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The Anti-Christian conspiracy

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posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:43 AM
1.) Why do so many here feel the need to continually make topics bashing the beliefs of christians....when the topic is clearly not conspiracy related??

2.) Why do people feel the need to bust in on a topic and hijack/change it by attacking a person or their beliefs, posting the christian POV on that topic?
(look at seapeoples post history for an example)

3.) Doesnt the sheer weight of the trend in this forum show you that there is clearly some larger movement , possibly lead by a conspiracy, ...whos goal is anti-christian?

It should be THAT obvious. How can you miss it?

To address your questions:
1) Christians
2) Christians
3) NO

If the majority of Christians had their way, everything in the universe would have rotated around the Earth until 1999 when Pope John Paul II decided the infaluability of the pontiff was wrong nearly 400 years prior and rebuked the eternal damnation of Galileo Galilei. Of course it has been nearly 2,000 years and Copernicus has yet to recieve his opology. Or could my personal discouragement stem from the fact that the burning down of the Alexandrian Library set the human race back 1,000 years because the scrolls of Christ did not agree with accepted doctrine. When Christians stop ex-communicating the truth, I'll hold them in higher regard.
Homosexuality. The Church says it is choice. I'm a 33 year old man who can not fathom the concept of choosing to be aroused sexually by another man. I simply can't do it, not even if my life depended on it. Therefore, the church and infaluable Pope is wrong.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:56 AM
Perhaps a better way to make my point is that there is no room in my world for a GOD who denies us TRUTH. Cristianity has destroyed entire cultures, raped them of their gold, burnt their books, utterly obliterated their languages, and taken writings for themselves and locked them away in the Vatican. The hieght of arrogance is the height of arrogance of those who create GOD in their image.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 06:51 AM

I am at a loss, I have never seen such ignorance and hate confused into one before. Somewhere does not have any ability to follow any discussion expect self-worship, they just throw dirt in the air. It is really unbelievable to me, they have completely lost there minds.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Perhaps a better way to make my point is that there is no room in my world for a GOD who denies us TRUTH. Cristianity has destroyed entire cultures, raped them of their gold, burnt their books, utterly obliterated their languages, and taken writings for themselves and locked them away in the Vatican. The hieght of arrogance is the height of arrogance of those who create GOD in their image.

It is not GOD that denies the TRUTH. It is man who through the centuries added and subtracted from the teachings of Christ to fit the agenda of the time.

However, I will give you the quote of "who create GOD in their image. This is just a certain very outspoken side of Christianity. Not all Christians are like this, but they are the ones who make the most noise for they twist the teachings of Christ to fit their own views of intolerance, and to make it okay in their minds to destroy their planet which GOD gave them dominion over.

Donkey will probably say that I am not. However, the secular(free thinking) Christian whose faith has not been ruined by the teaching of man has kept quiet during this mess for that is what Jesus intended. However, Jesus did say not to take things such as this sitting down. Therefore, the way to beat their "going to hell and fear" talk is to beat them with what they claim they follow-the HOLY BIBLE. One can easity defeat them and sit them down when they start spewing their intolerance.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

If the majority of Christians had their way, .......................................................................................................................... Therefore, the church and infaluable Pope is wrong.

This is why I have the sig that I do.
Learn what a christian is. The Pope does not keep the word of the bible. He is a catholic, not a christian. Muslims will not go to heaven without Christ, nor will jews.

Perhaps a better way to make my point is that there is no room in my world for a GOD who denies us TRUTH. Cristianity has destroyed entire cultures, raped them of their gold, burnt their books, utterly obliterated their languages, and taken writings for themselves and locked them away in the Vatican. The hieght of arrogance is the height of arrogance of those who create GOD in their image

This warped brain is what the slogan , "DENY IGNORANCE" was coined for.

ET , You bash Christ and yet you have proven to be completely ignorant of what he did and what he taught. If you knew, you wouldnt say things as ignorant as the above.
Ignorance will not be an excuse on judgment day.
You have no clue how ignorant your words are, so please allow me to make a parable that will show you.

What you said is akin to saying "MLK jr deserved to be shot. He deserved to die. Africans should have never built those boats and came ot american and signed up to be slaves in the first place if they didnt want to go through with it. They caused the civil war. They deserved everything they got".

Thats right ET. YOu sounded THAT ignorant. Read, Learn, Think...before you speak.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by jake1997
This is why I have the sig that I do.
Learn what a christian is. The Pope does not keep the word of the bible. He is a catholic, not a christian.

So I take it you are calling ALL catholics non christian?
That is christian bashing.. not only do you, yourself bash all other faiths.. but even some that share your own.. how can you keep calling christians and yourself victims when you are the one doing the persecuting? Oh wait- I think I asked that question earlier, was told I was actually part of the conspiracy and told that I'm going to be damned to an eternal death.

