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Why are they doing all of this?

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posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 10:13 AM
I would also like to mention a book:
The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.

Why are 'they' doing this? 'They' did nothing, we did it to ourselves.

for an entire year the whole world cried out loud that we are in danger, that we need to change our way of live, that we are all going to die, that it's five past twelve, that economy shouldn't come before climate, that the earth is becoming unlivable, that we can't eat money. That something must change asap. Protests, strikes... kids skipping school.

well, here we go. I'm pretty sure that after this crisis the world will not be the same.
And that is my unpopular belief.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 10:20 AM
Why can't this just be a virus?

Been around long before corruption and conspiracies.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: GrandSchemeOfThings

Been around long before corruption and conspiracies.

Conspiracies have been around since the Mesopotamia Empires.
Technically there were many conspiracies before the first recorded

We're called goyim, sheep and cattle because they've studied human
nature and History to expect the majority will continue to ignore,
deny, and deflect.

edit on 3/20/2020 by MrBlaq because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 01:14 PM
It's challenging for us to believe we've been conditioned from
birth to misapprehend our current social order as "normal".

Read the following from Bertrand Russell's book
titled The Impact of Science on Society..

“Education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils are thus
schooled they will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking
or acting otherwise than as their school masters would have wished....
Influences of the home are obstructive; and in order to condition students,
verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective … It is for a
future scientist to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how
much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black.
When the technique has been perfected, every government that has
been in charge of education for more than one generation will be
able to control its subjects securely without the
need of armies or policemen.”

These people have written in books almost everything they've
done, are doing, and are seeking to do in the future.

After many found numerous inconsistencies in the Kennedy assassination
Warren Commission Report. Some reporters asked CIA Director Allan
Dulles was he not concerned about these inconsistencies.

It was reported Mr Dulles answered
"The American people don't read"

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 10:50 PM
If you want a not-quite-so-crazy answer:

It's a historically proven reality that nearly all fortunes get squandered after three generations. So no matter how rich a person gets, they still face the likelihood that their great grandchildren will be poor.

If you got rich by exploiting the poor..... that would be a very scary thought for you, wouldn't it?

So you might team up with some other rich, and unethical people like yourself and go out and try to rearrange the world's political system, to make it so no matter how stupid your children and grandchildren are, even if they are absolute drooling morons - they will be immune the possibility of poverty.

You make the whole world's economy depend on the institutions you have put in place (such as oh... say.... the Federal Reserve Bank System AKA "Wall Street"?)

You try to get all the governments of the world to simply give you (and your children) money. Or let you steal it without prosecuting you (for example by dealing with corrupt gas companies like Burisma, and then impeaching or unjustly prosecuting anyone who tries to look into the matter.)

The basic idea is that you're going to make your fortune idiot proof, no matter who it hurts.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 11:47 PM
Even though David Icke has his haters and naysayers over the years, if you take the time to watch this video, he breaks it down very clearly for everyone. Go ahead, watch it. You will understand.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:41 AM
Obviously we are being punished...

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:55 AM
Here's a couple thoughts on creating control and fear (nothing bonds people more than a common enemy)
The enemy keeps getting more and more vague:

WWI & II - Specific people leaders and countries
Cold War - No specific people or countries but countries following certain theories (communist v. capitalists)
Terrorism - No specific people or countries but unknown groups
Viruses - No specific people but new mysterious viruses

It could also be to destroy the last industry individuals could make their own living - service industries. They already destroyed manufacturing, then real estate and now service industries.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 05:13 AM

Why are they doing all of this?

One world government, one world currency, one world army, one world ideology, and other one world 'isms'.

Think about the future and ask yourself some questions...can we as a rapacious species of the world's resources, continue as we have been doing without change or abatement? Is it a good thing that global human population continues to grow unchecked? Is there really enough tracts of land to grow enough food to feed unchecked population growth? What type and quality of life can an unchecked population growth maintain? You can be certain that whoever is born, will want a level of lifestyle equal to yours, especially once they have seen the lifestyle levels of others.

It is not just about us reaching extractable limits of resources in the ground like fossil fuels, we are tearing up large swathes of finely-tuned eco-systems that actually sustain life for commercial enterprises. Although we have got some, we don't yet have the technologies to replace the old ones, certainly not for the size of the global population (think of the baby boom following self-isolation from the virus). Are you willing to reduce the level and quality of your lifestyle for so that others in different countries have it similar? I doubt you are, and I doubt most others won't.

Logically, it is simple commonsense understanding to realise that certain strata of each country's society, those with the wealth and in control, would know what we can surmise and much more. They know all the numbers, all the stats, and all the likely outcomes of modeled scenarios, and will plan and prepare for them. Those in control will most certainly plan and prepare for their continued survival, just like survivalists, but of course, on a much larger scale. Those in control, and with the technological know-how and the technology at their disposal, could in theory create for themselves, a technocratic breakaway society. Let's call them the 'self-chosen'.

I believe it will be the 'self-chosen' who will first wean themselves off fossil fuel dependency, and once the technology is in place to do that, they can then enact the writings of the Georgia Guidestones. Fact is, population growth is what is causing all the problems, and the answer is to reduce it. There really is no other recourse of action to deliver a solution to global problems. By reducing the main 'cause' (people) of global issues, you reduce the problems.

Would the self-chosen actually murder (effectively) billions of people? Last century, the elites killed 500 million through wars. Their mindset is entirely different to yours and mine. They don't perceive like we do (they know the data, we don't), and it is to the modeled data that they plan. They will be so entrenched in their own rationale, their own perspective, that they will see it as mercy killing. The human species must continue at whatever cost, as far as they are concerned, and they will see to it that only the right amount of the right people will do so. That will be the 'real' re-set.

