posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:48 AM
Once again the reply button seems to be malfunctioning so I'll do my best here.
We are NOT panic buying.
We're in a moderately small tourist city in Arkansas so lots of preppers here. We won't be pestering anyone for food or supplies. My husband grew up
in a dirt poor family and I learned to fast in my 20's. It's just that he won't stop eating!
Yesterday I bought four packs of hot dogs, two cans of chili, three frozen pizzas, milk and corn chips. Not panic buying by any stretch of the
If things become critical for toilet paper we have the shower and washcloths.
I'm just concerned that the "retard zoo" and his eating is going to make our supplies dwindle faster than usual.
One thing that's for sure, once things go back to normal I'm staying stocked up much better in the least what our limited finances will
Thank you all for your helps take the worry from the forefront of my consciousness.