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I went shopping for some stuff today with a virus possibly everywhere! :)

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posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 08:03 PM
Just curious the general area you live?
Do you really need to fill up bath tubs w/ water?
How do you bath?
Bathing may be more important than keeping water in the tub.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: lakenheath24

while doing my business over a log, have a moose walk towards me at a most inopportune time. I just gave him the come on already look and he moved on.

I'd rather have a moose interrupting than a rattle snake.
I didn't even know B.C. had rattlers, till I needed to take
care of 'business' during a road trip through the mountains.
Almost finished . . . I reach to pull up my underpants
when I hear "chee-chee-chee . . ." I slowly looked down
and there it was,
just behind my ass with it's
distinctive diamond back.
Very very sloowwwly I tip-toed away.

Advise for those taking care of business in the nature:
tall grass, wild fruit/apple trees have hidden 'creatures'

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: conspiracytheoristIAM
a reply to: rickymouse

if you have a pressure tank on your well, you should have 40-60 gallons of water til the pressure tank signals the well pump to replenish the supply of water least that 's how my well works.

I have the wellxtrol 203 tank, it is called the thirty two gallon tank. The drawdown volume at 40/60 psi is eight and a half gallons, from full to empty, the tank holds around thirteen gallons of water, I actually drained it. Not much pressure when it is low, it will not reach the second floor when it is down to ten pounds So, it actually only supplies about eleven gallons of water to the downstairs toilets and sink after the power goes out if it is at about fifty psi pressure when it goes out. Two flushes. If it is down close to the forty pound point, you definitely do not get more than two flushes in a toilet. The tank is about four feet high and fifteen inches around, a pretty big tank. According to the well driller, ratings do not mean that they hold that much water., less than half usually.

If you have a thirty gallon bladder tank, it usually only holds about ten to twelve gallons of usable water to deliver to the faucets or toilets when it is full at the high point. The power always seems to go out when it is just above the low cycle, I have the bladder pressure set where it belongs, too high a pressure and you get less reserve, too low causes it to have a different problem.

He did not have any of the real big tanks in stock, That tank was big when I got it, now they have bigger ones. It is big enough for the pump I have, my pump is a twenty gallon per minute pump. So, it runs about thirty seconds and it is full.

I suppose I will have to replace this before it has something happen to it, it is already thirty years old. The tank is about the same as it was back then, I think it was 350 bucks then it is now about 390 bucks on line. The wellxtrol 250 tank is almost seven hundred bucks. But that actually only holds about six gallons more water I guess. Most wells have smaller tanks than I have around here. They have about four or five gallons in the tanks. I wanted a bigger one for power outages. The well guy said I should put a secondary tank on my second floor if I wanted more reserve water for power outages, I actually put in a T under the vanity so I could do that when I built the house, but the wife did not want a big water tank in our bathroom. Plus it would only supply water for the downstairs toilet and sink so I figured screw it.

edit on 5-3-2020 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: violet
a reply to: rickymouse
We get a lot of power outages here with the coastal storms so I am pretty much trained on those. As soon as it gets windy, my plan goes into action. I’ve never had food spoil in my freezer. I avoid opening it and run the ice maker so the thing is filled up, I think it helps. If it’s winter, the back deck is a spare freezer or fridge. I got a gas fire installed last year as well. I do other things as well.

TP is hard to find here now. It could get worse if factories close, or truckers can’t deliver the goods or road closures etc. Things just might run out. I don’t know.

I’m more scared of the disruption than the virus itself.

I am a tightass when it comes to paying much for toilet paper. The wife and I will go get six or seven twelve packs or sixteen packs when they have a really good price on the ones we use. We either get scotts 1000s or a couple of other brands that don't clog the toilet and fall apart well for the septic system. Some of the TPS don't disolve good, they clog the septic and pipes in the house. We have a well, and I definitely am never going to get one of those low water consumption toilets, they are bad for our septic and if there is not enough water, the toilet paper can build up in pipes. Not something that they tell you when they are trying to sell you water efficient toilets. If the toilet is right next to the outlet, not much of a problem, if it is across the house from the sewer, then you could get it building up in pipes. I hate snaking sewers.

