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I Trust Fauci

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posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Fauci did not screw up.


posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: carewemust

How long will he get away with this.
No media is gonna want to touch this one.

Need to start a movement.

How about some “I Trust Fauci” Shirts and stickers with the grim reaper holding a syringe 💉
#FauciFailed #FauciFrankenstien

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 02:52 AM

originally posted by: Observationalist
a reply to: carewemust

How long will he get away with this.
No media is gonna want to touch this one.

Need to start a movement.

How about some “I Trust Fauci” Shirts and stickers with the grim reaper holding a syringe 💉
#FauciFailed #FauciFrankenstien

NBC News says Dr. Fauci's participation with the White House CoronaVirus task force has been scaled back.

It appears to be for good reasons. So far, Fauci has made 12 serious mistakes with his analysis, guidance, and advice.

Here they are: -economy/

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
Fauci on the other hand is a doctor and scientist

Please stop spreading lies.

He is not, and never has been a Doctor. Doctors practice medicine. He never did.

He began his career as and used to be a Scientist working at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in 1968, but that ended during that tenure, culminating in his becoming the Director for said org in 1984.

He is and has been a politician, bought, paid for and owned by big pharma, ever since.

What I do know, for certain, is he, Birx and many others are guilty of crimes against humanity, being responsible for millions of deaths through the suppression of cheap, effective natural therapies that save lives.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

Please stop spreading lies.

He is not, and never has been a Doctor. Doctors practice medicine. He never did.

Wow, you attack 10 words out of 3 paragraphs I wrote? lol So, am I spreading lies as part of some big plan? geez...

Fauci then attended medical school at Cornell University Medical College where he graduated first in his class with a Doctor of Medicine in 1966. He then completed an internship and residency in internal medicine at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, now known as New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medicine.

I would say this is rather good, wouldn't you?

As far as scientist...

In 1968, Fauci joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a clinical associate in the Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI) at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. In 1974, he became Head of the Clinical Physiology Section, LCI, and in 1980 was appointed Chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation.

I do agree with you on not being a practicing Doctor part and he has been the director since 1984, but you missed my whole point of that sentence.

who will NEVER say anything unless there are empirical scientific studies backing him up, so once again another cover thy ass approach

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: ImJustVisiting
Brazil halted their studies due to heart problems and death with the high dose.

There was concern about the low dose, too.

France found no real benefit

They didn't include the Zinc. Studies flawed from the beginning.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Most people these days have a zinc deficiency because they line cans with plastic like coatings these days, so no zinc gets absorbed into the canned goods, only chemicals that are endocrine disruptors.

I had to read that twice...

Are you of the belief that the source for Zinc is tin cans? Seriously?

...shakes head in bewilderment...

I take a multimineral every day and it has zinc, iodine, and Selenium in it which helps to fight diseases, it is about eighty percent of the RDA total, which is plenty as a supplement.

Depends... what form of zinc? Many are almost totally useless. Orotate is the best, followed by citrate, but the others are poorly absorbed, if at all.
edit on 26-4-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
Wow, you attack 10 words out of 3 paragraphs I wrote? lol So, am I spreading lies as part of some big plan? geez...

Apologies, that was the only part of your post I really took issue with.

And nowehere did I utter the words 'as part of some big plan'... I simply asked you to stop spreading lies. Fauci is not what he purports to be. He deserves neither respect nor admiration. He is a faker, a fraud, and a criminal.

"Fauci then attended medical school at Cornell University Medical College where he graduated first in his class with a Doctor of Medicine in 1966. He then completed an internship and residency in internal medicine at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, now known as New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medicine."

I would say this is rather good, wouldn't you?

No... it is the bare minimum required to attain the title. That is all.

As far as scientist...

I acknowledged his career as a professional 'scientist for hire', which he used as the beginning of his political career in the medical mafia.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

No... it is the bare minimum required to attain the title. That is all.

To be honest I wasn't thinking past just suggesting he would not say something that he couldn't cover his ass on. I really didn't want to debate what his history... But in any case he isn't dumb, first in his medical class etc.. I wouldn't call him a fake fraud etc.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: tanstaafl

No... it is the bare minimum required to attain the title. That is all.

To be honest I wasn't thinking past just suggesting he would not say something that he couldn't cover his ass on. I really didn't want to debate what his history... But in any case he isn't dumb, first in his medical class etc.. I wouldn't call him a fake fraud etc.

He is a fake/fraud - and criminal - in that he knows damned well that Vitamin C could save these peoples lives.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

He is a fake/fraud - and criminal - in that he knows damned well that Vitamin C could save these peoples lives.

How so?

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: rickymouse
Most people these days have a zinc deficiency because they line cans with plastic like coatings these days, so no zinc gets absorbed into the canned goods, only chemicals that are endocrine disruptors.

I had to read that twice...

Are you of the belief that the source for Zinc is tin cans? Seriously?

...shakes head in bewilderment...

I take a multimineral every day and it has zinc, iodine, and Selenium in it which helps to fight diseases, it is about eighty percent of the RDA total, which is plenty as a supplement.

Depends... what form of zinc? Many are almost totally useless. Orotate is the best, followed by citrate, but the others are poorly absorbed, if at all.

