It's not about social distancing, it's about Social control.
I'm from the UK and we turned into a communist dictatorship overnight.
And I say that as a Socialist (now without a political home).
We still have international flights running with no medical checks & balances, however have draconian quarantine & social distancing rules which
include only going out for a walk/exercise once a day, only buying "essential" items from the shop and not being allowed to walk in the country, even
alone, or sit down outside.
Tube stations are still packed taking people to work. (Notably in London).
They'll have crashed the economy and destroyed at least 60% of small & medium businesses.... To make way for the 4th Industrial Revolution.
These are absolutely bonkers & nonsensical measures.
Police forces up & down the country are interpreting the "guidance" differently. Many have gone above and beyond of enforcing the law and some have
had to issue apologies.
Coronavirus Act 2020 is being used arbitrarily to enact a police state. Parliament is on hold so there is no democratic oversight, and the government
seem to be deleting all public petitions regarding a wide range of topics.
They cannot seriously argue that their sole aim is social distancing & our welfare, because if that was the case why is it "okay" for the Tube to be
packed, but not "okay" to walk around the mountains and parks - alone, and far away from anyone?
If they are so concerned about protecting our most vulnerable from a virus, why have they been quietly issuing DNRs to the elderly & disabled and
stopping nearly all preventative treatment? Why is there a quiet mass genocide of the vulnerable going on in the Western Hemisphere? Why the lies??
This absolutely has nothing to do with social distancing and everything to do with social control.
Coming soon to a state near you.
Hold your guns dear.
Harry Vox warned about this very thing happening in 2014, he got his information from a Rockefeller document called Lock-Step.
Nothing happens by accident.
Start seriously thinking about internet security.
They are relying on your phones to spy on you for them.
Do not sign up to any CoronaVirus Applications on your phone or computer.
They'll use your self reporting a reason to take you out of your home and into "mandatory quarantine".
edit on 11/4/2020 by Borderlands
because: (no reason given)