Stones getting a bit heavy yet?

If you answer this post- please actually answer it yourself, explaining your hypocricy without passing the buck to what 'He' demands [as you have done in your last couple of responses].

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
To address your questions:
1) Christians
2) Christians
3) NO

I applaud you for actually addressing the topic.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 09:24 AM

That is christian bashing....

Unbelievable. After explaining to the non-christian that a christian is someone who keeps Gods word...the non-chistian claims that calling someone non-christian because they dont keep gods word is christian bashing.


Let 3 mods set up a fair panel to judge the evidence and I will present it , if needed.

If not, then Deny Ignornace

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by jake1997

That is christian bashing....

Unbelievable. After explaining to the non-christian that a christian is someone who keeps Gods word...the non-chistian claims that calling someone non-christian because they dont keep gods word is christian bashing.


New pope or old one or just because he's catholic? most catholics call themselves christians.. is the pope part of this delusional anti christian consiracy as well? ohh.. wolves at every turn. what book does he follow if he doesn't follow the bible? what makes you more of an authority on bible interpritation than him or anyone else?

Let 3 mods set up a fair panel to judge the evidence and I will present it , if needed.

If not, then Deny Ignornace

If I convert and I pray really hard will they lock this thread? Your 'evidence' and arguments keep contradicting eachother.. with your own hypocricey and anti-anyonethatdisagreeswithyou- you've woven yourself into your own conspiracy.. it's funny to watch but I'm not a sadist so I'll make this my last reply.

May the force be with you.

[edit on 28-4-2005 by riley]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
....Cristianity has destroyed entire cultures, raped them of their gold, burnt their books, utterly obliterated their languages, and taken writings for themselves and locked them away in the Vatican...............

It should not even be necessary to respond to this post but you have made it necessary with wrong assumptions:

One, 'CHRISTIANITY' has destroyed, raped, burnt, or obliterated nothing. On the other hand those who call themselves Christians have no doubt done all the above and more and ALSO saved millions of lives, donated trillions of dollars, given their own lives, rescued the dying, tended the sick, AND served God in every way known to this human race,.

Two, You have made the error frequently seen among the Christ-eschewing posters on this forum, and much of the mass media, that of equating Christianity with Catholicism. "CHRISTIANITY" and "CATHOLICISM", while not mutually exclusive in membership, are NEITHER exclusively synonymous. Catholics may be Christian, just as Protestant denominational members may be Christian.

The Vatican, on the other hand, is a Catholic organization/institution and is not a place where all Christians would "lock away" anything. Neither do you have any proof that ANYTHING is 'locked away' there. Hence, I call you a rumor-monger, and not a 'TEACHER' of truth, despite your self-chosen handle.

The hieght of arrogance is the height of arrogance of those who create GOD in their image.

And to that I say a hearty, profoundly consenting THAT'S RIGHT!

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:02 PM

Perhaps a better way to make my point is that there is no room in my world for a GOD who denies us TRUTH. Cristianity has destroyed entire cultures, raped them of their gold, burnt their books, utterly obliterated their languages, and taken writings for themselves and locked them away in the Vatican. The hieght of arrogance is the height of arrogance of those who create GOD in their image.

Does GOD deny you truth?? How is this?? Or have you heard that the Pope has opinions on how things should be done. Does the Pope in your mind represent all of Christianity?

The truth is out there for anyone to receive. Your mother or a friend may give you misinformation. The Preacher who is incorrect doesn't deny you truth, he is just not right. The scientist who has it all wrong, yet teaches what he believes to be true, isn't denying you truth, he is just wrong.

So, before you say that that belief in Christ equals a person who is suppressing the truth, maybe you should look a little deeper into what you are saying.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:40 PM
I love how the last couple thousand of years of Christians behaviour is being excused simply as
"They were just claming to be christians, they were not real christians"

Two thousand years of disinformation, the eradication of ENTIRE cultures (genocide), the illegal acquisition (theft) of land from almost ALL NATIVE PEOPLES OUTSIDE OF EUROPE, all in the name of their god, and in the name of their church, and they seriously wonder why all of a sudden there is an "ANTI-Christian" conspiracy.

Perhaps it is not a "conspiracy" but rather a BACKLASH to the last two thousand years of hypocrisy death and murder. Perhaps people are just sick and tired of not only the church, but their "flock" as well, trying to run other peoples lives.

If there is a backlash against christianity, you christians only have your fellow christian forefathers and their behaviour to blame.....wait no F that! You STILL have yourselves to blame.

