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Gang Stalking and Cyber Torture Documentary - These are the best gang stalking videos on the web.

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posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 11:28 AM
Most people missed the news from the United Nations Human Rights Council that a special category of torture has been designated by the special rapporteur on torture, Dr. Nils Melzner, concerning advanced technology.

Cybernetic torture encompasses information and communications technology AND terrifying new weapons such as nano, implants, neurotechnological devices (neuroweapons), A.I., and pharmaceutical and biomedical science. Dr. Melzner, expressed great concern that these technologies could be used by governments against their citizens which is exactly what’s happening.

Thousands of people from around the world are reporting neuroweapons attacks, like the kind used against the US embassy staff in Cuba, and gang stalking crimes. Gang stalking slowly and methodically destroys a person’s life and sanity and is reportedly being used make victims of neuroweapons attacks and experimentation appear mentally unstable.

Mainstream media is attempting to cast gangstalking victims as delusional which the following documentary proves is absolutely false.

Please watch and help share this brand-new video compilation of real-life gang stalking and cyber torture crimes caught on tape and share as widely as you can!


Sorry about the multiple posts. I didn't see the 'new' link above.

edit on 29-4-2020 by Simplifythecircuit because: needed to add a period to the title.

edit on 29-4-2020 by Simplifythecircuit because: fixed the embedded video link.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Simplifythecircuit
Most people missed the news from the United Nations Human Rights Council that a special category of torture has been designated by the special rapporteur on torture, Dr. Nils Melzner, concerning advanced technology.

Cybernetic torture encompasses information and communications technology AND terrifying new weapons such as nano, implants, neurotechnological devices (neuroweapons), A.I., and pharmaceutical and biomedical science. Dr. Melzner, expressed great concern that these technologies could be used by governments against their citizens which is exactly what’s happening.

Thousands of people from around the world are reporting neuroweapons attacks, like the kind used against the US embassy staff in Cuba, and gang stalking crimes. Gang stalking slowly and methodically destroys a person’s life and sanity and is reportedly being used make victims of neuroweapons attacks and experimentation appear mentally unstable.

Mainstream media is attempting to cast gangstalking victims as delusional which the following documentary proves is absolutely false.

Please watch and help share this brand-new video compilation of real-life gang stalking and cyber torture crimes caught on tape and share as widely as you can!


Here's your video

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Thanks... My fault. I didn't see the new posts link.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 01:01 PM
You have definitely come to the right place to bring this information forth.

This site is a Hotspot for picking out undesired individuals.
Watch them coming out of the woodwork trying to frame it as some sort of paranoia or schizophrenia.
stay safe!
edit on 29-4-2020 by NoConspiracy because: Woodwork

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 02:18 PM
Watched it and learned about the term "gang stalking" and my guess is that it's a psychological problem. A mix of paranoia and feeling of self-importance.
In reality it would not make much sense to target people like that just because they think different. If you want someone to stay quiet then you don't fuel them with meaningless fear, so they would be motivated to talk more or make them feel that they are doing something important. It would take less time to poison someones food, or frame them for a crime and just lock them up. This pointless surveilence would just be an extreme waste of resources even for people with bad intent. Fear has big eyes and if you will be concentrated in looking for people who might be folowing you, then you will find "them" eventually. If you are interested enough to see something, then in the end mathematical probability helps you to make the connections.
edit on 29-4-2020 by eitea because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 05:26 PM
Although I agree that the belief in being gangstalked can be a sign of mental illness and that shouldn't be discounted, I also believe there is a supernatural element to the phenomenon.

There are invisible rulers of the world, demons. And the head hancho is Satan.

I have come to the conclusion that some gangstalking is the result of said rulers, supernatural entities: the demons/fallen angels, can use humans as their puppets to gang-stalk a person if they so chose.

Once you add the supernatural element into the equation a lot of things fall into place. Demons can possess or influence people of weak mind who allow it. And this is much more common than people realize. They can enter and exit such people at whim. Especially those involved with occult practices, and drug/substance abuse, which is rampant.

Almost anywhere a person travels there are people walking around in dark spiritual slumber, in a deep deathlike sleep. These people are unwitting pawns of Satan and his demons. It is very easy for them to control such to pester the person they want to for whatever reason until that one has lost his/her sanity.

A clear protection against it is to call upon the name of Jehovah the true God with spirit and truth. That is, his name is not an amulet of some sort. Rather it is drawing close to God in prayer and ridding oneself of all immoral and spiritistic practices and worshiping God wholeheartedly and with accurate knowledge of truth from the Bible.
edit on 29-4-2020 by GetitTogether because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: GetitTogether

I'm going on a limb and say modern day tech can do the same...

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: NoConspiracy
a reply to: GetitTogether

I'm going on a limb and say modern day tech can do the same...

Right on.... team Youtube - team Facebook only hire lefty gang-stalkers.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: NoConspiracy
a reply to: GetitTogether

I'm going on a limb and say modern day tech can do the same...

