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Gang Stalking and Cyber Torture Documentary - These are the best gang stalking videos on the web.

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posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: GetitTogether

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: noonebutme

Is this video a joke..?

These people seem mentally unstable - the people reporting the stalking, that is.

At 1hr5min in, the guy in the park at a bench. He’s complaining because someone sat at the bench next to him and he, “Didn’t like it”. O_o

He said he even called the police on the guy simply sitting at the bench opposite him.

Sorry but that video only feeds the delusions of the mentally disturbed.

I can tell by your head shot that you're not that sophisticated so let me explain what's happening in that video. The entire point of gang stalking is to break a person down to the degree that they become hyper vigilant and in some experiments 'crack' and become violent. This is very hard-core Mengele and Manchurian Candidate kind of stuff. Even the people involved on the ground don't know exactly what the point of the harassment is, they're just told it's part of a neuroscience project (if they're told anything at all). The woman in the truck could have been called by a superior and asked to remove the guy because of a complaint. Experiments are run on all sorts of people including individuals with mental illnesses. So you have to examine every instance of gang stalking carefully to identify the stressors that are being created. 99% of people eating alone would have reacted the same way to someone who sits down directly next to them in an empty park and doesn't say a thing and then unzips various compartments in his backpack searching for something. A police officer would have shot him dead on the spot, no questions asked. As tough as a person might be on the internet, safely protected behind a locked door, being exposed to a situation like this in a park with a complete stranger is a different story. What's abnormal is the behavior of the person who sits down, not the victim's reaction. And once the victim is made upset, the park ranger adds more stress by questioning his being there (in a completely empty park in the daytime). This is the compounding of stress that can't be released because nobody will listen to you and you can't break the law. And because the victim identifies as a TI, it could have been the 100th time he has been put through something like this. These operations are exactly what's responsible for creating some of the spree killers. Think about it in those terms and you'll understand how rage can be engineered. The US is a much much darker place than people realize.

posted on May, 1 2020 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: Simplifythecircuit

originally posted by: noonebutme

Is this video a joke..?

These people seem mentally unstable - the people reporting the stalking, that is.

At 1hr5min in, the guy in the park at a bench. He’s complaining because someone sat at the bench next to him and he, “Didn’t like it”. O_o

He said he even called the police on the guy simply sitting at the bench opposite him.

Sorry but that video only feeds the delusions of the mentally disturbed.

I can tell by your head shot that you're not that sophisticated so let me explain what's happening in that video. The entire point of gang stalking is to break a person down to the degree that they become hyper vigilant and in some experiments 'crack' and become violent. This is very hard-core Mengele and Manchurian Candidate kind of stuff. Even the people involved on the ground don't know exactly what the point of the harassment is, they're just told it's part of a neuroscience project (if they're told anything at all). The woman in the truck could have been called by a superior and asked to remove the guy because of a complaint. Experiments are run on all sorts of people including individuals with mental illnesses. So you have to examine every instance of gang stalking carefully to identify the stressors that are being created. 99% of people eating alone would have reacted the same way to someone who sits down directly next to them in an empty park and doesn't say a thing and then unzips various compartments in his backpack searching for something. A police officer would have shot him dead on the spot, no questions asked. As tough as a person might be on the internet, safely protected behind a locked door, being exposed to a situation like this in a park with a complete stranger is a different story. What's abnormal is the behavior of the person who sits down, not the victim's reaction. And once the victim is made upset, the park ranger adds more stress by questioning his being there (in a completely empty park in the daytime). This is the compounding of stress that can't be released because nobody will listen to you and you can't break the law. And because the victim identifies as a TI, it could have been the 100th time he has been put through something like this. These operations are exactly what's responsible for creating some of the spree killers. Think about it in those terms and you'll understand how rage can be engineered. The US is a much much darker place than people realize.

People who believe that they are being gang stalked are almost certainly mentally ill. And your post is bull#.

posted on May, 1 2020 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: RMFX1

Well the UN's special rapporteur on torture, the technical head of intelligence for the NSA and countless others certainly don't think so. Here's an interview from April 26th with Bill Binney, Kirk Wiebe, and Dr. Katherine Horton. Dr. Horton has a PhD in high energy physics from Oxford and is a gang stalking and cyber torture (with microwave weapons) victim. Binney and Wiebe are helping put together her court case.

Here's the link. The video won't embed.
edit on 1-5-2020 by Simplifythecircuit because: trying to post the video

posted on May, 1 2020 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: Simplifythecircuit
a reply to: RMFX1

Well the UN's special rapporteur on torture, the technical head of intelligence for the NSA and countless others certainly don't think so. Here's an interview from April 26th with Bill Binney, Kirk Wiebe, and Dr. Katherine Horton. Dr. Horton has a PhD in high energy physics from Oxford and is a gang stalking and cyber torture (with microwave weapons) victim. Binney and Wiebe are helping put together her court case.

I'm not saying that it's never happened. I'm saying that it almost never happens. People who think that they are being gang stalked are for the most part mentally ill. That's a fact. There are plenty of unstable people who believe that this is happening to them but it's not. They're paranoid, delusional and of unsound mind.

For the most part, actually in every claimed case I've ever seen of this there is nothing remarkable or important at all about these people and certainly nothing that would generate the motivation for any group of people to coordinate in this fashion against them. Its crazy and narcissistic. Its #ing nuts.

They need help not confirmation.
edit on 1-5-2020 by RMFX1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2020 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: RMFX1

mess with religions and # gets south pretty quick. They love this technique because it is so subtle, that one can just say god works in mysterious ways.
I think it is very real, and much more are taking part in it than what we think...

posted on May, 2 2020 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: GetitTogether

Maaaate ? Why not get those 3 sisters on the case, Piper. Prue & can't think of other one but starts with a "P" I think.

posted on May, 2 2020 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: geezlouise

Is there really such a big difference, between something electrical and demons?

posted on May, 2 2020 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: NoConspiracy

LOL idk.

It's funny because I've been one of those people. When I was younger... never did I consider that it was an actual electrical problem- it was always most likely DEMONS. Nowadays when my phone plays random songs by itself, DEMONS. Jk, it's just my phone malfunctioning. I'm grown up now.

TBH I'm always pulled into these topics. I have experienced stalking of a sort in the past. Not like this though, but still... technically a sort of group stalking in relation to other things entirely. I've struggled with my own delusions, feeling like a science project, feeling like the subject of experimentation, feeling like a group of people are working together behind the scenes in the shadows to influence me, to control me.

I'm not going to lie, it gets me going. I'm soaking up all the info.

posted on May, 2 2020 @ 09:44 AM
stalk gang!

posted on May, 2 2020 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: geezlouise

The other day i was upstairs and suddenly something big crashed downstairs, really big. It sent a fancy tingle down my spine. The first thought was supernatural, i went down and saw it was the glassy lampshade. Then I remembered, that I touched it when I was cleaning that morning, it must have not fallen for a micro inch then, but when i walked over that room later the vibration gave it the rest, to fall.
That was really annoying especially because I just cleaned the bathroom...
It's good to first eliminate all other possibilities, but some occurrences are beyond any rational explanation....

posted on May, 2 2020 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: NoConspiracy

I believe that those occurrences which are "beyond any rational explanation" still have a rational explanation just outside of our understanding. Sometimes we don't have all the details/aren't aware of all the variables so an event may look mysterious or even feel chaotic and beyond any rational explanation. It's weird that we search to make sense out of anything at all, and if I have faith in anything... it is that there is an order to things at all times.

posted on May, 2 2020 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: geezlouise

Fair point

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