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I was infected with Covid-19 in November

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posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Yup. I have to +1 this.

Late December, just before Xmas, I got all the Covid-19 symptoms to the letter.

Started with really tired, then a fever which i had for about 4-5 days. I get flu usually once a year, maybe every second year, and if i get a fever its for a day, maybe 2 at most. This lasted easily 5 days which was unreal.

Then it became a chest infection where I couldn’t stop coughing. Hard to breath, etc. At first it was dry then eventually became phlegmy due to the persistent infection. That lasted maybe....2-3 weeks. That ended about end of Jan.

Obviously i have no conclusive proof I had covid-19 (as it wasn’t really mainstream at that point) but I’ve had proper flu several times in my life — I’ve never had a bout of flu like this in my life.

Thing is, neither my wife nor my kids got it. Or least, that we could tell - they (whoever they are!) do say out of 5 people, 3 don’t develop any noticeable or serious symptoms, the other 2 do and of the 2, 1 of them is life threatening. If you believe govt stats....
edit on 25-3-2020 by noonebutme because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 05:43 AM
You were tested for Pneumonia? Do you realize that Pneumonia is not a pathogen but a symptom?

um you may want to read this link and reevaluate your comment for accuracy.

I am gonna presume you just didnt know .


posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 05:47 AM
What do you mean? Pneumonia is an infection, not a pathogen!

"Causes include bacteria, viruses, and fungi."

edit on 25-3-2020 by UltimaRatio1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
This virus has been here since october or sooner, Mid November I was sick for a week and a half my symptoms mimiced the Covid-19 symptoms almost to the letter. Honestly I had forgotten about being sick in November, My girlfriend reminded me a few days ago she looked at me and said " babe we have already had this virus in november" I thought for a second , then looked at her and exclaimed " your a genius ! " She was absolutly right , I have been talking to a Doctor that goes to my gym . He said with out a doubt this Covid-19 has been here since atleast October, tons of patients coming to the ER getting mis-diagnosed because they had no clue that Covid-19 was already in circulation. All of these patients he said were being tested for Both types of Flu and Pneumonia testing negative to both, they would write them some anti-biotics to treat the infection caused by the Virus and send them on there way.

Me personally I was tested for both Flu and Pneumonia while I was sick, and tested negative for both. Now I never ever get sick, My girlfriend got sick and almost like clock work I became sick with in a few days. My family practice Doctor told me with out a doubt I had some sort of Viral infection he just had no idea what it was.

Guys and Gals this whole thing is just SPIN, they are using this to progress some sort of agenda just like on 9/11.

Over 60million people in this country were infected during the H1N1 virus pandemic, and they never closed a damn thing .

Thank you...
I'm so happy to see so many people waking up to this situation and seeing it for what it truly is

Me and my family think the same thing and have asked alot if people and most believe this way too

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: DustybudzZ

WHat agenda are the govts pushing by enforcing lockdowns as a means to slow the disease spread?

Logically, it makes sense to do this during a pandemic because otherwise, the heath services (or, well, for countries like mine that have them) could be overloaded and blown up with the number of high risk patients, whereas, using social distancing and lockdowns to slow the spread means the health services can cope with the loads.

That isn’t an agenda, it’s simple logistics.

But I’m not much of a conspiracy person so please tell me - what is the agenda, ‘similar to 9/11’ (whatever that means) being pushed by TPTB ? I’m keen to know
edit on 25-3-2020 by noonebutme because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: Tearman
Of course they have noticed, My 96yo grandmother has noticed the increase for Gods sake because every single new patient is being looked at under a magnifying glass by the Media / Social Media.

I said imagine there was a Media black out on the subject , then you seriously think hospitals would have noticed?? Come on sir you really think they would notice with 50,000 to 60,000 deaths from pneumonia a year in the USA on average.

And that's just deaths, imagine how many are hospitalized each year for pneumonia. We have 800 deaths and about 1100 critical. Spread out across the entire country, saying that doctors are noticing a sudden increase in patients is impossible.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 08:21 AM
Can we get some more locations of those affected in this thread?

We are in NC, and just before Christmas my kids came down with a nasty, nasty cough. Never heard them have something like it before. Lasted 10-14 days.
Day after Christmas my wife and I got sick. She ultimately faired poorer than I, with hers turning into double pneumonia. Was first diagnosed as bronchitis, but after about a week, pneumonia.
I was sick as well, but not as severe. That said, I had some sort of lung involvement as after a couple weeks when I tried to resume my regular exercise schedule I had nothing. No lungs. Ran less than a hundred yards and felt like I was literally going to die. That just doesn’t happen.

Flash back even further and around Thanksgiving our youngest child had an infini-illness that turned into pneumonia as well.

