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Stimulus check 2020, should the disabled get it

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posted on Apr, 1 2020 @ 12:39 PM
Well that sucks they changed it.
Many seniors now are burdened with filing a tax return when they have not for possibly decades.
Nice move.

edit on 412020 by Sillyolme because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2020 @ 12:49 PM

Changing by the minute

Senators call on IRS to automatically send checks to seniors.

By the time they sort this out all the seniors will be dead from the virus.

posted on Apr, 1 2020 @ 01:07 PM
You can't find the form to file on their website.

Of course.

posted on Apr, 1 2020 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I am just pointing out the facts. The government has been talking about fixing the infrastructure for a long time and not much happening. I heard that since I moved from my last residence going on over a decade now. The government knew something like this virus would happen a long long time ago and yet never planned for it and tells everyone they never knew anything like this was going to happen. That is flat out lie. Now they are utilizing this breakout to stimulate the economy that they knew was broken a long time. Why let a virus breakout go to waste right?

If there is a bio lab somewhere working on a deadly virus and it "Accidentally" on purpose gets into the wild, then that is a bio weapon. If there is someone with a plan to do something like that, then they are already one step ahead of you. Chemical and bio weapons are a very real thing. The military is constantly having to upgrade respirators. The weapons not only kill you if you breath it, but has a agent in it to eat the rubber the face mask is made out of. This is real stuff folks. There isn't going to be a nuclear war it will be bio war. Nuclear bombs going off destroys everything forever...but bio weapons just kills the people leaving everything intact.

I know someone personally that works in administration at a hospital. A person came in with some strange unknown problems and after a array of blood tests etc, the person was found to have a human type of Mad cow disease vCJD. The entire hospital at that point was in total freak out mode and CDC etc all involved with a major cleanup underway. They found out the person had the disease after the surgery for something else before the blood work came back. Stupid thing done on the part of the hospital. There is no cure for it. Turns out you cannot destroy the disease either. The equipment, clothes, body of the dead person was incinerated and the disease was still present in the ashes of the deceased person! A 7000 degree F autoclave couldn't kill the virus. They had to bury it all in an undisclosed location, unmarked grave. What you hear from the media is downplayed to seem as though it isn't as serious. it's a 100% fatality rate. If you get it, you die.

You may not have heard, but there is a similar disease in deer, elk, etc that are infected as well. Eating the meat or coming in contact with the infected meat you get the disease. All forestry department are now testing road kills etc in secret. They are in full panic mode and not sure what to do. Animals are dying off in droves. Natives like the Eskimo far up north are also dying in droves by it as it is their main source of food. This virus outbreak is a shot across the bow and a warning. You can go back and watch TED2015 talks with Bill Gates talking about how we're not ready for this type of outbreak. This exact same outbreak scenario happening right now. So here we are right smack in the middle of it.
edit on 1-4-2020 by sean because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-4-2020 by sean because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2020 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

Na, we are gonna starve to death first..
It's getting harder for me to buy the idea that it's so hard to find enough food in a store to last a week because of panic buying. By now, if there is any panicked shoppers, they are probably panicking because they have hoarded so much in their house, they can no longer move in it.

You cant find their form because it's not there. They say it will be posted soon... dont hold your breath.

posted on Apr, 1 2020 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: Sillyolme

Na, we are gonna starve to death first..
It's getting harder for me to buy the idea that it's so hard to find enough food in a store to last a week because of panic buying. By now, if there is any panicked shoppers, they are probably panicking because they have hoarded so much in their house, they can no longer move in it.

You cant find their form because it's not there. They say it will be posted soon... dont hold your breath.

First of the month is retirement and welfare. The stores are quiet

People in Michigan are getting settled in

posted on Apr, 1 2020 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: mikell

Our suburban Chicago Walmarts and Targets are all stocked up. It looks like a grand opening the shelves are so filled and neatly arranged.

I think people hoarded so much stuff last month, they don't need anything now. The only really busy stores are supermarkets.

edit on 4/1/2020 by carewemust because: Google voice recognition has not improved one bit over the last three years.

posted on Apr, 1 2020 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

Stay safe ya old gezzer you.

You stay safe as well.

I said it before, and I'll say it again: any virus that wants a part of this old redneck better pack a butt-load of lunches. I might be old and I might be a bit feeble, but I'll be damned if some microscopic reject from creation is gonna do me in! Redneck don't get dead easy.


posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 11:18 AM

IRS reversal: Social Security recipients can automatically get stimulus checks without filing returns


The IRS has reversed course to eliminate a controversial requirement on Social Security recipients seeking stimulus checks as part of the government's coronavirus response package.