I like good quality cheap toilet paper. The wife and I will go through two seperate checkouts if it is a coupon. I hate flushing too much money down the toilet without digesting it first.
edit on 6-3-2020 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: recrisp

JHC dude, calm TF down.

Seriously, could you imagine people being this freaked out EVERY DAY because of the regular ol flu thats out there 24/7/365?

My gosh in heaven.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: rickymouse
I am on septic as well. The first guy who cleaned it for me told me “ stop using Charmin” I’m like how do you know?! It doesn’t break down.

I use Purex now. It’s always on sale for a big pack.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 07:21 AM
I would have had a second movement. Nothing scarier in the woods than

a reply to: ToneDeaf

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 03:45 PM
I admire your dedication

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 04:13 PM
#1 Quit using cash its dirty. The change you get back may be worse. Self checkout keeps someone else from touching your food.

Time to change the way you think

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
I would have had a second movement. Nothing scarier in the woods than

a reply to: ToneDeaf

It was a close call, though I can laugh about it now.
And yes do be wary of tall grass and wild apple trees, a natural
habitat for snakes and such.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: recrisp

I went shopping today too. But I believe if its everywhere, its probably BEEN everywhere for weeks, and we have probably all been exposed by now. If you have to shop, try to do it very early in the morning, there are almost no people out at that time. Try to avoid peak shopping times. When you get home, wash your hands thoroughly. If you are out for a long time, I would wash my clothes as well. Try to keep your home uncontaminated. Thats all we can do at this point. Avoid gatherings and crowds also.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 05:16 PM
The whole left and right hand thing seems ocd. Use wet wipes to touch atm or gas pumps and throw it away. Stop using public restrooms. Go to more expensive cleaner grocery store. Walmart is gross. You could be a writer. More interesting than the press that writes for the internet news. You can eat dried dog food. It keeps for a long time. I was watching “How to snare a rabbit“ on videos at you tube. Use dog food for snares too. I have tons of squirrels but you can’t eat any of those things when hot weather arrives. Which is April in the South. I would just stay home away from people. Read and clean out closets for entertainment. Best of luck!
edit on 7-3-2020 by frugal because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 05:28 PM
1. While out and about I never touch my hands to anything on myself as much as possible. (Clothes, head, anything)

2. First thing in the car I hand sanitize and also hit my keys, door handle and anything else I just touched.

Not perfect, not 100% but reduces exposure except for the items surfaces of what I just bought. Just nothing I can do about that. Not everyone sticks an entire bunch of bananas or a can of something in their mouth while in the store.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 05:39 PM
Empty used bleach bottles make perfect cheap water storage containers. If you are on a well system and the eLectricity quits permanently, turn your lawn mower into a gas powered generator. This will get the well to come on and fill the bladder of the pressure tank or fill up your containers. Directions can be printed out from internet. Buy a life straw, you can drink out of any water source safely. Put hand sanitizer in your car’s cup holder.

posted on Mar, 7 2020 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: tkwasny

Then you got me, I am not scared to get my hands full of sewer water when working on plumbing. I am not afraid of dragging a dead animal off to the side of the road. I rarely ever wear gloves unless I was doing something like plucking a chicken or turkey.

I do wash my hands after going to the bathroom though. If possible, I mean when you are dumping a load in the woods and using leaves to wipe your butt, there is no vanity out there.. I suppose I could grab some Yarrow or some other plants and roll them between my hands.

I'm a Yooper, full blooded yooper, one that has no problem cleaning a fish in a stream. Maybe that is why I am always having problems with my immune system being too strong and why I can't appreciate a week long bout of the flu like some people do.

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