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I was wondering about your signature about evolution. Do you not think that evolution and creationism work hand in hand?
That's fabulous for you. I'm glad that you found your path. Now you should be respectful that others have found theirs as well.
Originally posted by jake1997
The eyes of the nonbeliever are closed.
Originally posted by Shonet1430
I havenot been able to find any info on the statue itself.
The statue was made by Charles Niehaus in 1897 and was chosen by Ainsworth Rand Spofford, the librarian.
Quoting dead men actually proves nothing, as they are not around to defend the context of their quotes.
My comments were in reference to the founding fathers displaying the Ten Commandments and Christianity being widely practiced. I commented back that they were deists and the comments I chose reflected such.
If you were talking to yourself, I understand.
I however, merely spoke my beliefs and you started in with why you thought they were wrong.
As for the evolution thing, it is just what it says.
I believe science and the bible go hand and hand. I am educated enough to see that evolution is a pile of assumptions.
It takes faith to fill in the many gaps.
I dont have enough faith to believe evolution. I do have enough to believe in G-d.
Thanks Shonet
I admitted my mistake in saying that the founding fathers displayed the ten commandments. I never said that the founding fathers were Christian, I only said that Christianity was widely practiced. By this I meant a belief system based on the Bible. I agree that some of the founding fathers were deist and some, although appeared Christian really were not.
The funny thing is that although John Adams was a deist, the quote I used has been quoted by some people to prove that he was Christian. Hence my remark about not being able to question dead men.
Originally posted by Shonet1430
I don't think your beliefs in Christianity are wrong. However, your interpretation of the Tanakh is wrong as is the Christian OT flawed in many cases.
Take a look at the KJV of Psalm 34. Does it say "Of David?" No.
Does your "OT" end with Divrei Ha-Yamim a.k.a. Chronicles?
I could go on and on.
The point is that Christians use Jewish texts and yet don't want to know anything about them except what they interpret them to be.
Main Entry: re·li·gion
1 a : the state of a religious b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 : archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Could you give me an example of how people worship G-d through evolution?
I dont have enough faith to believe evolution. I do have enough to believe in G-d.
IMO, it's harder to believe that G-d couldn't control the phenomenon that science uncovers.
It IS the christian OT btw. So why expect it to conform to a Jewish (proper) standard?
Psa 34:1 A Psalm of David, when he changed his behavior before Abimelech; who drove him away, and he departed. I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Psa 34:2 My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.
Does yours?
Does yours include the prophets? No. Seems like I got the better deal ehh?
I noticed. The thing is, I dont view 'more words' as more meaning. Let Bill do the bloviating.
Umm...see...your wrong again. Your inability to see that same logic from my POV will only ensure that we never come to a conclusion on the matter.
Just for clarity sake, I'm keeping mine here.
Main Entry: re·li·gion
1 a : the state of a religious b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 : archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
So begins yours....
# An organized system of belief that generally seeks to understand purpose, meaning, goals, and methods of spiritual things. These spiritual things can be God, people in relation to God, salvation, after life, purpose of life, order of the cosmos, etc.
To put it simply, it takes faith. But perhaps Darwinism is the religion and evolution is the method of faith.
Im really disappointed in you that you could not come up with any obvious candidates for sacred texts and symbols.
I dont think its worth responding on it to you until you get yourself up to speed.
Nope. Sorry. I never made such a claim.
I'll pray for you.
It looks like the only thing left to teach you concerns the proper view of Gods Word today.
God promised a Messiah.
Jesus Christ came and filled that promise.
So now, any jew who is still following his own religion, is now a christian. A follower of Christ.
So then following that logic from a christian POV, which is unattainable to you it seems, the OT and NT belong to Christ
and the church. There are indeed christian 'jews'.
I do hope you understand now. This is why I was loath to bring it up.
As for 'does yours' and then your long response... I was talking about the OT, not the TNK
I will when you actually bring something even remotely resembling a valid rebuke of any of my posts, to the table. Engage in learning Singer and do some much needed research! These are words written in stone 1,000 years before anything you have to offer about the god which happens to be the very same mentioned in the following.
Edsinger- Consider yourself rebuked... In the Begining was the Word
[These are] the words which the god Neb−er−tcher spake after he had come into being:−−"I am he who came into being in the form of the god Khepera, and I am the creator of that which came into being, that is to say, I am the creator of everything which came into being: now the things which I created, and which came forth out of my month after that I had come into being myself were exceedingly many. The sky (or heaven) had not come into being, the earth did not exist, and the children of the earth, and the creeping, things, had not been made at that time. I myself raised them up from out of Nu, from a state of helpless inertness…
Then Shu and Tefnut rejoiced from out of the inert watery mass wherein they I were,…
I was one by myself, for they had not been brought forth, and I had emitted from myself neither Shu nor Tefnut. I brought my own name into my mouth as a word of power, and I forthwith came into being under the form of things which are and under the form of Khepera. I came into being from out of primeval matter, and from the beginning I appeared under the form of the multitudinous things which exist; nothing whatsoever existed at that time in this earth, and it was I who made whatsoever was made...
There is no reason to believe that the religions, and I emphasize the plural, will not meet the same fate. You believe no more strongly than the fanatics of the past.