Back in the sixties and seventies, canned goods came in galvanized cans. Some stuff still comes in galvanized cans today, but it is rare now, they are almost all lined with some kind of plastic now. The food tasted like metal when the can got a few years old, it was still edible but tasted like zinc. It was a bio-active compound when absorbed into the food. There were tin lined cans back then too, but they did not have the typical galvanized look to them. The galvanizing actually was done after the soldering was done so lead did not leach out of the joint into the food. Not many people those days were deficient on zinc. Not many people actually took vitamins containing zinc either. I think I would rather have the zinc cans than these plastic polymer lined ones they have today, the food actually pulls in toxins from the linings on some cans, endocrine disruptors. That is why you should use the food up no more than six months for acid foods or twelve months for base foods past the best buy date, the food would last but the endocrine disruptors start to overpower the food after that. Now, the use by date, is different, if I have one of those on a can, I usually try not to go past a month past it. Those foods have more of a chance of developing food poisoning in their anarobic environment or something, I never did find out why that is stated on some things.

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: tanstaafl

He is a fake/fraud - and criminal - in that he knows damned well that Vitamin C could save these peoples lives.

How so?

How so what? He knows full well all of the studies proving the efficacy (and 100% safety) of high dose vitamin C. It is in the literature, and if he doesn't know, then he is a moron - and he is not a moron.

Here is his recommendation - from Jan 2016 - for protecting yourself from infection when you're around people all day, from everything from Flu to HIV:

"Take vitamin C. It can enhance your body’s defense against microbes. I take 1,000 milligrams a day. Many people also do not get enough vitamin D, which affects a lot of body functions, so that would be helpful, too."

If he knew that much back then, then he knows. Which makes him guilty of mass murder and crimes against humanity.

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Back in the sixties and seventies, canned goods came in galvanized cans. Some stuff still comes in galvanized cans today, but it is rare now, they are almost all lined with some kind of plastic now. The food tasted like metal when the can got a few years old, it was still edible but tasted like zinc. It was a bio-active compound when absorbed into the food.

Sure, and a whole lot of other, very unsafe toxic chemicals and metals - leeched into the food too.

Sorry, but there are far better - and safer - ways of supplementing with Zinc.

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

FBI raided clinic in Detroit area because of IV vitamin C

FBI Raids Detroit-Area Medical Facility 'For Using Intravenous Vitamin C to Treat COVID-19 Patients'

It`s not freedom anymore when cant even give IV vitamin C without Fbi coming ..

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: tanstaafl

FBI raided clinic in Detroit area because of IV vitamin C

Unbelievable... would be interesting to know who actually ordered the raid...

I imagine his name rhymes with Gauci...

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: tanstaafl

FBI raided clinic in Detroit area because of IV vitamin C

FBI Raids Detroit-Area Medical Facility 'For Using Intravenous Vitamin C to Treat COVID-19 Patients'

It`s not freedom anymore when cant even give IV vitamin C without Fbi coming ..

Wow, so tragic.
I feel for those Doctors who are doing what they know to help their patience survive, just to have their best efforts denied.

They know ventilators = death. All they are trying to do is to stop the suffering with a treatment that they were allowed to do three months ago.

This is ramping up to serious problems. It’s the like the crusades. Don’t practice anything other than what has been taught by the Holy and infalible CDC. Burning books and hanging rebels.

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Federal Bureau of Infections...i guess FBI is protecting big pharma

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: tanstaafl

FBI raided clinic in Detroit area because of IV vitamin C

FBI Raids Detroit-Area Medical Facility 'For Using Intravenous Vitamin C to Treat COVID-19 Patients'

It`s not freedom anymore when cant even give IV vitamin C without Fbi coming ..

But, but, but...most non hospitalized patients have recovered without vitamin C.

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: rickymouse
Back in the sixties and seventies, canned goods came in galvanized cans. Some stuff still comes in galvanized cans today, but it is rare now, they are almost all lined with some kind of plastic now. The food tasted like metal when the can got a few years old, it was still edible but tasted like zinc. It was a bio-active compound when absorbed into the food.

Sure, and a whole lot of other, very unsafe toxic chemicals and metals - leeched into the food too.

Sorry, but there are far better - and safer - ways of supplementing with Zinc.

Yes there are. But if you are not aware you are deficient, you will think you are alright, after all, your grandparents and parents did not take supplements and they were healthy. There are a lot of people who are low in zinc. I never realized that I would be low, I never was low. When I started taking a multimineral.....I was not as hungry anymore. Why? Because I craved certain minerals so I ate twice as much. The thing is that most people are unaware of their zinc levels being low, they notice things do not have much flavor and they notice they get sick more. They eat more and get fat.

Zinc enzymes do a lot in the body, including making insulin....think about all the people who have diabetes these days. Another important mineral is Selenium, which is needed by the thyroid but they have only been telling people you need iodine. Selenium in proper amounts has very good anticancer properties too, I have read many articles on that. You do not need more than a hundred percent RDA daily of Selenium unless you are deficient. Too much is very bad for you.

I find the most important minerals for me is molybdenum and copper. But I have genetics that have been altered by the area I live in being high in copper in the water. I no longer live there, and my metabolism needs a little more copper and molybdenum than most people other than the people who live where I came from who have been there for many generations. My old town was in the Copper country. I cannot unadapt, on top of that my ancestors moved here from Finland where their families worked in copper mines. I go up there and drink the water out of the tap of my mothers old house, well water, and it is loaded with the taste of copper and by the way the galvanized well pipe corroded, I would think there was lots of Molybdenum in the ground too, it helps to form the crystals the copper is in. I am abnormal though, most people would have negative effects of so much copper and molybdenum, my copper and molybdenum genes are very suppressed, so I need a small supplement AM and PM. Then I feel healthy.

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