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I Trust Fauci

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+14 more 
posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 11:59 AM
Let the experts handle this they say. Well I say Fauci screwed up. The experts with thier models failed and now our top medical expert failed. Are they all that susceptible to errors and simply negligent, or is there an agenda at play.

Fauci knew the effectiveness of Chloroquine against SARS CoV. Back in 2005.
Why did he wait so long to explore it as an option.

He waits till April 9th to start studies. April 9th was at the peak of all the cases and deaths!!!

Before April their were many stories of chloroquines being effective in treating Covid-19 sufferers. Why did he wait so long to look into Chloroquine.

Why was a hypothetical vaccine presented as the only solution?

We pump millions of dollars out to find a miraculous vaccine while hundreds and thousands of people suffer and die unnecessarily. If he put more effort at the start into a treatments like we hear were working with chloroquine and zinc, more lives could have been saved. He knew about these effectiveness of Chloroquine from the 2005 study.

There are other ways to treat a disease other than vaccines. Fauci was Ignoring all options and forging ahead with a miracle plan that would send billons of dollars to vaccine companies. Generic drugs like chloroquine are less expensive, no one in the BigPharma world would benefit.

Did Fauci get it wrong, Is he that heartless and bent up for power and money, or is he being used by those who are bent up for power and money or was he being reckless by being overly cautious?

Below is the 2005 study in Chloroquine.

2005 Study Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available.

We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.

Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.

Chloroquine should have been in the top of the list as treatments for Fauci. Why did he insist we just wait for a vaccine.

Chloroquine has been widely used to treat human diseases, such as malaria, amoebiosis, HIV, and autoimmune diseases, without significant detrimental side effects [15]. Together with data presented here, showing virus inhibition in cell culture by chloroquine doses compatible with patient treatment, these features suggest that further evaluation of chloroquine in animal models of SARS-CoV infection would be warranted as we progress toward finding effective antivirals for prevention or treatment of the disease.

I found the link to the above study in this article:
Delingpole: Chloroquine Known as Effective Against Coronavirus Since 2005

Summary of this post through videos

Trust Us

People trusted you and they Died.

edit on 17-4-2020 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 12:19 PM
Fauci knew about Chloroquinine, but it was not allowed off label for this disease, so he spoke with others and Trump and they decided that they could get it approved off label fairly quickly so they did.

Trump is Trump, he just took credit for it. Lots of politicians do that, he is acting like Pelosi, taking credit for the whole Democratic party in the House. Trouble is she is forcing the moderate house members to follow her using ad-hominum techniques. Schifft is the same way. Trump does listen to reason more than those top house Democrats do. The rivalry in the Senate is normal, the Democrats do not act so insanely, they want to stick with their party but know Pelosi and Schift are a little over the edge.....I think those half dozen in the upper house fell off the cliff of sanity myself.

It is hard to quickly change things like allowing a new drug to be used off label like this. And Fauci may have known it's properties somewhat but did not comprehend it could be used until he saw some evidence it made a difference.

I think the whole White House administration, including Fauci have been doing a decent job. Remember Fauci knows it has been working as a treatment but because of his position cannot promote it, only state that to be fully be approved from now on testing of how it helps needs to be done. You have to know what dose is appropriate and the best to approve it for a disease. That is part of the approval process. Right now it is only speculation as to how much should be used and the limited trials cannot give that information.

I study this kind of stuff a lot so know how things work, This medicine can be used to treat this disease now, which is good. It can have some problems and there is information how to decide who can safely use it, Mayo Clinic made sure to inform others how to use it and who should not be allowed to take it without being in the hospital at the time.

It is the governors and some politicians, not most doctors that are bashing this, it is political retaliation which is not rationality or common sense that is killing a lot of people because non-professionals are butting their noses into the medical fields job.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Excellent thread!

The mainstream media loves to tout, defend, and interview Fauci one day, and totally ignore him the next, after he endorses something that those America-hating organizations are against.

+7 more 
posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Fauci works for Bill Gates Foundation, hes on the board, this is about vaccines, id2020 and globalist control

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Thanks for the nice reply

Remember Fauci knows it has been working as a treatment but because of his position cannot promote it,

But why is it that we wait til April 9th at the peak of the pandemic do we see any clinical testing for Chloroquine.