After initially saying that Social Security recipients would have to file a "simple" tax return for 2019 -- which they ordinarily would not do -- the IRS now says the payment will be automatic without it
edit on 422020 by Sillyolme because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

Our stores are stocked or were on Monday when we last shopped.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

Our last shopping trip was about four days ago, was better than the previous 4 attempts, but still pretty much slim pickings.
Cant do much now till some money comes in but walmart pick up still is quite pathetic. I have a small order ready. Just cant buy yet. Will see just what is still around when I can order?
I think in the end, I'm gonna have to go out and hit up some stores myself. My kids just arent good meal planners, they have no idea what is needed to cook this or that and I am too old to be that adventurous when it comes to cooking.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 04:45 PM
Listening to the treasury secretary give a briefing right now. It's very impressive how many resources are being brought to bear to get the stimulus money out to individual Americans and impacted businesses... fast.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

I just heard that.

Looks like this time I won't be the broke guy listening to everyone I know talk about their stimulus checks like last time.


posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

But, if you are getting disability and have dependents, social security wont have that information on record. So if you want the money for the dependents, you still need to file.
Or at least that was what I heard today.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 10:58 PM
My wife's an SSI adjudicator. She's one of the last in a big office to start working from home. So, tomorrow she can look into it.

Some of her co-worker's went back to the office already. The only reason for the wife to go back is to pick up her govt PC, and set it up at home with a hard-wire to the modem. We just got rid of DSL here in the country, but we already have it at a downtown location.

As far as the payola, my answer would be that Trump will hold out until later in the election cycle and buy the votes of the complainer-class. That's what I would do.

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 03:55 PM
The way the gov runs things is scary. The way they distribute money in a crisis is a complete mess, that is old and outdated. They could create a new plastic like Social Security card that has a dual function like a credit card chip that can be activated in a crisis situation. Doesn't matter your financial status everyone with a SS# gets it PERIOD. There is nothing trivial about having a solution like that. It should have been implemented decades ago. So here we are clinging to old ways of doing things. We'll likely get over this and who knows how long the impact will last. No planning will be done and next time around we see this again and again and again. They say the money is to boost infrastructure. Ok, well, they said that last time too in 2008 12 years ago.

The way they did this Bill in an emergency has clearly shown they don't prepare at all. They have to plan for these kinds of things. Kind of like planning for a War should something erupt in to total chaos. It's disappointing and tragic many will fall through the cracks. People with zero income living on the streets, and that 1000 dollars could change their lives around forever to get a job. That is the whole point of this economy boost stimulus package, but the money is mostly targeted elsewhere as always in slush funds, bailouts for companies who were already in the hole long before covid19. Many haven't even recovered from the last 2008 slaughter. So why are there so many poor, well gee maybe it's because our economy doesn't have jobs? Industry left the USA in droves and went elsewhere, and the most of the cause was from the government with their over tax, fee's, licensing etc costing the businesses so much money they can barely stay afloat.

Freedoms are disappearing. Like for instance, you have to pay a fee to not only park your vehicle at public forest trail head you have to pay to actually hike or walk on that trail. They claim it's to upkeep the forestry trail. The only problem is that they don't actually do that. I can show you trails that have wind fell tree's right across the trail that been there since they started the extra "fee's", a program already in place for years. They never cut it up and clear it off the trail. Very large old growth trees take years to decay. They may also come with a counter argument, well it's natural to help the forest floor animals or whatever. I mean you cannot reason with these criminals they are never wrong about anything! So the money is clearly going elsewhere. We see this type of crap all time in different area's. So we get a lighting storm and then 1000's of acres of land goes up in smoke. In my younger years I have taken forest work to make ends meet even with physical disabilities. Logging, planting tree's, digging fire trails. It's tough and dangerous work. A thick forest with a sharp inclined units will have huge piles of debris 20 feet deep. All of that is a resource it can be chipped up and used and clear out the forests.

So.. now prices of wood gone up and no one can afford to build anything, covid19 jacked up the prices on toilet paper. Well paper comes from tree's folks. So 100% root of the problem is government caused. They have got to think more deeper into how things they do affect and impact us later down the road and causes more problems worse than what they had started with. We get our throats slit and we actually give them the knife to slit our throat with. I am sorry for my rant, I have spoken my peace as it is and how I see it. I am just saying people need to have more critical thinking and don't be so quickly to jump on the wagon to the slaughter house.
edit on 12-4-2020 by sean because: (no reason given)

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