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Someone Should Have Known

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posted on Apr, 16 2020 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: rickymouse

Again, by January 24th, they knew that not only was it spread through person to person droplets, i.e. sneezes. coughs and people who spit while talking, but that people who displayed no symptoms, like coughs and sneezes were still spreading the virus. "They" knew.

It was not considered a pandemic till March 11 by WHO. So you are saying that they should shut down the whole US government when there is only one case in the USA? Are you insane? Did you even take Economics or Government in High school?

posted on Apr, 16 2020 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I was on proponolol a couple of times, but after a few months my thinking ability went down so I quit. I also got bronchitis every time I was on Beta blockers because I worked outside in all kinds of weather but did not know that for years when I went through all of me medical records and I noticed only the times I was on the meds is when I got bronchitis, pluracy and or walking pneumonia. Never put two and two together till all the records were put into order. Strange how I wasn't aware of it when it was happening, I only noticed my attention span was all messed up. I was on Beta blockers many different times in my life, I always quit them after about three to six months because they started to effect my thinking, but I had different kinds of beta blockers prescribed, they tried about five different brands of them over forty years. I was on proponolol twice, two different doctors tried them same effect. I also had to take that stress test for my heart many times. I now control my tachychardia with diet, it works pretty good, it hasn't gone over two hundred BPM in a long time now. The epilepsy diet controls the tachychardia.

posted on Apr, 16 2020 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

So you are saying that they should shut down the whole US government when there is only one case in the USA? Are you insane?

No, and No.

I'm saying that Dr Birx was lying when she told Whoopi Goldberg, on The View yesterday, that the WHO and China should have known/told them that the virus was spread person to person. The WHO published studies, that were published by mainstream media by January 23rd confirming that studies showed the virus was spread person to person.

Why, I wonder, did Dr Birx think they were welding Covid 19 positive people into apartment buildings in China, if it wasn't to stop them from spreading their virusy germs?

On January 31st, Trump restricted travel from China. Why would he do that if he didn't think that people coming from China might spread the virus?

I'm saying that any doctor worth half a grain of salt would first assume a flu like virus spreads person to person. But Dr Birx? She be like "Who knew?" "Somebody should have told us!"

posted on Apr, 16 2020 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: rickymouse

So you are saying that they should shut down the whole US government when there is only one case in the USA? Are you insane?

No, and No.

I'm saying that Dr Birx was lying when she told Whoopi Goldberg, on The View yesterday, that the WHO and China should have known/told them that the virus was spread person to person. The WHO published studies, that were published by mainstream media by January 23rd confirming that studies showed the virus was spread person to person.

Why, I wonder, did Dr Birx think they were welding Covid 19 positive people into apartment buildings in China, if it wasn't to stop them from spreading their virusy germs?

On January 31st, Trump restricted travel from China. Why would he do that if he didn't think that people coming from China might spread the virus?

I'm saying that any doctor worth half a grain of salt would first assume a flu like virus spreads person to person. But Dr Birx? She be like "Who knew?" "Somebody should have told us!"

" But Dr Birx? She be like "Who knew?" "Somebody should have told us!"" It should have said WHO knew. Maybe there could be a problem with how people are interpreting what she said. And a virus that is spread by droplets is way less contageous than aerosol, in fact now they are saying it can possibly travel twenty seven feet when aerosolized, the six feet is not even adequate and the original three feet was definitely not right.

Nobody knew for sure this was going to turn out this way, the people who said this was going to go pandemic were thought of as kuku in January and early Febuary. The "no proof" that something is transmitted in the air does not mean it can't get airborn without droplets, it means there is no proof yet. They cannot use someone's guess to shut down a country's economy, that could destroy a country. If we were the only country experiencing this, it could be dangerous.

On top of that, this virus is NOT that dangerous as people are making it out to be and if they were to alter some medicines for people, this virus would not have nearly as many bad illnesses and deaths....but the medical industry is not doing that even though there is proof that this enters through the ACE2 receptors. Lots of people could have their immune suppressant meds lowered slowly too, to get through this very active time. But because there is "no proof" that this will help doctors aren't going to do this. Also, changing meds and lowering them slowly can mean people may have side effects, the overlap or reduction can cause problems and the hospitals were getting prepared for lots of viral patients, it might have caused a lot of problems. And also, they stopped the regular people's appointments, basically setting people up to not be able to ask about what I am talking about them asking their doctor to do.

