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I went shopping for some stuff today with a virus possibly everywhere! :)

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posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:01 PM
We are stocking up on somethings also. But if we don't need them now they will come in handy this summer when PG&E shuts our power off for days/weeks at a time.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: recrisp

It's a site that attract s acidic skeptical bitter types as well as the happy go lucky speculators.

About filling the bath tub , that came from olden day government advice about what to do straight away if its def con one .

Considering Wuhan is still in lockdown , and no shops are open , therefore no food is available except by group orders , stock is the order of the day.

Your practising method s of avoiding contamination is a good idea , they're called engineering controls . Remember there's several means of achieving the same result . If you have a lot of surgical gloves for example , putting on several pairs first means you can strip and dump them as they become suspect .

Also , for by good rainproofing where you don't actually get wet , two pair of waterproof . Same means apply for PPE , if you've got .
Wishing you and your fams well .

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
This is exactly why I believe the media is irresponsible in spreading fear over something like this. Thankfully the virus is very mild and not a huge cataclysmic event, but the way people are acting and freaking out over this has the potential to be cataclysmic.

They pushed fear and now half the population is terrified...

Everything you did to avoid contamination is pointless. There's nothing to be afraid of except yourself. The media lied about this, you're not in danger.

I see that you have a LOT of stars on your reply, (good for you) which, somehow, I overlooked, your reply, not the stars.

Can you PLEASE go in my post and show me how anything that I mentioned is wrong, worthless if something did happen?
You don't know how much the media lied, or the government, or any of it, it is your guess. It's a guess.
I also feel as though we are being lied to, I would NEVER tell someone to not try and be safe, NEVER!
I must have not ever seen your SUPREME BEING certificate that I am sure you must have.

Nowhere in my post did I say I was "afraid", you made that part up, putting words out that never happened.

I do agree with you that the media has made the people in many countries panic, some will, some won't, I wrote a little story about what I would do if things went bad, it was a test I did while I was going out for birdseed and gas.
I did omit the part that I have fed birds for years and years, it's one of the things that I like to do for them.
Even though I didn't spell out that I was going for bird seed and gas, I told it as though I was preparing for things going bad, and what I would do.
Whether or not if I meant it either way was there any reason to be rude and obnoxious. I can't believe how many people here do that for no reason.

You say...

"This is exactly why I believe the media is irresponsible in spreading fear over something like this. Thankfully the virus is very mild and not a huge cataclysmic event, but the way people are acting and freaking out over this has the potential to be cataclysmic."

I feel the media (as I have already said) is responsible for spreading a lot of stuff that they are only doing for ratings, like normal.
But to actually say, "Thankfully the virus is very mild" at this point and time, is absolutely insane, that is, nit unless you are a top dog at WHO. Even then I wouldn't believe you.

The people that are reacting to this could turn into a cataclysm, that is what I think also.

Nothing that I did in my story of my shopping spree would be considered "pointless" to anyone that knows what life is about, nobody. Life has all kinds of hurdles, war, famine, and disease, that crap happens. If we can prevent any of that, we should, or could, or at least try.
My scenario shows that I have thought about it to make sure that my wife feels safe, I am trying, I didn't do anything in my post that warrants anything that you said, you actually, literally, have no right to talk about what I should do, or can do, or that I should just 'give up'.
The gall of some people.

I know what they say about the N95 masks too, my wife wanted some, she bought some, I didn't wear one today, I mentioned that I had one, because I placed it in the car for the future, if there was any need. That is all.

You, being so much smarter than I am have a self-righteous attitude that you can tell me what is best for me and my family, but you feel no need to plan for you, or yours, they must be very proud to have you on their side.
Can you please give me your website address so I can get my fortune told, I am giddy about it, you know, knowing what the future holds for us all, n'stuff.

Thanks, doctor, for letting me know that the virus is "very mild", I'll take that to the bank.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: DoctorBluechip
a reply to: recrisp

It's a site that attract s acidic skeptical bitter types as well as the happy go lucky speculators.

About filling the bath tub , that came from olden day government advice about what to do straight away if its def con one.
Considering Wuhan is still in lockdown , and no shops are open , therefore no food is available except by group orders , stock is the order of the day.
Your practising method s of avoiding contamination is a good idea , they're called engineering controls . Remember there's several means of achieving the same result . If you have a lot of surgical gloves for example , putting on several pairs first means you can strip and dump them as they become suspect .
Also , for by good rainproofing where you don't actually get wet , two pair of waterproof . Same means apply for PPE , if you've got .
Wishing you and your fams well .

You had me at, "acidic skeptical bitter types", I like that! heheh

I really like the surgical gloves idea, that is what I mean, I am not a prepper, I may go and read about it soon, but I know that MY ideas are not the smartest, but they are not bad from being thought of without any help. Its a step in the right direction.

Thank you for especially being a normal, nice, person, and, AND, a helpful one! See how easy that is y'all!?!

I have a lot to learn, I hope that all is well there, and will stay that way, it can't hurt to at least say that because I think that it doesn't hurt a thing.

I got to thinking, if I see a small child that is getting off of a school bus and is 'about to walk into traffic', I should just stay put and not say anything, I mean, why be helpful, is that for stupid people?

Thanks again!

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

I don't know dude, the only reason this virus was not just insane in China was cause the CCP quarantined massive amounts of people and had very restrictive measure and still had infections. Its also destroying their economy and causing other nations not to have basic products and antibiotics. It should be feared just from the economics fallout alone. Also it could really hit a country's workforce fast. If a CV infected person can infect 2-6 others and all have flu like symptoms for like 3 weeks or longer that could put companies out of business and then no jobs. I could see it causing a recession or depression in the United States.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: recrisp

It is going to be a while before this viral outbreak reaches peak population saturation and an even greater while before it stop's circulating, it may even go on to be killing people for years to come.

