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I can't take this crap anymore. I need to speak my mind!

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posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: underwerks

I'm willing to bet some of the stars you got for that post were from people who thought you were serious.
I get your sarcasm.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Oh right just like the American Constitution is just s worn out old piece of paper ....

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

The tide comes in.
The tide goes out.
Depends on what's popular at the moment.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: underwerks

You have a lot more patience than I do.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: dogstar23

I too have friends who work in hospitals and they are laying it on thick, when you start painting people as heroes for doing their bloody job it tends to have the effect of inflating their egos.

Hospitals in the UK aren’t anywhere near capacity.

Just pop down your local hospital if you have any doubt.

Enough already of this psyop, surely TPTB have all the data they need about how easy it is to herd the population into whichever scenario and reaction they choose.

Well done bootlickers, you actually advocated and helped bring around your own bondage into slavery.

edit on 17/4/20 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
Oh right just like the American Constitution is just s worn out old piece of paper ....

With the greatest respect; I really think you have lost the plot. What has the professional conduct of clinical staff got to do with the American Constitution? Bugger all the last time I looked.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 01:35 PM
I think people are missing an important point here: there is massive funding available to fight this virus.

Consider the military. They don't need to spend $200 on a hammer or $300 on a toilet seat, but they do. That way they can tear through their budget in no time then cry, "We need more money! We are broke already and we haven't even bought any bullets yet. How can we fight a war with no bullets?" And like magic - here comes more funding.

I understand the dangers of under-reporting. If materials and funding are based on case load under-reporting can have dire consequences. But over-reporting is just as bad if not worse. Under-reporting is a mistake. Over-reporting has an agenda. Its either garnering more power for government, or, a full on money grab. I think this is all about the money.

Like former Chicago mayor rahm emanuel said: "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 01:47 PM
When the UK thought police come to your door.

Use one of these phrases to let us know you are under duress

The brown fox jumped over the Queen

sandemius high school football rules

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: chelsealad


I believe the crux of this psyop is a global economic AND societal capitulation game being played...

Perhaps a more *humane* attempt to stave off the shifting of powers from the west to east without going the full blown war route to do so. The quarantine rules in place simulate war measures on a lesser scale. The last time we were at this ECONOMIC point—WWII broke out. This caused the shift from UK being #1 Super Power to the good ol' USA.

First of all the figures are FAKE! MANUFACTURED!

The Covid=19 data will always be inaccurate if all nations do not follow a set criteria for testing. True.

It's about time we pull our heads out of our rear ends and get back to normal or I personally believe civil unrest is just around the corner.

Capitulation is the game...

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 04:26 PM
Hey look! Its another person with literally no medical knowledge at all spouting his own opinion about medical fields!

What's that?! Almost everything he says is complete conjecture or ill-informed?

Weird! most of the time people who are talking freely in a rant or a youtube video esque monologue are ALWAYS right no matter what!

Most of the posts on ATS are completely true with facts to back them up, and aren't just filled with people who are talking out their rectum about things they know nothing about!

Gotta love you ATS. I miss the old ATS.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: SocratesJohnsonsandemius high school football rules

is that a bill and ted reference? great movie.

posted on Apr, 17 2020 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: chelsealad
Sorry, I hope this isn't too off topic:

There's been MAJOR CHEMTRAILS sprayed in North Carolina today.
All was clear here for at least the past month but now there are "chem-bows" (rainbows from heavy chemtrailing) all over the sky this afternoon.

Anyone think maybe they've been SPRAYING the virus in certain areas? I think this could be a possibility (and is this might be their plan for the "Second Wave" that Fauci and company keep bringing up).

Something doesn't feel right.

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 01:22 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
Oh right just like the American Constitution is just s worn out old piece of paper ....

With the greatest respect; I really think you have lost the plot. What has the professional conduct of clinical staff got to do with the American Constitution? Bugger all the last time I looked.
I was just comparing your your message that the Hippocratic Oath is just too old and decrepit to take seriously to the Progressive hatred of the American Constitution... seems it went a bit over your head.
Truth is never outdated my friend.