I blame this pandemic on the way we set up the acceptance of evidence, the medical industry could have done more to protect their patients. But remember, changing something without proof accepted by the FDA and AMA is not supposed to be proper. I may have quit premed in the seventies, but I read every medical article I could get my hands on and always asked questions of doctors I met over the years. Medicine was my interest since I ws ten years old, but I did not like the attitude I was seeing in Premed, I was in it to help people but most were doing it for prestige and wealth. Not my kind of people, I liked the common working people.

edit on 16-4-2020 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2020 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I'm not talking about what "YOU" knew, or what governments and media were telling you/us. I'm not talking about propaganda campaigns to lure the masses into compliance. I'm talking about what the scientists and the INTEL communities knew.

Today Trump said "What do I know? China the WHO, they tell me...I have a good relationship with China. President Xi is my friend..."

Well, that's BS. The United States of America doesn't base policy on friendly discourse. They base it on INTEL. The SS Roosevelt's fate wasn't based on Trump's friendly relationship with President Xi. There are real consequences to US policy and how its INTEL is accepted. Trump and the Pentagon had the INTEL and knew the virus was passed through human contact.

edit on 16-4-2020 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: rickymouse

I'm not talking about what "YOU" knew, or what governments and media were telling you/us. I'm not talking about propaganda campaigns to lure the masses into compliance. I'm talking about what the scientists and the INTEL communities knew.

Today Trump said "What do I know? China the WHO, they tell me...I have a good relationship with China. President Xi is my friend..."

Well, that's BS. The United States of America doesn't base policy on friendly discourse. They base it on INTEL. The SS Roosevelt's fate wasn't based on Trump's friendly relationship with President Xi. There are real consequences to US policy and how its INTEL is accepted. Trump and the Pentagon had the INTEL and knew the virus was passed through human contact.

Trump always says he has a good relationship with other world leaders, until he says he does not.

He is a braggard, he is egotistical, he likes to take credit for his administration all for himself.

Hydroxochloroquin was not his idea. it was his medical teams idea, he only brought it to the people and promoted it. He likes to take credit for things he is part of.

But most of the things he has done have gone pretty good even though the press was against him and some in the Democrats in congress despise him and want him gone.

I am not a blame thrower, but am not happy at all with the top four Democrats in the House of Representatives, they are stir crazy and would destroy this country just to get rid of Trump. That is Treason against the American people, way worse than Trump has done. Their impeachment put the Coronavirus on the back burner initially, their actions preoccupied everyone. I blame this delay more on the House Democrats than anyone else.
edit on 17-4-2020 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Ok. You have a video of a building cleated of people that is contaminated being welded shut. There are no people trying to get in or out. No people screaming. No people at windows indicating it’s an apartment building full of people. No large police presence present.

Now answer the question.

How do you weld somebody in, when a building has windows? Did they welded the windows shut too? Were the windows made of unbreakable glass? Even criminals could pick the mortar out between the blocks of old style prisons.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Now. Can you address the below. Instead of dodging the issues.

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: Sookiechacha

They" and "We" are our (USA and partners like the UK) INTEL people and TPTB, like Dr Birx, that were calling the shots and advising the president,

Got proof when they knew?

You did not answer to:
If there were no abnormal rates of sickness / mortality rates before January 2020, why should “Someone Should Have Known”?

The Chinese government weren't welding people inside of their homes because they were afraid of bats.

Verified by what citable source.

There are reports of concentration camps for Muslim and individuals considered enemies of the state. The use of forced labor in manufacturing. Prisons population is harvested for forced organ donation. Are those reports true? Why don’t you care about those issues.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

The sad this is you want to be right about people being “welded” into their apartments in buildings they could just climb out the windows. While you ignore “ There are reports of concentration camps for Muslim and individuals considered enemies of the state. The use of forced labor in manufacturing. Prisons population is harvested for forced organ donation. Are those reports true? Why don’t you care about those issues.“

You really need to check your priorities?

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

Got proof when they knew?

Already posted

Ok. You have a video of a building cleated of people that is contaminated being welded shut.

