First off, let me just say, Don't flag or star this post. I'm not looking for "ups" from you. I just want to share this information, or rather my
thoughts about the coming time with you all who give me some of your valuable time to read what I have to say.
Alright. Well, I know the consensus here is very much divided, with most users here screaming about the damned libtards or the bootlicking
republicans. I don't buy into it, because its just human nature to pull back into a dichotomy of Us Vs Them (This happens all the time, especially
around major disasters, pandemics, genocides and famine). I'm not here to cast blame, throw salt, or any of that. If you have before or will in the
future, that's totally fine. Do it elsewhere, please.
Who am I? I am a first responder, who works on an ambulance. This last week I have taken a step back, due to people in my home being
immunocompromised, meaning their immune system is compromised, leading to higher risk of complication were they to become infected with Coronavirus
and develop SARS-Covid-19. I have spent a few years on the ambulance, and I have experience working in the local Emergency Room for a short while. I
have knowledge about specifics when it comes to PPE, what is worn when, the criteria, and the changes that have been made to accommodate high demand
for said PPE (Personal protective equipment).
For someone, for example, presenting with a cough, we would put them on what's known as droplet precautions, which requires a certain amount of
protection, including regular respiratory masks (the rectangle paper masks), and eye protection, and gloves. For someone with a suspected infectious
illness that was severe, say tuberculosis, we would bring that up a notch and use what's known as an N95 respirator. the N95 is a mask that can
filter out particulates that are very, very small, like virulent particles. For someone who is "Fit tested" which means they've undergone a testing
that fits a specific size N95 to their face, the mask has a 95%+ chance of stopping particles that are down to around .3 microns. The rectangle masks;
not so much. Those masks are really only good at keeping things from going out- not in, and stopping the droplets from getting onto your mouth/nasal
The situation is plain. We all thought it was a flu. It is not. We all thought "The numbers of death from flu is so much higher than Covid 19, so it
wont be as bad as the flu," again, we were wrong. Hospitals are becoming quickly overwhelmed. Covid 19 is a nasty bugger, and the rate of infection
is at least three times higher than with the flu, and we all know how easily the flu gets around. All it takes is Carol at her desk sneezing into her
hand and the whole office is buggered. This sickness is spreading, and its spreading faster than we were prepared to deal with. My ambulance service
at the beginning of this, was only able to put 2 N95s on each truck, and refills were really scarce. The local hospitals at the beginning were already
running into a shortage. Whats happening today, in a lot of hospitals around the country, is nurses and doctors are being told to re-use their PPE,
because even the gowns are becoming scarce. Providers do not have the right PPE.
Let me say that again, so it sinks in. Not to scare you, but to drill it home to some of the more nay-sayer of the lot of you.
Providers, do not, have the correct personal protective equipment.
What does this mean?
It means, in a nutshell, we're going to start losing providers. Sure, companies are starting to try to produce things like gowns and gloves, and
machines needed, but the actual PPE that is needed is still a long way away. Our providers are going to get sick. And when we start dropping in
numbers of providers, people are going to start dying faster. See what I'm getting at?
You see how crazy people got when this started, and we still had the equipment and space to deal with it. Factor in the inability to manage the
increasing number, and people are going to get even worse.
I do not wish to incite fear, I don't want you to read this and go raid your local Dollar General. I just want you to start taking this seriously.
Practice safe social habits. Practice better hygiene. Stay at home if its possible at all.
We will get through this together. It's going to suck for a few months, but we WILL get through this.
Love you all, I hope you're all safe and well tonight.