So, why are they doing all of this? They are planning, and they are preparing, and they are testing.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: agenda51

I have people not one bit interested in CT asking for my opinion on what's happening. I say things like the colapse of paper money forcing in digital currency. Chips for our right hands, I tell them about the nocebo effect and self fulfilling prophecies, and how the MSMs coverage is having a negative psychological effect on the collective conscious etc etc and they no longer look at me like im crazy.. They agree or listen to me, they actually listen.
So this is maybe the push for chaos, they may want enmasse riots and worldwide revolution, as it would be easier to cull the herd of those that will not comply.
Interestingly I have said this year will bring big changes many times 2020 = 22, today's date can be 3, 3, 22 when using numerology.

Watch out for Mayday his year, its a big birthday.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: ManyMasks

I have said the same, but for a 3 year period: 2020-2022

This is the kickstarting of all their end-game agenda's. This was not an accidental release by China. You would be a fool to believe that.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: Asgaard
Ohh for sure matey the year 2022 is going to be huge, that's why I keep saying this is just the beginning

Royal and Select Masters or Cryptic Masons date from the year in which the Temple of Solomon was completed. It is called Anno Depositionis (A.D.), which means "In the year of the Deposit" and adds 1000 to the common time. Therefore the year 2007 becomes 3007.

So in 2022 it will be 3022 or 322
Skull and bones.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: Asgaard

Check this out, guy put a lot of work into masonic numerology and world events..

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: ManyMasks

Thanks for those links! Very interesting sites. Those ''real'' years definitely caught my eye. I wasn't aware of these systems. I'll bookmark them for later study.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 08:08 PM
Why do you say mayday is big?

You do mean May 1st?a reply to: ManyMasks

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: elysiumfire

Why are they doing all of this?

Think about the future and ask yourself some questions...can we as a rapacious species of the world's resources, continue as we have been doing without change or abatement? Is it a good thing that global human population continues to grow unchecked? Is there really enough tracts of land to grow enough food to feed unchecked population growth? What type and quality of life can an unchecked population growth maintain? You can be certain that whoever is born, will want a level of lifestyle equal to yours, especially once they have seen the lifestyle levels of others.

It is not just about us reaching extractable limits of resources in the ground like fossil fuels, we are tearing up large swathes of finely-tuned eco-systems that actually sustain life for commercial enterprises. Although we have got some, we don't yet have the technologies to replace the old ones, certainly not for the size of the global population (think of the baby boom following self-isolation from the virus). Are you willing to reduce the level and quality of your lifestyle for so that others in different countries have it similar? I doubt you are, and I doubt most others won't.

Logically, it is simple commonsense understanding to realise that certain strata of each country's society, those with the wealth and in control, would know what we can surmise and much more. They know all the numbers, all the stats, and all the likely outcomes of modeled scenarios, and will plan and prepare for them. Those in control will most certainly plan and prepare for their continued survival, just like survivalists, but of course, on a much larger scale. Those in control, and with the technological know-how and the technology at their disposal, could in theory create for themselves, a technocratic breakaway society. Let's call them the 'self-chosen'.

I believe it will be the 'self-chosen' who will first wean themselves off fossil fuel dependency, and once the technology is in place to do that, they can then enact the writings of the Georgia Guidestones. Fact is, population growth is what is causing all the problems, and the answer is to reduce it. There really is no other recourse of action to deliver a solution to global problems. By reducing the main 'cause' (people) of global issues, you reduce the problems.

I want to add to that that the first world is COMPLETELY INNOCENT of causing over population

Only the third world is guilty.

So, why attack the first world?

My answer would be that, at least for now, they are not trying to solve the problem. They are trying to make it worse. A starving population is the ultimate path to power. It allows whoever is in charge to decide who lives and dies without having to admit they are doing so.

They can inflict the death penalty without holding a trial. Just choose not to provide a group, or person, with food claiming it's scarce. Nobody will question why they chose one person over another, because after all, there is no valid basis they could have used anyway.

Would the self-chosen actually murder (effectively) billions of people? Last century, the elites killed 500 million through wars. Their mindset is entirely different to yours and mine. They don't perceive like we do (they know the data, we don't), and it is to the modeled data that they plan. They will be so entrenched in their own rationale, their own perspective, that they will see it as mercy killing. The human species must continue at whatever cost, as far as they are concerned, and they will see to it that only the right amount of the right people will do so. That will be the 'real' re-set.

So, why are they doing all of this? They are planning, and they are preparing, and they are testing.

They'll claim it's about trimming the population.

But it's kind of a thin argument when something like half the planet has already agreed not to overpopulate. (Or maybe it's only a third, and I'm definitely counting China.)

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: MadMegs
I've Been saying 2020 and may 1st for a while, 2020 because the 22 is a power number usually associated with death, may 1st is bavarian illuminati 244 birthday, numerology surrounding these numbers = big changes

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: ManyMasks

That's my birthday. 1972...48 I want to run and hide

Both my grandfathers were masons, so was my father, as is my son... how do I message you?
edit on 22-3-2020 by MadMegs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: MadMegs

I pm d you

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: headcheck

2 hours loooooong OMG

but I did play the entire interview...
David seems to have 'adjusted' his bizzare, wonderlandish view of shapeshifting reptile-peoples...
at least in this clip he is taking the stance that the 'reptilian brain' is the most active section of some peoples' mental state

I commented on this absurdity years ago and said that Icke should target the 'Limbic region' (the primal brain-stem) in his discourses about reptilian connections rather than hocus-pocus shapeshifting Idiocy

appreciate the YT link... but he only clumps the 'core' 'cult' as being the 1% ers whereas I go full bore and identify the 1% of the 1%ers as Occult NAZIs leftover from the Eugenics-era of WW2 & Vril followers in their subsequent Generations

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