Contrary to what many christians think, the hypocrisy, death, lying, & manipulation CONTINUES TO THIS DAY. The Majority of Americans; who incidentally are christian, agree with the USA's imperial expansionist policies, which are currently accountable for an estimated 100,000+ deaths in IRAQ, alone. Here in the Good old USA, you x-tians are adamantly opposed to abortion, yet are paradoxically pro-death penalty. Besides those issues you have the ongoing discrimination that gays are facing in this country (since "ethnic-minorities" stopped putting up with your #e now you have found a new group to bully), and all the while most x-tians in the USA also favour their "inherent"right to own a machine who's sole purpose and design is for the quick and easy disposal of another human being.(a gun).

Forgive me, as it is not just your past practices of murder, lies, and hypocrisy, which have fueled this backlash............But rather the fact that this very same behaviour has been inherent in christianity from it's inception and continues to this very day.

You want people to stop bashing your (christian) beliefs and your way of life? Then stop bashing others beliefs, and ways of life, and stop trying to meddle in other peoples lives due to what you and your bible think are "right".......... I'll bet you find the problem gone.

[edited for spelling, and an additional point]

[edit on 28-4-2005 by phoenixhasrisin]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:54 PM

most catholics call themselves christians.. is the pope part of this delusional anti christian consiracy as well?

Ahh yes. So now, instead of a christian being anyone YOU say.... a christian is someone who calls himself a christian.
Lets find examples of this so we can really bash the christians.

The Pope. Which one? The ones at the head of the crusades? The Popes that lead the inquisitions? The ones that say there is no salvation outside the church? Or the ones that say muslims and jews dont need Jesus?

Maybe you mean Jim Jones? David Koresh?
Yeah, those guys are keeping the word of Christ.
You are ignorant of what a christian is.

Your Ignorance is Denied
I understand your not wanting to reply anymore.

1Jo 3:1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

1Jo 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

Luk 6:43 For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Learn what a christian is before you start bashing

Ignorance Denied

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 01:58 PM

you x-tians are adamantly opposed to abortion, yet are paradoxically pro-death penalty

Huh, I see that as protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty. Which to me is MUCH different from the very liberal view of killing the innocent and protecting the guilty. Example of what I am saying: Abortion(killing the innocent) Starving a woman to death because her ex had moved on and was tired of her(killing the innocent *inhumanely*) Protecting heinous murders, child molesters, serial killers, serial rapist/killers(protecting the evil/guilty)

Yeah, The Christians really are horrible when you look at it like that!

(for a small clarification, I am anti abortion in the sense I think it is wrong and selfish. I am not particularly for banning it and making it illegal. )

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 02:11 PM
between people who are sitting on the same beach. Are you John 3:16? Yes? Then you are Christian. Do you worship God, following Jesus as your saviour and teacher? Yes? Then you're a Christian. You'll never know someone else's heart, that's between that person and God. All we can do is listen to what other people have to say and trust what they say is true. We are not here to judge anyone. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your bother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?" - as Jesus said in Matthew 7:3 - 7:5. We're here to make sure OURSELVES are right with God first, then help those who are seeking to find God. Beating up on other Christians is a fruitless waste of time and brings one to question to the faith of the person doing it. Just about every letter to the churches from Acts forward is trying to dissolve the imaginary lines we draw to separate ourselves into clicks. If we divide then we will fall. That's the lesson of the post-gospel books right up until Revelation. There's no secret to destroying a body of Christians - make them fight among themselves about things not written. Every anti-Christian will use this tactic, just look at all the Conspiracies in Religion threads in the past six months. Check out Acts through Jude, it's wonderfully helpful reading. I'd recommend it for every Christian.

Pray, train, study.
God bless.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
Here in the Good old USA, you x-tians are adamantly opposed to abortion, yet are paradoxically pro-death penalty.

I am in the 'good old USA', oppose abortion, and oppose the pro-death penatly. So, that makes your statement false.

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
Besides those issues you have the ongoing discrimination that gays are facing in this country (since "ethnic-minorities" stopped putting up with your #e now you have found a new group to bully),

I do not discriminate against anyone. False statement #2

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
Forgive me, as it is not just your past practices of murder,

I have not killed anyone. False statement #3

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
But rather the fact that this very same behaviour has been inherent in christianity from it's inception and continues to this very day.

Hastly generalization. I want statistics to back this. How many Christians ever existed. How many killed? How many were liars and hypocrites?

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
You want people to stop bashing your (christian) beliefs and your way of life? Then stop bashing others beliefs, and ways of life, and stop trying to meddle in other peoples lives due to what you and your bible think are "right".......... I'll bet you find the problem gone.

I don't. False statement #4


[edit on 28-4-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 02:27 PM
2Pe 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

The very thing peter is warning about here is not a whole different religion, but one that , in his words, brings in damnable heresies.
Often christianity is spoken evil of because of the crimes of the Roman Catholic Church. Crusades, Inquisition, making Mary into a goddess, tell people they dont need christ.
All of those have been done by the RCC.
Lets pick up Peter again and continue

2Pe 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

Rome fits the bill. Is it christian to tell muslims they dont need christ? No, Its of satan. Is murder of christ? Need I even ask.
Lets not pretend that the largest and most loved religious entity on earth is christian. Its not. Its doctrine, symbols, activities, gods, holidays are not christian.

