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We need a new hashtag: #smollettized -Student arrested for sending threats to herself, others.

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+2 more 
posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 07:17 PM
Got this from LEO Affairs. It's another Jussie Smollett style attempt at fabricating hate and racism in "Trump's America" because there isn't enough to go around for them.

This little peach was a "leader in her social justice group geared towards students," and she "reportedly sent over ten threats to herself and her colleagues in what some believe is an attempt to stir up racial tension." She also tried to drag a frat into the fray. I'm not fan of fraternities, but ... SMH.

On top of it all, the little witch with a capital B "also applied for compensation from the California Victim Compensation Board, which gives grants to people who are victims of crimes." Yep, in true leftist fashion, she used it as a pretext to try to steal somebody else's money.

Yep, these folks were definitely #smollettized . I think that needs to become a trending hashtag.

University student who led ‘social justice groups’ arrested for impersonating frat member, sending threats to herself and others

At least in this case she's been arrested and charged with "criminal threats, perjury, internet or electronic impersonation and filing false police reports." I hope it sticks. I hope she gets stuck.
edit on 2020 3 10 by incoserv because: typo.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Smollet didn't need to fabricate racism. That already exists. If it didn't, his attempt to get press coverage would not even be possible.

But the fact that people are willing to blame whole sections of the community for the stupid actions of one or two people, shows that racism, sexism, and all sorts of other bigotry are very much alive and well.

+20 more 
posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: incoserv

But the fact that people are willing to blame whole sections of the community for the stupid actions of one or two people, shows that racism, sexism, and all sorts of other bigotry are very much alive and well.

You mean like the entire media using the Smollett hate hoax to blame whole sections of the community?

+7 more 
posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Wonder why he didn’t say his imaginary attackers were black or Bernie supporters?

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: incoserv

Smollet didn't need to fabricate racism. That already exists. If it didn't, his attempt to get press coverage would not even be possible.

But the fact that people are willing to blame whole sections of the community for the stupid actions of one or two people, shows that racism, sexism, and all sorts of other bigotry are very much alive and well.

Yeah, racism does exist.


Because there are assh***s in the world. And you'll never get rid of assh***s as long as humans exist. You can't shame an assh**e out of existence. You can't legislate an assh**e or of existence. They will always be with us.

Nobody ever said that there's no such thing as racism. But, apparently, there isn't enough to satisfy the needs of the left-wing social justice morons, so they feel that that have to fabricate it. I guess it's a matter of supply and demand. And those who demand it seem to be supplying the lion's share of it.

These smollettites perpetuate the very thing that claim to be against. They are the biggest and most egregious assh***s.

So, your point is ... what, exactly?
edit on 2020 3 10 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: SKEPTEK

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: incoserv

But the fact that people are willing to blame whole sections of the community for the stupid actions of one or two people, shows that racism, sexism, and all sorts of other bigotry are very much alive and well.

You mean like the entire media using the Smollett hate hoax to blame whole sections of the community?

Within hours, there were thousands of posts online calling out Smollet as a fake, before there was any further evidence known by the general public. People had made up their minds before they had any evidence or facts. That is the very definition of prejudice. In fact, the whole vehemence of both sides of the argument seems over the top, to me, a foreigner.

It's like some right-wing propagandists got together to organize the fake attack, the publishing of the stories and the continuing online campaign.

Basically, if somone beats someone else up, in a world of billions of people where this and worse happens everywhere and every day, who gives a damn, really?

But look at all the finger-wagging and I told you so's and recognize a media campaign when you see one.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: incoserv

Smollet didn't need to fabricate racism. That already exists. If it didn't, his attempt to get press coverage would not even be possible.

But the fact that people are willing to blame whole sections of the community for the stupid actions of one or two people, shows that racism, sexism, and all sorts of other bigotry are very much alive and well.

Yeah, racism does exist.


Because there are assh***s in the world. And you'll never get rid of assh***s as long as humans exist. You can shame an assh***s out of existence. You can't legislate an assh***s or of existence. They will always be with us.

Nobody ever said that there's no such thing as racism. But, apparently, there isn't enough to satisfy the needs of the left-wing social justice morons, so they feel that that have to fabricate it. I guess it's a matter of supply and demand. And those who demand it seem to be supplying the lion's share of it.

So, your point is ... what, exactly?

Because racism is real, as you have noted, and it screws heavily with people's lives.

Bigotry is evil and an enemy to the good things we all want in society. It is worth opposing.