I guess to a certain extent. But not nearly as proficiently as the demons who can go right into your house and observe you. Or follow you around wherever you go.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: CraftyArrow

I was thinking about slightly more sophisticated tech, but none the less Social media is the first line of defence, tightly followed by this board... Then things become more hardware. SCP comes to mind... If all fails there is still tech around but it leaves undeniable trails to use such tech, why it is rarely applied outside the battlefield.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: GetitTogether

That kind of demons is easily rid off.
Just invoke another more powerful one like you explained.

There are even some that help you without requesting anything...

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: NoConspiracy
a reply to: GetitTogether

That kind of demons is easily rid off.
Just invoke another more powerful one like you explained.

There are even some that help you without requesting anything...

True, true. Although some are harder to get rid of than others. Some of Jesus' disciples who had power over the demons could not even expel certain ones. And Jesus had to do it himself. He said it was their lack of faith that prevented them from expelling the demon. (account is in Matthew 17:14-20.)

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: eitea

Gang stalking, or organized stalking, is recognized even by various police departments. I'll try to find a link, but it will take some digging to rediscover old news articles. A quick search didn't render any useful results for me, and it has been 10 years since I did any significant research on the subject.

There are groups of people who engage in such activities for whatever purpose. Self-importance, social club, bandwagon, ect. Why would a group of people get together and do this sort of thing? Well, why do groups of people get together and do anything crazy? Cults, gangs, nerdy clubs, whatever.
Who knows why? They just do.

From what I understand the victimology is seldom consistent. Maybe you looked at a group member the wrong way. Who knows?

I wouldn't be surprised if some groups targeted activists, conspiracy theorists, and people too close to a certain truth simply because a social perception of the target's insanity would do more to discredit his cause than death or imprisonment.

Of course there are people who suffer from paranoia or delusions, and they genuinely believe they are being gang stalked when they aren't. That doesn't negate the real phenomenon of gang stalking in legitimate cases.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 01:09 AM
Gang stalking isn't real. Paranoia is.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 02:34 AM
Did anyone watch the video?

One of the first ones is a guy saying that cars with thier headlights on during the day are all working together to stalk him.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: Quantumgamer1776

Totally rational. It must be true.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 02:53 AM
Is this video a joke..?

These people seem mentally unstable - the people reporting the stalking, that is.

At 1hr5min in, the guy in the park at a bench. He’s complaining because someone sat at the bench next to him and he, “Didn’t like it”. O_o

He said he even called the police on the guy simply sitting at the bench opposite him.

Sorry but that video only feeds the delusions of the mentally disturbed.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: noonebutme

I've only made it 19 minutes into the video. The first "targeted individual" who is recording the stare down clearly got inducted into David Ike's camp.

I absolutely believe that gang stalking is a real phenomenon. However, due to the very nature of it gang stalking fits perfectly into the world of delusion. Whether this guy is a paranoid schizophrenic or simply watched too many videos about reptilians I couldn't tell you. He does sound relatively clear headed apart from all the nonsense, so it's probably the latter.

Anyway, I'm certain there are genuine victims of gang stalking in the world.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: Quantumgamer1776
Did anyone watch the video?

One of the first ones is a guy saying that cars with thier headlights on during the day are all working together to stalk him.

What he said was that he noticed people around him were fixating so much on him that they would almost crash. Four minutes later a red car (with its headlights on) skidded and almost crashed. That's RNM remote neural monitoring. Experimenters can EEG heterodyne anyone they want which means layering their brain waves onto someone else's and control them without the person being heterodyned noticing (at least for a few minutes). This is what the movie Avatar and Minority Report are all about. Dr. Robert Duncan, who's a Harvard/Dartmouth PhD and former DARPA and CIA scientist, helped develop the tech. You can find his lectures and interviews on YT. His interview with Ramola D on YT is especially good. It's all about building BrainNets.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: filthyphilanthropist
a reply to: noonebutme

I've only made it 19 minutes into the video. The first "targeted individual" who is recording the stare down clearly got inducted into David Ike's camp.

I absolutely believe that gang stalking is a real phenomenon. However, due to the very nature of it gang stalking fits perfectly into the world of delusion. Whether this guy is a paranoid schizophrenic or simply watched too many videos about reptilians I couldn't tell you. He does sound relatively clear headed apart from all the nonsense, so it's probably the latter.

Anyway, I'm certain there are genuine victims of gang stalking in the world.

The experimenters spend years creating experiences for the victim that can make them think almost anything. These experiments are very long term and sophisticated. They could spend every day for a three year period making someone believe they're spiritually inclined or put into the targeted individual program for some "greater purpose". You can't blame the victims, you have to look at the experimenters and what they're actually studying and getting away with. These losers are developing ways to manipulate people in every conceivable way with this technology.

edit on 30-4-2020 by Simplifythecircuit because: separate everyday to every day

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