What if more research like this was done at the onset. Washington University launches clinical trial on controversial drug chloroquine to treat coronavirus

Wouldn’t it have been worth it to invest in trials like this earlier. Instead of Investing that that money in a vaccine that is just hypothetical.
edit on 17-4-2020 by Observationalist because: Fixed fragments

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 01:07 PM
Why anything? Much of it is to cover thy ass. States were slow to close up as no one wanted to be first, but when one did then the rest follow in suit right away even if it wasn't that smart for their state to do, so this was all a cover thy ass approach. Trump with his zero filter doesn't cover anything up and if he hears something it is coming out of his month post haste, so in his case he said it looks good, seems to work and help people, and he could be 100% correct.

Fauci on the other hand is a doctor and scientist who will NEVER say anything unless there are empirical scientific studies backing him up, so once again another cover thy ass approach, and he isn't wrong in this case. I don't think he wanted people drinking pond cleaner because he said something, and anecdotal is a bad word to him being a scientist even though that is about all you have.

Who in their right mind are going to give the meds to 100 people and a placebo in a ‘blind’ trial to a 100 others to see who dies and who doesn't? lol Sometimes anecdotal is all you have and it can be good enough. In this case we are not talking a "new" drug not tested on humans before. These drugs are like 70 years old with very few side effects, so Trump said why not....why not try them? Saying that even if the drug is 70 years old is pure blasphemy to Fauci, but I can tell you I will take the drugs if I get COVID-19... just

edit on 17-4-2020 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Put me in the same camp of not trusting Fauci at all.

Anything that inhibits RdRPs (RNA dependent RNA polymerases) seems to be effective for SARS type viruses, among others. The research tends to be for SARS-CoV, but case reports throughout all this indicate efficacy for SARS-CoV-2 too.

Inhibition of RdRPs seems to be the common thread in many of the different treatments that have shown promise.

Im not an epidemiologist or doctor though, and maybe I just connect dots differently.. But I have to imagine the existing body of research is what inspired doctors to try out what they have.

I figure Ill harp on about it for a few days then shut up

ETA: Because I kinda doubt anyone is gonna look into it; Hydroxy Chloroquine and Zinc is very effective at inhibiting RdRPs. This will apply to essentially any Zinc ionophore + Zinc, but effective inhibition of viral replication will vary. Many might have enough Zinc in their system, but I wouldnt think "all," which would negatively impact efficacy. There are other medications that do this as well, many of which (if not all) have also shown promise.
edit on 17-4-2020 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 01:10 PM
Strange that President Trump won't spill the beans on Big Pharma moving heaven and earth to turn most Medical People and Mainstream Media against Hydroxychloroquine, because its cheap.

Maybe big Pharma has got Trump by the bawls, like Trump has the nation's governors by the bawls?

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Do when your looking for a solution and you compare hypothetical solutions. You have one in a vaccine that is quite beyond anything ever done. Compare that to the hypothetical of a treatment that has some studies and has shown recent success. So which soliton should we throw money at.

If we were on a deserted island and we pray for a miracle to be rescued. Then the next morning someone discovers a sail boat down on the beach. What do you do?
If Fauci was In charge we chop up the boat and use the wood for coffins and fire so we can keep warm on the island while we wait for the miracle rescue.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Strange that President Trump won't spill the beans on Big Pharma moving heaven and earth to turn most Medical People and Mainstream Media against Hydroxychloroquine, because its cheap.

Maybe big Pharma has got Trump by the bawls, like Trump has the nation's governors by the bawls?

Could be a set up... Boomerang effect. But Tumps judgement to trust these experts is on the line too. So not sure how anyone wins with that boomerang. Sad that people die for all this political posturing.
edit on 17-4-2020 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist

If Fauci was In charge we chop up the boat and use the wood for coffins and fire so we can keep warm on the island while we wait for the miracle rescue.