2Pe 2:15 Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;

The way of Baalam was Baal. Baal and Astarte.
The people of Israel included baal and astarte in their worship. 2 kings 22-23 are great reads on this, but so is Jeremiah. The whole OT is a battle between baal-astarte and God.

SO what do we have today?
The exact same thing.
Astarte was the sex goddess. Orgies were the ceremony.
Today the shrines are the night-clubs (Venus is her roman name, and Mary or Madonna is her RCC name).

Back then when the folks got pregnant, they didnt want the babys from their sin either.
Off to the alter of baal with the newly born child where they would kindle a hot fire and drop the baby in.

Today they goto abortion clinics and rip it from the mother and then...BURN IT.
They incinerate them today just like back then.
What does rome say?
Its all ok as long as you confess it before sunday and say 10 hail marys.

I dont draw the line in the sand with any catholic. But having been rescued out of the rcc, I will forever more let people know everything I can.

I draw the line in the sand here.....

" Isa 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! "

The ROman Catholic Church is evil. It is not of Christ. You say John 3:16 means your christian, but christ says you must also keep the word. Then...

Mat 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Mat 7:24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

God points out and hates evil. Telling someone its ok to stay in a lie, is wrong and I refuse to do it

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by saint4God

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
Here in the Good old USA, you x-tians are adamantly opposed to abortion, yet are paradoxically pro-death penalty.

I am in the 'good old USA', oppose abortion, and oppose the pro-death penatly. So, that makes your statement false.

I read you r entire post and if you are being truthful then I will sincerely offer my humblest apologies to you. I will say though that people like you are truly the exception.You can not however deny that those generalizations that I mentioned do not exist in massive numbers here(USA).

As for the statistics you asked for, give us a sec and I will do my best.

As for your drawing lines in the sand...No I am not a John 3:16 Christian, I am a Mat 10:5-6, 34-36, & Rev22:16-17 Gnostic.;&version=9;

So the lines as you have said have been drawn. I understand yours, with all due respect do you understand mine?


posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by llpoolej

you x-tians are adamantly opposed to abortion, yet are paradoxically pro-death penalty

Huh, I see that as protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty. Which to me is MUCH different from the very liberal view of killing the innocent and protecting the guilty. Example of what I am saying: Abortion(killing the innocent) Starving a woman to death because her ex had moved on and was tired of her(killing the innocent *inhumanely*) Protecting heinous murders, child molesters, serial killers, serial rapist/killers(protecting the evil/guilty)

Yeah, The Christians really are horrible when you look at it like that!

(for a small clarification, I am anti abortion in the sense I think it is wrong and selfish. I am not particularly for banning it and making it illegal. )

I am against one person taking another persons life under ANY circumstances, other than self defense.

And I could argue from your Christ' perspective of ;if a man slap you, then turn the other cheek, and pick up my cross, and perhaps not even justify the taking of another life EVEN for the sole purpose of saving my own.

That is what your christ taught and supposedly did.

[edited for ineptitude]

[edit on 28-4-2005 by phoenixhasrisin]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 03:48 PM
You know, I am the first person to admit *I am not perfect* I am far from it I do things daily I know I shouldn't. I ask forgiveness for things quite often.

There is a part of me that wants retribution for those murdered(such as a serial murderer) and wants to see them fry. Part of me that wants them to stop living off my tax bill in jail. The other part of me thinks it is much better for them to live a long and unpleasant life in jail. To let God take care of them. To give them the chance to change.

I have a bad habit of waffling on some things. I can make a case pro or con for many many things.

You won't find me telling you who won't get into heaven. It isn't my call. Do I believe the Christian beliefs are the correct ones? Yes, wholeheartedly. I won't go tell someone else they are going to hell though. I have enough to worry about at home to be going around picking out who I think it worthy and unworthy.

I don't talk religion unless the subject is broached by someone else. My kids go to Montessori school and one of my favorite things is the *respect* and inclusion for everyone it teaches. I still teach that Christianity is the right way at home. I don't teach them to tell others they are wrong.

There is a huge difference in believing in something and condemning others.

Phoenix, I think you want to believe that all people who call themselves Christians are exactly alike. I think if you were to socialize with them, you would find that not the case at all. They are some really hateful people who call themselves Christians. I have met them too. They don't represent all of us.

That would be like saying that Micheal Moore is the epitome of all liberals. That Ru Paul is the epitiome of all gay men. That Jesse Jackson is the way all black men act, or snoop Doggy dog.

Saying all of any group is the same, is nothing more than bigotry.

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