Truthisoutthere- All the other Gods who have come and failed their people century after century by being false prophets have been proven time and time again that there God is Dead, They did not have the answers for eternal salvation
Purposeful and classic misinterpretation of the text with the intention to further false doctrine. You either have adopted this stance as put forward by others or are as incapable of understanding the verses.
Originally posted by jake1997Here is the info to go along with my last post about what happened between satan and man in the Garden of Eden
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Isa 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
through v17. Refer 28:2, this is directed to the “prince of Tyre” a land well known to that fallacious priest; Paul of Tarsus.
Eze 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. …
Originally posted by riley
What matters is historically the 'power of chistianity' as been a force for both good and evil [sexism, slavery, crusades, inquisitions etc. etc.].. power corrupts.. and when there is only a handful of men at the head of religious organisations [especially with political connections].. it requires more faith in humanity than god that they'll do the 'right thing' as they can always 'misinterprit' the bible [or other doctrine] to do the wrong.
What matters is historically the 'power of chistianity' as been a force for both good and evil . . .
It pays to have a good memory, resolve and credibility. Say what you mean and mean what you say, to wit: posted on 5/23/05 at 01:28 AM Post Number: 1403924 (post id: 1425817); The Anti-Christian conspiracy,
Originally posted by jake1997If you compare these to Revelation you would normally be able to see the meaning.
Look at your logic. The king of Babylon was in heaven? The king of Tyre had pipes coming out of his body. They fell from heaven?
Im not interested in going any further in this with you however. In rereading your response to this I see an accusation of 'purposful' misinterpretation. To me that says you wish more to debate, then get to the truth. If this assessment is wrong, I apologize. I have made my decision tho. Thanks
Followed by; posted on 5/28/05 at 01:33 AM Post Number: 1416136 (post id: 1438029
Jake1997- Maybe there is a post between yours and mine that I cannot see because its from someone on the ignore list.
I have absoluletly no respect for the weakness of others, Jake, especially wafflers, since those two qualities; weakness and waffling supports a decidely dishonest bent, and even less regard for the feelings of those shrouding themselves in same.
Originally posted by jake1997
swibt (long name!)
If I compare what Jake? And you presume falsely that I would compare anything to Revelation, for I consider that writing to be nothing but the wishful dream of a bigger fool than the authors of the other 65 books of The Bible. You obviously have not discerned that much about me yet in all of our exchanges, despite my attestation to same on many occasions. Pay attention, Jake, patience with the lesser endowed is not one of my virtues.
If you compare these to Revelation you would normally be able to see the meaning.
My logic is superior thank you. But let us review yours…firstly, there is no proof that any king was in heaven, but to the text, it clearly states that these two were the the kings of Babylon and Tyre. Now you may wish to envision some red-fleshed, horned and trident tailed ugly wart as the enemy here so as to soothe your intense desire to believe in the fabricated Satan that haunts your life, the text is clear relative to Is.14… Babylon is nothing but a kingdom at odds with Judea. Likewise was Tyre. You might, and I emphasize might, if you paid more attention to reading the narrative prior to these texts than the interpretations others have to offer on just these verses, understand the meaning of that narrative.
Look at your logic. The king of Babylon was in heaven? The king of Tyre had pipes coming out of his body. They fell from heaven?
You took a peek in the mirror and recognized yourself but your insolence and unwillingness to advance your knowledge just did not allow you to acknowledge that the image peering back at you was you, so you decided to invoke the classic psychological stance and hope it stuck. Not on me my friend.
Im not interested in going any further in this with you however. In rereading your response to this I see an accusation of 'purposful' misinterpretation. To me that says you wish more to debate, then get to the truth. If this assessment is wrong, I apologize. I have made my decision tho. Thanks
Well that is proof, isn’t it? Try harder and hope your target is gullible, because I am not. Not only is Jesus mentioned nowhere in the OT, those books themselves are representative of the Egyptian pagan Gods, so you have a lot of work ahead of you if you think you can even convince me that your criminal ‘messiah’ even has a true genealogy pre Herod
On the linear approach, looking for Jesus starts at Genesis
Create it wherever you wish, and you can post all of the NT scripture to your hearts content. There is nothing to prove they are in fact truth, but since you think so, that makes the philosophy of the likes of Hitler and every degenerate who has ever lived even more credible than your Jesus whose only writing it seems, was trodden over. He was really drawing circles in the sand in all likelihood. My guess, a plan of attack.
I will make a new thread, it will be in BTS. I will post OT scripture that Jesus filled.
If I compare what Jake? And you presume falsely that I would compare anything to Revelation, for I consider that writing to be nothing but the wishful dream
Originally posted by junglejake
When people are saying that Christians having the Ten Commandments in the public square or sharing their faith is forcing their beliefs upon them, they're pretty much admitting Christianity is the Truth.
So cover up the truth, but to what end? This question I leave to y'all, because I'm not sure. Why start a concerted effort to remove a message of peace and love from society through law and propoganda?
I am going to ask the question of you again, Jake, since the above attempt at answering same is utterly lacking in substance, style and quality:
Originally posted by jake1997
Im glad you turned the light on yourself. If you dont read the material, you are not qualified to discuss it.
If I compare what Jake? And you presume falsely that I would compare anything to Revelation, for I consider that writing to be nothing but the wishful dream
Lord, I should feel reprimanded I suppose, but how can I possibly when all I see is you fleeing?
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