a reply to:
I never said anything about destruction, you are spillng things over, from another discussion in another thread with another poster...
Now light and it's colors are peculiar to say the least and if not aware of its dynamics, very deceptive.
Did you know that a lemon which appears yellow absorbs all the colors except yellow.
Yellow is the only color it rejected, sending it to your eyes. Therfore the lemon is actually all but yellow.
Let that sink in for a while.
Now apply this to black and white...
I think shadow is just light transformed by the darkness, the darkness you are talking about is the thing itself. Matter is darkness, even the mirror,
the window and the diamomd are ultimately formed by darkness, made visible through light.
As is the self!
The self is a pure construct of the mind by the experiences had with a body. Your soul(light) and your body(darkness) work together to polish your
If your mind tend to always go with one or the other side, balance is lost, and the polishing will become one-sided resulting in mirror or window.
Let me clear something up you didn't got right before.
If you go with light, then on the other side is darkness and you get a mirror.
If you go with darkness, on the otherside is light and you get a window.
I was not talking about the brilliance of a diamond, but it's ability to break light into it's parts, showing us all it's colors. Its refractive
Even so You are right they are attributes that have always been there, inside the light. Unfortunately I can not experience them, without myself.
If I dissolve the self, I will either loose, the window, the mirror or the diamond, and that would not help to be aware of the light. They all are
tools to understand the light better, to play with it and get inspired.
With the window I can see the light, pure light but there is nothing else just light, no colors, no matter to reflect off.
With the mirror i can only see my reflection. The light reflecting off myself, i see everything I'm not.
If I appear white, I'm not absorbing any light.
If I appear black, I'm absorbing all of the light.
With the diamond i can let the light shine through, extrapolate all its properties and really be creative.
It's a process...
Most start with the mirror, then the window, then the diamond, don't discard non of them just keep them in your toolbox.
It seems you are currently working on the mirror, I hope you will like what you see, and never forget if you deal with light things are not as they
Sincerely NC