+6 more 
posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
Within hours, there were thousands of posts online calling out Smollet as a fake, before there was any further evidence known by the general public. People had made up their minds before they had any evidence or facts.

Because none of these details added up at all...

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

This is my favorite right-wing propagandist's take:

edit on 10-3-2020 by SKEPTEK because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: SKEPTEK

That's a great video, worth watching twice if you ask me.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: chr0naut

Wonder why he didn’t say his imaginary attackers were black or Bernie supporters?

Why, it would only be relevant to a media campaign, not to a case of assault, even a faked one.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: incoserv

Smollet didn't need to fabricate racism. That already exists. If it didn't, his attempt to get press coverage would not even be possible.

But the fact that people are willing to blame whole sections of the community for the stupid actions of one or two people, shows that racism, sexism, and all sorts of other bigotry are very much alive and well.

Yeah, racism does exist.


Because there are assh***s in the world. And you'll never get rid of assh***s as long as humans exist. You can shame an assh***s out of existence. You can't legislate an assh***s or of existence. They will always be with us.

Nobody ever said that there's no such thing as racism. But, apparently, there isn't enough to satisfy the needs of the left-wing social justice morons, so they feel that that have to fabricate it. I guess it's a matter of supply and demand. And those who demand it seem to be supplying the lion's share of it.

So, your point is ... what, exactly?

Because racism is real, as you have noted, and it screws heavily with people's lives.

Bigotry is evil and an enemy to the good things we all want in society. It is worth opposing.

Yes it is.

Smollett is a racist and bigot and an enemy to the good things we all want in society.

So is Anayeli DominguezPena.

They are worth opposing.

And ridiculing.


posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: incoserv

Smollet didn't need to fabricate racism. That already exists. If it didn't, his attempt to get press coverage would not even be possible.

But the fact that people are willing to blame whole sections of the community for the stupid actions of one or two people, shows that racism, sexism, and all sorts of other bigotry are very much alive and well.

Yeah, racism does exist.


Because there are assh***s in the world. And you'll never get rid of assh***s as long as humans exist. You can shame an assh***s out of existence. You can't legislate an assh***s or of existence. They will always be with us.

Nobody ever said that there's no such thing as racism. But, apparently, there isn't enough to satisfy the needs of the left-wing social justice morons, so they feel that that have to fabricate it. I guess it's a matter of supply and demand. And those who demand it seem to be supplying the lion's share of it.

So, your point is ... what, exactly?

Because racism is real, as you have noted, and it screws heavily with people's lives.

Bigotry is evil and an enemy to the good things we all want in society. It is worth opposing.


And I oppose the kind of bigotry that these kinds of people embody and promote.

Or, is it somehow in your mind not evil bigotry to make up lies about people and create fabricated acts of racism because you feel there are not enough.

My word, can you really not see how screwed up that is? Are your mind and your world really that small and closed off?
edit on 2020 3 10 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: incoserv

Smollet didn't need to fabricate racism. That already exists. If it didn't, his attempt to get press coverage would not even be possible.

But the fact that people are willing to blame whole sections of the community for the stupid actions of one or two people, shows that racism, sexism, and all sorts of other bigotry are very much alive and well.

Yeah, racism does exist.


Because there are assh***s in the world. And you'll never get rid of assh***s as long as humans exist. You can shame an assh***s out of existence. You can't legislate an assh***s or of existence. They will always be with us.

Nobody ever said that there's no such thing as racism. But, apparently, there isn't enough to satisfy the needs of the left-wing social justice morons, so they feel that that have to fabricate it. I guess it's a matter of supply and demand. And those who demand it seem to be supplying the lion's share of it.

So, your point is ... what, exactly?

Because racism is real, as you have noted, and it screws heavily with people's lives.

Bigotry is evil and an enemy to the good things we all want in society. It is worth opposing.


And I oppose the kind of bigotry that these kinds of people embody and promote.

Or, is it somehow in your mind not evil bigotry to make up lies about people and create fabricated acts of racism because you feel there are not enough.

My word, can you really not see how screwed up that is? Are your mind and your world really that small and closed off?

I am suggesting that Smollett's actions, and those of the response to them (a massive media campaign), are bigoted.

Your telling me what I cannot comprehend would be futile if I did actually have no comprehension, wouldn't it?

Please don't tell me what I think or know, because I have a far better knowledge of what occurs in my mind, than you do.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

I certainly hope so because you make no sense to me.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:20 AM

originally posted by: SKEPTEK
a reply to: chr0naut

This is my favorite right-wing propagandist's take:

And I like the reactions from his ring-wing (100% Black) audience too.

