posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 01:32 AM
Nicotine has been shown to be as effective as cortisone in treating certain auto immune diseases from flaring. It has an anti inflammatory effect in
colitis for instance. More non smokers and ex smokers than smokers get diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. It also has therapeutic effect on
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's,can help people with depressions,
schizophrenia. neuro-degenerative disorders, obesity, pain relief, reduced inflammatory and auto immune response in central nervous system,,
potential protection against hypersensitivity pneumonitis, viral myocarditis, Herpes simplex and more.
The main conclusion is always a concern about how to safely administer nicotine to avoid side effects/other illness. Seems to be higher concern about
the side effects of nicotine than the side effects of the endless list of trial drugs used to treat these illnesses. So either it is more dangerous OR
it's not generating the right amount of income for big pharma and hospitals.