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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:52 AM
Canada's Quebec province schools (elementary and secondary), Cégep and Universities are closed until March 30th.

Prime Minister's wife is infected by covid-19 (confirmed). PM doesn't want to take test until he feels symptoms. (His public declaration on TV as I write).

PM's wife infected

Quebec schools

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Part 5, let's go. Thanks for everyone still contributing here!

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves
‘We’re weeks into this!’ CNN reporter crushes Trump for just now appointing coronavirus ‘testing czar’

Testing is not key.

Protecting those at most risk is key.

Testing just confirms what is already there. It isn't unimportant, but the reality is, wide-spread testing is only going to reveal that this thing isn't nearly as bad as some are claiming.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun
Colorado mountain communities are getting slammed. The areas such as Vail, Keystone, Aspen are huge tourist destinations. One woman from Australia went on her private plane to Aspen and partied with her friends. Now many are testing positive.
My daughter contacted me this morning to say that the restaurants are closing down and probably the hotels are quite empty.
This is important because many of the people who work in these resort towns are seasonal, hourly employees. They are very vulnerable.
The reassurances of some relief for ill hourly workers is good but what about all of the seasonal workers who are now facing unemployment.
Many are going into self quarantine because they believe they are ill.
Supplies in the grocery stores there are never very plentiful so there are shortages now.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:59 AM
Just checking in. Be well ATS

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:00 PM
ETA: problem resolved.

Thanks Agit8dChop!
edit on 13-3-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:04 PM

I don't know if anyone has already posted this info from the UK, but the insane decision not to lock down and let everything remain open is now starting to make sense.

The Chief Science Advisor to the government has basically just said on live TV that they are intentionally delaying the closure of schools, public gatherings and non-essential work to delay the peak of the virus, and ensure the majority of healthy individuals contract the virus so ordinary life may continue and less stress is put on the health service. He's talking about herd immunity, with no vaccine, so in order to achieve that 60% of the population would need to contract and recover from the virus.

60% of UK population is 40 million people. Italy has a current death rate of between 5.5 and 6%. Even if the UK had a death rate of JUST 2.5% we will be damning over a MILLION PEOPLE do their deaths. The gov are now seriously under fire on the news for their approach and all over twitter.

Absolutely bonkers! The Football bodies here have gone against government advice and suspended the leagues, after players and mangers contract the virus.
edit on 13-3-2020 by FermiFlux because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

So, he did?

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl
You are 100% right, I remember it now too

He said it was the Democrats ''new hoax''

ugh, edited. *slaps face with a fish*
edit on 13/3/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

edit on 13/3/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

edit on 13/3/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:09 PM
Based on the decision made by Great Britain about postponing elections for a year will probably become the norm across the world. How can any real election such as the one in the U.S. be held when candidates cannot campaign, people cannot attend any political rally or gather in any large groups. How can people even vote in person when there is supposed to be social distancing?
If it is not delayed then we are really at the mercy of media telling us what to think.
Whoever controls the media will control the narrative.
This is a huge threat that comes with this corona virus.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:12 PM
I think you all need to calm down.

So far, the common cold and flu have produced more deaths than anything the coronovirus has done, FACT.

The Trump admins response is basically mirroring this FACT.

I think you all are buying more into the fear mongering, don't y'all have TP to buy?

Nothing about this has changed my life, at all. HEB is still stocked with TP and waters, people are still out and about, buying and selling.

A few days to a couple of weeks won't solve crap and deciding beyond those simple measures will be glorious when the all clear to get back to work is sounded.

Wash your hands, stay away from super large gatherings and continue on with your business.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:12 PM
So realized I had forgotten new filters for the AC went back out to Walmart (cause its closer by half than Home depot) and the stupid has hit I am guessing today was payday for many people.

crowd pushing to grab TP as the poor guy was trying to get it off the pallet, like 3 bottles of bleach left on the shelf, people walking around with big things of TP or paper towels under their arms and 6 bottles of bleach in the cart and I couldn't help but wonder what they planned to do with it. (I foresee some chemical burns in some folks future).