Smollett is a racist

Attacking and ridiculing his story right from the very outset was absolutely the right thing to do. For EVERYONE.

An obvious fake is an obvious fake.

Jesus Christ he even had a fricken noose around his neck when the cops showed up. He’s a moron. And the cops should have laughed in his face and walked away

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: incoserv

we need an acceptable recepie for a " smolletov cocktail "

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: chr0naut

I certainly hope so because you make no sense to me.

Then that may possibly indicate that the problem is with your comprehension, just as much, if not more, than mine.

Let me explain it this way; we were talking about a subject external to both of ourselves. Yet your penultimate response was making a point of suggesting some sort of intellectual lack, or misunderstanding on my part. The response was not about the external topic, but was somehow now about me.

Nor did you simply provide a clear explanation of why my point may be invalid, you simply said that it was invalid and that I don't have the nous to understand.

Usually I take this type of response to mean you have reached the limit of your capability to argue the topic and that you believe that a denigration of your opponent is somehow pertinent to the argument. It isn't.

Anyway, this post is off topic.

edit on 11/3/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 05:19 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: incoserv

Smollet didn't need to fabricate racism. That already exists. If it didn't, his attempt to get press coverage would not even be possible.

But the fact that people are willing to blame whole sections of the community for the stupid actions of one or two people, shows that racism, sexism, and all sorts of other bigotry are very much alive and well.

Yeah, racism does exist.


Because there are assh***s in the world. And you'll never get rid of assh***s as long as humans exist. You can't shame an assh**e out of existence. You can't legislate an assh**e or of existence. They will always be with us.

Nobody ever said that there's no such thing as racism. But, apparently, there isn't enough to satisfy the needs of the left-wing social justice morons, so they feel that that have to fabricate it. I guess it's a matter of supply and demand. And those who demand it seem to be supplying the lion's share of it.

These smollettites perpetuate the very thing that claim to be against. They are the biggest and most egregious assh***s.

So, your point is ... what, exactly?

there are some people I don't like

I will NEVER like them

you can't force me to like them

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: acackohfcc
there are some people I don't like

I will NEVER like them

you can't force me to like them

Technically you can't force anyone to do anything, which is what's wrong with this huge gigantic PC push that's been happening over the past few years. Rather than waiting for the world to become a better place gradually over time, people are trying to force it to happen faster, and that is why we have Trump as president, and that is why we will have him another 4 years. The more people try to force all this acceptance down our throats, the more likely we'll have someone like him after his term is over.

originally posted by: chr0naut
Within hours, there were thousands of posts online calling out Smollet as a fake, before there was any further evidence known by the general public. People had made up their minds before they had any evidence or facts. That is the very definition of prejudice. In fact, the whole vehemence of both sides of the argument seems over the top, to me, a foreigner.

Like Augustus said, everything didn't add up. Another flag for me is it just didn't sound right. I grew up in a small racist town and dealt with some small town racism. I've heard all kinds of stories of what people dealt with before me, as well as my own experiences. When I was reading his claims as to what happened, rather than feel bad I just kept getting the same feeling I got when that black activist got busted writing her own racist tweets at one of her rallies, or the black church that was burned down and found out it was one of their parishioners. Point being, it just didn't feel right.

One big thing for me is I just found it very hard to believe two white maga-loving guys would noose a black person in Chicago. I'm not necessarily going to say it couldn't happen, but I just find it very hard to believe two white guys in Chicago had a noose on them and used it racially. With all the stuff I hear about in Chicago, I figure they'd be found and taken care of decently fast if they did something like that. I could believe the racism, I could believe the attack, but I just couldn't believe the liquid and the noose. The moment I read about those two factors is the moment I knew it had to be bull#.

originally posted by: incoserv
Nobody ever said that there's no such thing as racism. But, apparently, there isn't enough to satisfy the needs of the left-wing social justice morons, so they feel that that have to fabricate it. I guess it's a matter of supply and demand. And those who demand it seem to be supplying the lion's share of it.

This really bothers me. In my 40 years on this planet, I have dealt with racism, but I've also seen it get much better as time goes on. It's really sad to see that some people need racism in their lives soooooooo bad that they'll go so far as to create it out of nothing, just so they can keep playing that racism card. I always believed the end goal was equality, and hell, for me and how I live my life, it is. It really bothers me that there are many minorities out there that jump on the chance to be just as racist as they've perceived life to be to them, and will go out of their way to create it if they have to.

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