Worryingly one woman whom recovered from the infection in Singapore was saying on the news that she is now out of breath and tired all the time were before she was active and energetic, it attack's two cell's in the lung's as well as perhaps other's those being the cell's that produce mucus and the cell's that grow the cilia (tiny hairs that move the mucus up and out of our lung's), this means' that the virus is actually targetting the mechanism that usually protects our lung's from infection.

I wonder if it was a bio weapon that leaked out if it was being developed as a two stage biological attack method, one to weaken large numbers of the population over time and the second virus not yet seen to maximize fatality's among those that survived but were damaged by the first virus.

Most likely though it is a natural outbreak but a genetic engineer would perhaps be able to say with more certainty whether it be wholly natural or tampered - even engineered in it's nature.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: recrisp

Worryingly one woman whom recovered from the infection in Singapore was saying on the news that she is now out of breath and tired all the time were before she was active and energetic

That in and of itself doesn't sound worrying.

Normal viral and bacterial pneumonia take months to fully recover from. Shortens of breath and feeling tired last on passed the initial recovery.

After I recovered from pneumonia I thought being out of breath would never pass, saw the doctor several times because I didn't feel right, but gradually it gets better and than goes away completely.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:34 PM
Let's try to stay sane

edit on 5-3-2020 by VeeTNA because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 04:56 PM
Dear Lord....peeps sound mental ffs. Aint no virus gonna affect how you turn a light on and flush your turds.

How bout stock up on some.vitamin c instead.. Airborne tabs are great.

1000 peeps died of pig flu BEFORE Obama took action. Hint....nuthin bad happened. 10k old peeps.died.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: recrisp

How are you typing all this without getting infected, and where do you live?

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 05:05 PM
I don't really fear getting sick with corona , i am pretty healthy , young and have a job that is very physically demanding.

I am more worried what will happen when a huge part of the population has to be quarantined , that will have a impact on our economy.

Now we finally got rid of the economic backlash from the 08 bubble , i really hope we don't face another recession.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: recrisp

I'm one of those at high risk myself, but right now there are no cases here in Alaska.

I think the doom and gloom scenario where services shut down is way out there to be honest. Perhaps too far out there to be reasonable. All I see it doing is panicking fragile people for little reason.

Yes, people over 70 and those with other issues need to take extra precautions, but for the rest, not so much. Common sense should rule the day.

I keep supplies on hand out of pragmatism since I live in a place we recently had a 7.2 earthquake, often have large storms with winds reaching 100 mph at times and near volcanoes that could go off at any moment. I do not do it out of fear or panic.

I get the dry run thing and to be honest there is nothing at all wrong in that.
edit on 3/5/2020 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: recrisp
a reply to: JAGStorm
I noticed the same.
Day before yesterday I looked at bidets at Amazon, so I think that is a really great way to save paper.

Once you get used to them, going to the bathroom anywhere else without them feels like the equivalent of squatting in the woods and smearing your underside with dead leaves. Uncivilized.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

I see the bidet seats for standard toilets are quite cheap and seem easy to install. Actually not a bad idea.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:16 PM
For real? You dont think that thing splatters your poop water all over? And whos gonna use You gonna get CV from.yourself?????

a reply to: Blaine91555

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: lakenheath24

You run out of toilet paper and I guarantee you, you will spread your ....

You seem to have a personal issue regarding bidet's. Gadgets can be scary I suppose

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 07:01 PM
Nope....been in many a posh French hotel as well and crapola ME countries with them. I found em.....gross. Especially as the old man uses his cuz of his ragin roids.

I am merely questioning what you think is more sanitary.

ETA....Im a country boy.....underwear, leaves, and a quick dip in the crick all solve the same problem.😅😂🤣
a reply to: Blaine91555

edit on 5-3-2020 by lakenheath24 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: lakenheath24

No bidet's here either. I expect they are rare here in Alaska. I can always use some snow from the yard.

In the great outdoors I found it cold, but effective to just squat in a creek and let nature wash it away.
I did one time in Idaho while doing my business over a log, have a moose walk towards me at a most inopportune time. I just gave him the come on already look and he moved on. I pulled up my drawers and worried about it later. Country boy here also.

I suspect this is drifting a bit off topic here, so I'll shut up.

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 07:33 PM
Well thumps up fellow country dude. Your Alaska comment triggered a memory.....the 66 ton human poovalanche coming in Denali..

Christ....thts a lot of ptential CV. 🤣😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😅

Sorry OP.

a reply to: Blaine91555

posted on Mar, 5 2020 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: recrisp

EVERYTHING that we all touch could really be contaminated
as crazy as it may sound,

I removed the credit car out of the baggie, I washed it in warm
water along with some anti-bacterial soap for well over 2 minutes

My old flip-flops were washed in the washer with bleach and
hot water, in case that my blue jeans are contaminated,
they will also be washed. The old plastic WalMart bags were
trashed without touching the insides of it.

plus my 5 dogs. (Now THAT's crazy, having that many dogs!

Just get a hazmat suit, simple and less trouble.
Oh . . . can't forget . . . a couple of cases of Lysol spray.

But the REAL dilemma what will you feed your 5 dogs in a doom
scenario or are they on your menu too ?

Anyways, funny true story . . .
I went to pick up a couple of items at
the quickie mart.
The clerk happens to be a germ-a-phobe who
always wears latex gloves. Anyways,
I paid with change.
happens that one of the coins was a bit tarnished.
She refused to take the coin saying it was 'dirty'.
Anyways the guy behind me asked to see it, then proceeded
to spit and polish it, then handed it back to the clerks satisfaction.
People can be weird. Lol

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