I just dont get it, I prep but I keep stuff in the house constantly the only stuff I bought recently were comfort or top up to the levels I normally keep.

On a more somber note, Dennis Prager made a point I never considered how many kids amongst all these school shutdowns rely on the school for a healthy meal or two a day cause they dont get it at home, whats going to happen to them if the school shuts down for 4-6 weeks.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:13 PM
I came across an interesting article today. t4" target="_blank" class="postlink">< br />

So to summarize:

One of China's top virology and immunology experts was and still works at China's top-rated biohazard lab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which some have affectionately called the real Umbrella Corp.
Since 2009, Peng has been the leading Chinese scientist researching the immune mechanism of bats carrying and transmitting lethal viruses in the world.
His primary field of study is researching how and why bats can be infected with some of the most nightmarish viruses in the world including Ebola, SARS and Coronavirus, and not get sick.
He was genetically engineering various immune pathways (such as the STING pathway in bats) to make the bats more or less susceptible to infection, in the process potentially creating a highly resistant mutant superbug.
As part of his studies, Peng also researched mutant Coronavirus strains that overcame the natural immunity of some bats; these are "superbug" Coronavirus strains, which are not resistant to any natural immune pathway, and now appear to be out in the wild.
As of mid-November, his lab was actively hiring inexperienced post-docs to help conduct his research into super-Coronaviruses and bat infections.
Peng's work on virology and bat immunology has received support from the National "You Qing" Fund, the pilot project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the major project of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

this is the age of the internet, people can give speeches on youtube, snap chat tiktok etc etc. there is a way to do it. its the voting part that causes all the problems. either they go all mail in ballots or vote on the internet and i dont think either of thoise is a good idea

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

MODS: that sentence should be deleted/removed, as it is both a blatant falsehood, and totally irrelevant to the purpose of this thread.

Pot, meet kettle. Your first two posts in this thread have been to irrelevantly debate your opinion and to blatantly argue that the recommendations of the experts (albeit voiced/repeated by a reporter) are actually wrong.

Mods, please give some guidance to this user about what an “updates” thread is for, so we don’t have to keep going through this over and over again for yet another thread.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:15 PM
Miami mayor tests positive for coronavirus

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez has tested positive for coronavirus, his spokesperson said.

The mayor's office said he feels well and is not showing any symptoms. He remains in quarantine.


posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:16 PM
You guys are fortunate enough to have the example of italy as what happens in two/three weeks. We were not ready and corona hit us really hard/fast and immediately After China. Try to stay calm and cold minded, it’s the only way to not get it. Try to avoid contact with people and wear a mask during work or when you go buying things, at least if you have covid you don’t spread it to other people. Sanitize your hands or clothes often. I hope we will get better in a couple of weeks, our nurses and doctors are working like crazy and we have young people with covid too in intensive treatment, sanctions for people who gets out of the home without a real necessity, lots of businesses and companies closed till end March early April.
edit on 13-3-2020 by JackoBB because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: Arnie123
I think you all need to calm down.

So far, the common cold and flu have produced more deaths than anything the coronovirus has done, FACT.

The Trump admins response is basically mirroring this FACT.

I think you all are buying more into the fear mongering, don't y'all have TP to buy?

Nothing about this has changed my life, at all. HEB is still stocked with TP and waters, people are still out and about, buying and selling.

A few days to a couple of weeks won't solve crap and deciding beyond those simple measures will be glorious when the all clear to get back to work is sounded.

Wash your hands, stay away from super large gatherings and continue on with your business.

Yeah.. I remember back when all major league sports were canceled and 100+ schools shut their doors as well. That was a wild time..

Fortunate for you to not have felt any of the affects yet. I'm losing a lot of business at work due to this. I'm starting to feel it financially.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: Arnie123

There’s a few threads where opinions and general chat about the virus are encouraged, such as “Please Calm Down” and “General Coronavirus Discussion”. This is “Updates”


posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: tanstaafl

So, he did?

No, he didn't, you just can't read.

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