I realize that this can be a fairly common childhood illness. However, neither my wife or son had ever had pneumonia before. We’re also aware of several others in the community with pneumonia at about the same time.

It would be quite the coincidence to have these type of Illnesses for the first time, with COVID-19 popping into the news just a couple weeks later.

Again, unless you’re testing for it, it’s just another virus.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 08:37 AM
Ohio - I'm pretty sure I had it too around Jan/Feb.
I was sick for about 2-3 weeks, I had a really bad chest cold it seemed. For a few nights I could barely sleep because it felt like i was being suffocated.

I actually did not go to the doctor as I didn't have health Insurance. I just powered through it and I am fine now.
edit on 25-3-2020 by LeoStarchild because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2020 by LeoStarchild because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: LeoStarchild

I don't want to springboard this about healthcare systems but I couldn't imagine not being able to go to a doctors because I don't have insurance. I've never experienced it before and hope I never have to. At least you powered through and got out of it.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:00 PM
My sister thinks the same thing, and I too had something that fits the symptoms for about 3 weeks in January. Just speculation.

a reply to: asabuvsobelow

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:05 PM

You were tested for Pneumonia? Do you realize that Pneumonia is not a pathogen but a symptom?
a reply to: UltimaRatio1

They test your lungs for infection, I know that Pneumonia is not a pathogen , believe it or not I do know what I'm talking about.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Of course they check your lungs. But you actually wrote "I was checked for both Flu and Pneumonia". While Pneumonia is just something the flu might cause.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:39 PM
Since this is the "crazy" thread, I am also suspicious that I contracted this. Just after Christmas. Worst I can remember being sick. Certainly in the last twenty years. Knocked me on my butt for a week, and it took about three weeks to recover. Fever, dry cough, sinuses, fatigue.
At the time it must be a severe case of the flu. Now, I wonder. Also, the only person in the house largely affected. Everyone else had mild symptoms, so we thought they must have lucked out and missed whatever I had and caught something else instead. But the demographics check out for COVID -19, too.

Who knows? Unless they start testing for antibodies and discover a lot of us have a certain immunity level due to previous exposure(s).

Only 1% of fatalities (not cases, fatalities) are in the under 50 bracket. And it presents as the flu. That means a lot of people are having mild reactions and weren't tested in that time period (and even now). Since China keeps pushing back patient zero (now November last I checked), who knows how far it spread since November.

My sister and her family are in iso because they had what was probably food poisoning, but the teledoctor told them to stay in quarantine for 14 days. *shrug*

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

There's a new test just developed that can tell one if they had the virus.

I posted it somewhere, I'll look for it.

Also, there are reports two Japanese women got the virus in September in Hawaii so it might have been here earlier than we thought

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: noonebutme

This is eerily similar to my story-- excepting I got hammered on the 28th of December right after Xmas.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:47 PM
Here it is

Can New Test Help Build an Army of Immune Medical Workers?

A team at Mount Sinai has developed a test that could quickly determine who doesn’t have to fear the coronavirus.

The test can identify those who have already had COVID-19 and likely acquired at least temporary immunity. And that means an army of doctors, paramedics, and others who have been identified as immune might be able to take the lead in the fight on the ground against the virus with no worry for their safety, even if the shortage of personal protective equipment continues.

edit on 25-3-2020 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I'm with OP. This has been in the US for a while.

Kinda weird how one of the biggest stories before the Chinese Virus took over MSM was about vapers mysteriously dying after having lung issues.

I haven't heard a peep about that since.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: UltimaRatio1
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Of course they check your lungs. But you actually wrote "I was checked for both Flu and Pneumonia". While Pneumonia is just something the flu might cause.

Indeed I was checked for both, The Doctor checked for both types of Flu it came back negative. He also check my sputum for signs of Pneumonia also negative. Pneumonia can be caused by the Flu and a whole host of other things, but where there is one there is not always the other . I showed signs of both conditions and tested negative for both, leading the doctor to say " Well there must be a virus going around" .

I'm starting to feel like a broken record here, are you intentionally trying to make me contradict myself ? If so shame on you good sir shame on you.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 07:30 PM
At my Job for 8 years I never ever missed a company meeting and in late January I was so so sick I called in and told them I was way too sick, my wife and myself were sick and we too believe it was the freaking Corvid19, it has been amongst us for a long time, good call OP!
edit on 25-3-2020 by 2ndSEED because: Wrong month

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: incoservsame symptoms as your diagnosed as bronchitis and sinusitis in late January early February here in wa. Lasted over 3 weeks.

This is a trip but at least I've already had it so I guess I should be immune right? I was also very sick with same symptoms back in November I believe. This one also lasting almost 3 weeks.

I thought I was getting reoccurring sinus infections.

Now I know

edit on 25-3-2020 by Strangeonekyeleigh because: Time

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