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: Destal
Maybe they’ve been spraying their manufactured viruses 🦠 for a long time but they decided to finally use it to destroy the economy and trap us in our homes at the same time.... but then do they do chemtrails in China too, or did they just hijack the virus so they could use it as a pretext ?

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

This is new to me. When did they give antibiotics to flu sufferers? I’m 34, so it may have been before I paid much attention.
I’m intrigued.

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: chelsdh

About six or seven years ago the doctors around here would give antibiotics for people who came in with lung problems. They had to have a fever to get them. They did not have tests for the flu back then and pneumonia shares a lot of symptoms with the flu, so do some other lung infections.

That was common. Recently they have refound that giving an antibiotic with a flu that won't go away works because the flu makes it easier for pneumonia to take hold. You can have more than one infection at a time. That was just on Science Daily, or Sci-tech daily in the last four months. It could have been on or BMJ too, I can't remember which one of those sites it was on for sure. I look at things on about five science sites every day, looking for new medical stuff that is being research. Been doing that almost every day for over ten years now.

You are old enough to have witnessed them giving an antibiotic if you had flu like symptoms with a fever, maybe you did not pay attention if you went to the doctor. It was common practice...that ended when they started blaming antibiotic resistance on people getting antibiotics too much, but actually antibiotic use in fields and in production of meats was what caused the resistance to occur, MRSA is found in lots of meats at the grocery store. Like twenty five percent of them. I highly doubt that it jumped from a human to a huge number of cows and chickens.. They were pumping the animals full of antibiotics for a long time.

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

I don’t know that I ever went to the dr for a flu diagnosis prior to having kids.
And I’m with you on the use of antibiotics in livestock. I have no doubt that was a major player in the problem.

I had the flu about a month ago, and I still have a lingering cough from it. It’s progressively gotten better, but I know I freak people out if I happen to cough. Dark humor, but it’s kinda funny to watch people react. I do wear a mask when I go out- more for the others reassurance than myself. But if it helps me stay healthy, then I’m cool with that.

You’re a great source who I can tell is passionate about this stuff and I thank you for sharing what you have spent so long studying!

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: chelsdh
a reply to: rickymouse

I don’t know that I ever went to the dr for a flu diagnosis prior to having kids.
And I’m with you on the use of antibiotics in livestock. I have no doubt that was a major player in the problem.

I had the flu about a month ago, and I still have a lingering cough from it. It’s progressively gotten better, but I know I freak people out if I happen to cough. Dark humor, but it’s kinda funny to watch people react. I do wear a mask when I go out- more for the others reassurance than myself. But if it helps me stay healthy, then I’m cool with that.

You’re a great source who I can tell is passionate about this stuff and I thank you for sharing what you have spent so long studying!

If you are going into the toilet paper isle, just pull down your mask and cough if people are comparing prices and grabbing at the toilet paper. They will move away while you fill up your cart and will not think ill of a person with symptoms of coronavirus hogging the toilet paper.

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
Oh right just like the American Constitution is just s worn out old piece of paper ....

With the greatest respect; I really think you have lost the plot. What has the professional conduct of clinical staff got to do with the American Constitution? Bugger all the last time I looked.

Though the oath has been rewritten over the centuries, the essence of it has remained the same: "In each house I go, I go only for the good of my patients." But the principles of the oath, says Dr. Gregg Bloche, are under an "unprecedented threat." In The Hippocratic Myth, Bloche details how doctors are under constant pressure to compromise or ration their care in order to please lawmakers, lawyers and insurance companies.

Bloche says that doctors are increasingly expected to decide which expensive tests and treatments they can and cannot provide for their patients. Their dual role as examiner and cost-cutter can then potentially compromise patients' care, he says, particularly when insurers and hospital administrators urge physicians to only perform "medically necessary" treatment.
Since Agenda 21 and the WHO is worldwide I’d wager this issue is everywhere.

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

The role of the physician as the patient advocate ended when insurance companies took control of their pay checks.

Physicians can no longer operate for the benefit of their patient, as they have to operate at the will and benefit of CMS and the private insurance companies.

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