Use your head. Chinese officials didn't force people to stay inside their homes, sometimes by actually welding their apartment doors shut, if they didn't think the virus they were carrying was contagious. The only reason President Trump banned travel from China was because he KNEW that the virus was spread through human contact.

The sad this is you want to be right about people being “welded” into their apartments in buildings they could just climb out the windows. While you ignore “ There are reports of concentration camps for Muslim and individuals considered enemies of the state.

I have nothing to prove or to defend. This thread isn't about China's abuse of human rights. It's a rant about Dr Birx lying to Americans about not knowing that Covid 19 is contagious through human contact.

edit on 17-4-2020 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha


The “ Someone Should Have Known” obviously did something because the original USA mortality rate was projected to be over two million. Is that false?

What is the latest projections for Coronavirus deaths in the USA?

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

The “ Someone Should Have Known” obviously did something because the original USA mortality rate was projected to be over two million. Is that false?

"Someone" did know. Trump knew, and that's why he restricted travel from China. Trump restricting travel from China was a positive move that, no doubt, saved lives.

How could Trump possibly have known? The President of United States has the best INTEL in the world, that's how.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Best intell? That’s debatable.

There was various levels of lies, contradictions, and right out confusion. That is true. I hope one wouldn’t destroy an entire economy based on innuendo.

And the virus is an act of god. It is what it is. And there has always been projections no matter how bad it got with no mitigation, 98 percent of the world’s population is going to survive.

I know I was going to survive this from the onset.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

Best intell? That’s debatable.

No it's not.

There was various levels of lies, contradictions, and right out confusion.

You're thinking that what the public is told is the unadulterated truth. Dr Birx comment on Thursday proves it's not.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha


No it's not.

Got proof?

Isn’t Ms. Pelosi “come on down to China Town” the speaker of the house? and on the intelligence committee?

You're thinking that what the public is told is the unadulterated truth. Dr Birx comment on Thursday proves it's not.

No. Actually not. I was think how China lied to the world. How China and the WHO publicly tried to shame Trump for the travel restrictions. And how Biden and Pelosi picked up the propaganda as talking points. Wondering if the alleged damage by Obama to the intelligence community was true. The Obama hold overs were more worried about burning Trump than anything. Wondering what level politics played in how information traveled the levels of bureaucracy. What had the most importance during the impeachment. Especially pushed by the Democrats of the intel committee during the impeachment. And the FISA court investigations and how revaluations may have impacted the intel community. No matter how good your technology is. Your quality of intelligence data is impacted by bureaucrats. And impacted if you don’t have reliable local spies or sources. And how the intel community is impacted by lifelong entrench ass kissing bureaucrats that cannot pick the truth from conflicting reports, innuendo, propaganda, and a hole in the ground.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

And from an intel community that leaks like a sieve.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations

WASHINGTON — The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward.


posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

Okay smart guy. The USA doesn't have the best INTEL structure in the world. Who does? Who does INTEL better than the USA?

I was think how China lied to the world.

OMG! Oh the horror! You mean to tell me a country actually sent out something that wasn't true to the world wide media!


posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 10:00 PM
1st doctor prescribed it to me for a migraine blocker and bp did it for about 2 wks. The catalyst of it was the anti depressant they prescribed me 1st for my anxiety. I told them what I needed I have several of the conditions to be eligible for medical in my state but nope gonna send you to a specialist who will talk to you for 15 minutes ignore you requests and charge 4hundo + plus for it sending me a bill for 200 luckily my insurance picked up the rest. I paid $30 on it out of my stimulus and told them I would pay more when I can. They have left me 2 messages already good thing med bills don't affect your credit score lol. Credibility and the Medical establishment are antonyms. I love it when Trump sends those phonies out to spew there bullsnip, his faces and gestures with Barr make me laugh. It was particularly magnificent when he made Faust (ci) fess up and be like yeah he did what I told him to. I wonder when it will be revealed about his links with the virus and the vaccine. a reply to: rickymouse

edit on 17-4-2020 by CrazyFox because: for clarity

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 10:16 PM
I saw that they got that info of someones unsecured laptop, and interestingly enough a large donation was made to a foundation. Something smells on this whole debacle. I hope we can begin to experience real health options again. The cbd was a start, hopefully more will come.

a reply to: neutronflux

edit on 17-4-2020 by CrazyFox because: for clarity

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