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originally posted by: bluesfreak
Firstly , Plato NEVER says ‘continent’ he says ‘island’, bit of a difference.
Secondly, you continue to do a great job of making yourself look an arse on here, by trying to ape Harte’s under-friendly manner, you don’t quite cut it though , just sound arrogant.
sure you delete most of what I wrote again
originally posted by: Blue Shift
As I've said elsewhere, I think that the idea of a small civilization existing on the Azores Plateau which was lost due to some fairly rapid catastrophe -- a meteor impact -- is at very least plausible and certainly worthy of conjecture. Whether Plato created the story himself out of whole cloth or was told the story by an anonymous source only indicates to me that if he was just guessing or philosophizing, he did a hell of a job getting as much potentially right as he did.
Of course finding some kind of proof would be nice, but we're talking about a small group of people who used to be in a place that is now and has supposedly under quite a bit of water for over 10,000 years. We have a hard time finding stuff that old on land that has always been high and dry. Even if there wasn't a huge catastrophe, the chances of finding hard evidence of such a civilization would be very slim and we might not even recognize the tiny fragments of it if we found it.
I prefer to stay open to the idea. Not that it means anything to us here in the present. Any knowledge such people might have acquired would be of no use to us now. Any gods they worshiped are all long dead in temples buried under hundreds of feet of silt. Still, it would be nice all around to think that at least some of the tales we've been handed down over the centuries were based on real things, and it makes modern humanity's past just a little less murky during a time when there was so much climatic upheaval.
But, hey. We still have those odd folks who build Gobekli Tepe to figure out. What got a bunch of hunter gatherers organized enough to build some temples with such impressive stone work. Gotta wonder what their deal was.
originally posted by: Blue Shift
originally posted by: Harte
No other Athenian ever made that claim prior to Plato. You'd think it would be a big part of their culture, you know, like the Trojan War was.
Well, the text has the senior Egyptian priest explaining that, "From a small remnant of their seed you and all your citizens are derived; but you know nothing of it because the survivors for many generations died leaving no word in writing.”
Which among the other things the priest supposedly said -- including the stuff about periodic floods and meteor bombardments -- is pretty accurate.
Thousands of years. A thousand years ago everybody on the continent where I'm living was still Neolithic. Who knows what glorious battles they fought?
Maybe even against some stray Atlanteans who managed to survive the crustal plate drop.
While it is certainly possible there was a small culture in or around the Azores that they weren't the 'Atlantis' that Plato imagined.
originally posted by: bluesfreak
I’ve read Plato, don’t get hot under the collar with Harte and Hanslune , they can’t actually engage with other humans very well, it’s their Skeptical outlook, you know, the outlook that allows them to proclaim from above things like this from Hanslune -” Plato was telling a fictional story not history “ now, that’s just HIS opinion, not fact .
Firstly , In Timaeus, it is stated that the story is ‘true’ that it is ‘old world ‘ (possibly referring to the end of the Pleistocene melt events?) and regardless of Harte’s statement that there is no evidence for Atlantis in Plato’s timeframe , Harte’s statement is a great sleight of hand- Plato never stated it WAS during his time frame ; It is stated that the Egyptian priest states that their civilisation started 8000 yrs before Solon, and that the Greek ancestor race were 1000 yrs older than them- the proto-Greeks/Athenians repelled an attack from a ‘power’ based in an island in the Atlantic , and AFTER THAT, the cataclysmic event occurs, earthquakes , sea level rise etc: in Timaeus it states...
As touching your citizens of nine thousand years ago, I will briefly inform you of their laws and of their most famous action; ...... Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories. But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia. This vast power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country and yours and the whole of the region within the straits; and then, Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind. She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea. For which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island.
So don’t be put off by the skeptics- skepticism is a form of ‘research disability ‘ an inability to keep an open mind to all possibilities , and an ability to keep a closed , threatened mind .
Just so you know, there have been REAL scientific papers done (benade etc) regarding the Azores plateau and surrounding submerged seamounts showing multiple HUGE landslides
( check out the seamount names , WHY would they be named as they are?) , core samples done , revealing SHORE-LINE SAND and shallow water crustacean and fauna remains, and conclusions drawn that the ENTIRE plateau had somehow isostatically submerged, risen , submerged again .
Timaeus conveys the information that the Atlantic was ‘ far more navigable then’ (old world, more water locked up in Pleistocene ice caps? ,lower sea level?) and that Atlantis was part of islands that led to more islands and then ‘the other continent’ . So the Greeks knew of the Americas?
Perhaps we should give our ancestors , and the story learners/repeaters, more credit than blandly compartmentalising the detailed and well-learned information they kept as mere allegory .
Kind of makes a mockery of Harte and his sycophantic mates’ assured assertions , doesn’t it?
Deny ignorance indeed...
Crit. Friend Hermocrates, you, who are stationed last and have another in front of you, have not lost heart as yet; the gravity of the situation will soon be revealed to you; meanwhile I accept your exhortations and encouragements. But besides the gods and goddesses whom you have mentioned, I would specially invoke Mnemosyne; for all the important part of my discourse is dependent on her favour, and if I can recollect and recite enough of what was said by the priests and brought hither by Solon, I doubt not that I shall satisfy the requirements of this theatre. And now, making no more excuses, I will proceed.
Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the Pillars of Heracles and all who dwelt within them; this war I am going to describe.
Really. It's necessary to have actually read Plato if you're going to discuss what he wrote. You see, you come off like a fool. Are you trying to do that? Or, did you even notice? If you can't even understand what was written, then I would pity you. But I suspect you haven't even tried, so I don't. I don't blame your lack on "research disability" either, though it's clear that Plato does precisely date the Atlantean demise - in Critias, exactly as I stated, (you DID know that the main story is related in Critias, right?) - and you didn't even know that fact (which can be found on any of the thousands of fringe websites you've no doubt poured over.) No, I blame your self-imposed ignorance on your unfounded hubris, as I already explained. You want to live in a world where you're part of a small cadre that's "in on" some big secret that nobody else is aware of. To me this reflects a serious personality disorder on your part - pretending you know things that you don't know, then huffing them out in some ignorance-filled rant aimed at your betters that DO know what you claim to know, is a sign of a mental disorder. Harte
originally posted by: bluesfreak
Even MORE evidence just published in ‘Nature‘ regarding the Younger Dryas event and the absolute devastation it caused in two hemispheres . Comet fragment air bursts ( like Tunguska) are most likely it is believed .
It MAY just start to dawn on the Skeptics that this event most likely annihilated all in its path: temperatures in this linked paper would melt a car within minutes it has been stated .
It's still debateable
originally posted by: spiritualarchitect
To pretend that Plato invented Atlantis also means that Plato invented the end of the Ice Age, the Sargasso Sea, the American Continents
originally posted by: spiritualarchitect
and the Coconut. Because Plato describes all of those too. None of which were supposed to be known about at the time.