Or better yet, he will put half the people in the boat and tell the other half to swim and then he will see the results in who makes it before he suggests the boat is better.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Very well said and excellent points made. One that I would also add is that just because this medication worked on SARS, doesn’t mean it will necessarily work on the current novel Coronavirus we’re dealing with now. I’d also ask what was this medications effectiveness against MERS which like SARS, comes from one of the known Coronavirus’s. It goes a lot farther than ‘well it worked on SARS 15 years ago so why shouldn’t it work on THIS strain of Coronavirus. It’s like vaccinating against the flu. The flu vaccine accounts for what the CDC thinks will be the most prevalent strains that season. It works on some flu strains but not all. Rushing a medication into hospitals without proper studies and permission from the FDA to move to a stage 2 or stage 3 clinical trial, that’s not on Fauci. He doesn’t make policy. Hell, he even gets cut off from answering questions at press conferences. Pinning all of this on Fauci is from not looking at the big picture. Just my opinion.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 03:24 PM
If you haven't watched the the latest coronavirus task force video, you should.
Quite to word salad.
Fauci states numbers are symptomatic based. Not testing based.
The final "gates" need to be passed.
"Mass surveillance, surveillance, surveillance"
It is a long video, but everyone needs to see it stat.
Not sure if this was edited. But looks like the same one.

edit on 4 by Mandroid7 because: Added vid

edit on 4 by Mandroid7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: Observationalist

Fauci works for Bill Gates Foundation, hes on the board, this is about vaccines, id2020 and globalist control

It sure looks that way. Almost too much.
I'm suspicious that they want you chasing this conspiracy.
Why ? Idk

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

You might be right..

Its why Ive taken the approach I have. Its playing a completely different game, and I suspect they have crafted everything to be win-win for them, and lose-lose for us.

Interestingly, or tragically, I think the reality is that its lose-lose-lose-lose for everyone.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Fauci is a Deep State stooge. He knew of the director of the CDC and Birx's investigation by the FBI for falsifying vaccine data in HIV research and yet he uses them as "experts".

He's nothing more than another Deep State puppet placed near Trump as a handler.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

Rushing a medication into hospitals without proper studies and permission from the FDA to move to a stage 2 or stage 3 clinical trial, that’s not on Fauci.

No one expected Fauci to be reckless, yet why was there no money or effort put into researching Chloroquine earlier. If evidence from 2005 might suggest a positive impact on our situation.

People were dying in China, this is serious no. So why not pour our efforts to find a treatment for this. Why did Fauci default to Vaccine only. When there was more than enough reason to suspect that Chloroquine could be an effective treatment. No one likes hypotheticals but Fauci says chloroquine is hypothetical yet so is this miracle vaccine.

When people start to die you need to at least explore all your options. If we would have explored Chloroquine when China’s death started to rise, we would be so far ahead on a treatment by now. But instead we wait till the peak and hundred of thousands deaths.

No one wants to take a risk with something unproven. Yet Fauci had the ability to pull the trigger on advancing Chloroquine research to satisfy the science. The research and studies were already there. Yet an unproven vaccine is the route he took.

Tough decision.
edit on 17-4-2020 by Observationalist because: Restructuring sentence and spacing

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Theres quite a bit of research on stuff that inhibits RNA dependent RNA polymerases out there.

I would have to imagine thats what has inspired many of the treatment protocols for SARS-CoV-2, and the case reports certainly look promising.

Not so sure that extended trials are a great approach for a pandemic, but not an epidemiologist or doctor.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

Pinning all of this on Fauci is from not looking at the big picture. Just my opinion.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Gov. Andrew Cuomo are the most trusted leaders in America on the coronavirus right now. Trump is not.

Americans trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious-disease expert, and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo the most when it comes to official guidance on the COVID-19 outbreak, a new Insider poll showed.

We asked respondents: "When it comes to the official advice regarding coronavirus, please rate how much you trust the following messengers on a scale on 1 to 5." Fauci and Cuomo received the highest marks, and President Donald Trump and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin got the lowest average scores.

Sure, Maybe not all of this need to pinned on Fauci.

I hate to be cliche but.... With great power comes great responsibility.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist
a reply to: rickymouse

Thanks for the nice reply

Remember Fauci knows it has been working as a treatment but because of his position cannot promote it,

But why is it that we wait til April 9th at the peak of the pandemic do we see any clinical testing for Chloroquine.

What if more research like this was done at the onset. Washington University launches clinical trial on controversial drug chloroquine to treat coronavirus

Wouldn’t it have been worth it to invest in trials like this earlier. Instead of Investing that that money in a vaccine that is just hypothetical.

This is government, nothing usually goes fast with government. Also if something is cheap or reasonable priced, I can guarantee the government will pay full list price or a price that is worth all of the paperwork involved by the business selling it.. This is the reality we live in.

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