only the best of intentions - with this scepticism and surely that can only make you wiser and safer.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: Jaellma

This video was proven to be weeks or months old and NOT valid anymore. It may have been happening in March but according to sources, most hospitals had cleared up the traffic and were pretty much empty.

Oh dear... what a bunch of weasel words that mean pretty much nothing. But do tell???

Who are these "sources"? And what exactly did they prove as NOT valid anymore? How did they prove it? Indeed, how could they prove it without releasing every patient's complete medical records (which, of course, is a HIPAA violation)?

Enquiring minds want to know.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

That video was posted in previous threads AND had comments that were months old. It received criticism from many angles and the user pulled the video. No one is saying the story is not true but were only criticizing how relevant it was based on the efforts NY has accomplished since the onset of COVID-19. That's all. Please learn to read and comprehend and not shoot the messenger.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: Jaellma
a reply to: Boadicea

That video was posted in previous threads AND had comments that were months old.

Talk is cheap. I've posted that video in at least a couple threads, and I've seen no such messages.

It received criticism from many angles...

No doubt. People doing bad things don't like their bad behavior being made public.

...and the user pulled the video.

Okay... show me? When did the user pull the video? Why did the user pull the video? Because it was "NOT valid anymore"? Or because she was getting threats?

No one is saying the story is not true but were only criticizing how relevant it was based on the efforts NY has accomplished since the onset of COVID-19.

So it is true... but their previous murderous practices are no longer relevant?

And what exactly have they accomplished? Killing people in new and creative ways? Because according to this, from May 2, NYC hasn't accomplished saving more lives:

New York’s daily coronavirus deaths remain ‘obnoxiously high,’ Gov. Cuomo warns

It was the second day in a row that the single-day deaths fell below 300, but Friday’s tally was 10 more than the day before, adding to a staggering statewide total of 18,909.

And hospitalizations aren't exactly leaving hospitals "pretty much empty," as you previously stated:

Another 831 New Yorkers were admitted to hospitals with COVID-19 cases on Friday, the lowest one-day admission number since March 24, Cuomo said.

“We’re still getting about 900 new infections every day walking into the hospital,” he said.

That's all. Please learn to read and comprehend and not shoot the messenger.

I comprehend just fine. That's how I know weasel words when I see them. That's not shooting the messenger.

Talk is cheap. Either you have this "proof" that you speak of or you don't.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: Boadicea
LOL. You can say all what you want to say. That video you claimed you posted had numerous comments on YouTube that was months old. However, it was pulled by the original poster and is now recirculating again by a different account. You can believe me if you want to or not. I really don't give a rat's behind.

As for proof, my sources are my brother and sister-in-law, and a close family friend (in Queens) who are both essential workers in NYC. They are out and about every single day and have checked out various city hospitals in the city.

My post is to warn folks to not believe everything they see or hear in the news. If you claim you "comprehend" just fine, you of all people should know that not everything is what it is. Listen to what your trusted friends and family members are experiencing to understand and decipher as much as what is REALLY going on.

People are dying from COVID-19. I get that. I have lost 3 close ones from it, many others I know are either suffering or trying to recover. My whole point is things are being hyped up and exaggerated for nefarious reasons in many quarters. Keep your damn eyes open and learn to comprehend what's real from what is recycled news. That's all.

You can choose to believe whatever, dude. I trust my sources.

edit on 6-5-2020 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: Jaellma
a reply to: Boadicea

That video you claimed you posted had numerous comments on YouTube that was months old. However, it was pulled by the original poster...

Hmmmmm.... I just found the youtube page for the original posting, and no, it was NOT pulled by the original poster. It was taken down by youtube for violating their "community guidelines."

Is this your only lie mistake???

...and is now recirculating again by a different account. You can believe me if you want to or not. I really don't give a rat's behind.

I don't have to "believe" anything... I already proved you are not speaking truth.

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Good!! You are getting warmer. Now try to find the comments (if you can) from that taken down video. If you can prove to me some of the comments on there were NOT from February and March then I will rest my case. Until then, you can say whatever to the contrary. I know what I saw and read and I even posted previously as such.

I must say, I really don't have much energy to argue with you on this. I know what I saw. Prove to me the previous comments from that taken down video were not as fresh as the video itself. Until then, I can't help you.

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