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Article claims Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

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posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

Thank you for the natural antiviral info! I am already familiar with natural anti's -- had to learn when my son had a severe allergic reaction to the 'cillins and cephaclor. I keep a good supply of olive leaf extract and oregano oil on hand, as well as Vitamin C and D3. Can't hurt to order more tho, especially with the threat of supply lines and distribution.

Personally, my biggest concern at this point, is that so many and so much prep is being devoted to preventing it rather than dealing with it. Prevention measures as part of a greater plan are practical but not foolproof. If worse comes to worst, that's a recipe for disaster. We need to strengthen and build our bodies before we get it. We need to know how to take care of ourselves and keep it from progressing if we get it. We need to be stocked and ready to take care of ourselves when we get it.

I expect that rather, as so often happens with the regular flu, people who don't need emergency services will be flooding emergency rooms, exposing themselves to those who are sick and truly need emergency services, increasing its spread and decreasing resources for the most seriously ill. Mostly because they don't know what to do, what to watch for, when to seek emergency help, etc.

I'm sure the logistics for authorities to prepare are staggering. Even under the best of circumstances. But the best of circumstances would be that the sick could nurse and nurture there own bodies back to health. That's ALWAYS the best circumstances. No one should be helpless and defenseless, especially when it comes to your own body.

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 08:00 AM
The issue I have is everyone is always willing to place the blame on someone else and I am getting tired of it. Besides basic controls, some basic regulations, and limiting who gets in the country in times like this I don't want or expect the government to do anything else. Look at where Government has gotten us so far with this thing?

They screw up most things they touch and it ends of costing all of us money and resources. At some point the people need to stop relying on someone else to protect them and do what they can to protect themselves and their families.

I know for a fact that most people don't do anything to prepare or help prevent the spread of illness and most put other people in danger by going to the doctor most illnesses they have. All you need to do is stand at the entrance to a public restroom and watch how many people wash their hands. Or take public transportation and see how people disregard any form of decency by putting bare feet on surfaces or spitting on the floors etc.

Washing your hands is one of the basic ways to help protect yourself and prevent the spread of disease. Instead of people doing that they will just zip up walk out the door and complain that the government is not doing enough to protect them. If I end up getting sick the last person I blame is the government

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

The government's role in this will be to find ways to keep the essentials going: food/supplies, medical, power, water. They may need to call on military to back those functions up to bolster normal society and prop it up while things are most intense.

And that should be about it. Granted, that will be a big job when supply chains are disrupted and important stocks are running low, but it's a pretty minimal function.

And hopefully, this will burn through in the space of a few months at most and we'll all be able to get back on our feet and start picking up after that.

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: Willtell

So Trump is a fortune-teller and back in 2018 he knew Corona would hit and intentionally sabotaged our response. I never knew Trump had such god-like powers.

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 08:50 AM
Likely the cuts were minor...

Besides anyone who still thinks the American government is capable of handling a crisis outside their own creation needs to get their head examined.

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: Willtell

It's easy to find reasons to be angry when the goal is to find something to be angry about.

There is one source for the article: Laurie Garrett. Laurie Garrett has a history of writing articles predicting pandemic and epidemic doom and gloom. I guess it's hard to keep up that sort of response if one actually looks into the facts.

The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act of 2006 was allowed to expire in 2018 by Congress. Donald Trump never had the opportunity to sign the bill, as it died in the Senate. Without funding, it sounds perfectly reasonable to fire (or more properly, lay off) those working in a department that is no longer funded... people expect to be paid. Donald Trump then signed the re-authorization bill, the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019, otherwise known as S.1379, on June 24. 2019. This act re-authorizes the previous bill and actually expands it.

Thus far, there are less than 20 cases of the virus in the United States. There have been no related deaths in the United States that I have heard of. I find it interesting that Ms. Garrett praises China for their efforts to contain the virus; the vast bulk of the cases and almost all the deaths resulting from the virus are in China. The coronavirus kills through pneumonia, and the air pollution in China is quite poor and likely is damaging the lungs of the citizens... leaving them more vulnerable to the virus.

But the guy who signed the re-authorization bill to combat the virus, in a country which has experienced no major outbreak, is at fault of course, while the country which has weakened its citizens and tried to keep the outbreak quiet as long as they could is doing an outstanding job and leading the way in pandemic control.


Thanks for posting actual facts, someone needs to keep the crazies in check. Looks like OP ran off, hair on fire and all.

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I think I love you. I'm sorry. I just had to say it. You are a breath of fresh air in every thread you post in. Thank you!

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 09:09 AM
Yep, laying off a few govt workers has crippled the entire country's response to a virus in China. The lunacy just goes on everyday.

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Willtell

For this coronavirus crisis, Trump was among the first leaders to implement flight bans from China, for which the left criticized him.

Quarantine has been the proper response for CENTURIES

Keep right on denying reality for political purposes...

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 10:05 AM
Here's the thing: I read the article.

It seemed pretty meaty.

It seemed fairly factual.

And then........ I read where Trump had assembled an "All-Male team".

Isn't funny how some stupid, irrelevant statement like that can cause immediate distrust and skepticism of everything that was said prior?

Because that's what happened. That article went from "informative" to "questionable at best" in about 10 seconds.

Guess it's time for me to start verifying everything I just read lolololol

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 10:27 AM

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posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Charliebrowndog
And that should be about it. Granted, that will be a big job when supply chains are disrupted and important stocks are running low, but it's a pretty minimal function.

Agreed. One other thing they could do is make emergency funding/loans available to businesses/factories to help get them tooled up to manufacture the most critical things we need asap. Hell, I'd even be OK with grants (that don't need to be repaid), with stipulations on certain things like cost/price ratios (no gouging) and prioritizing on the most critically needed things.

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 11:23 AM
Strange when did Indians quit eating beef?? They seem to enjoy burgers big time here.


They like their IPA with those brisket burgers too!!

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 11:28 AM
So OP, how do you feel about Trump's stance on illegal immigration now?

I find it a little ironic that the Dems (and all of their presidential candidates) along with the media scoff at Trump for wanting to halt illegal crossings over the border into the US. One thing that has been mentioned more than once is that when people flow into the country illegally, we don't have any idea what kind of diseases they might also be importing with them.

So, it can be said, that Trump has actually done far more proactively to protect the US from deadly diseases than prior administrations have.

And what did he get for his efforts? Called every name in the book and ridiculed.

So, how do you reconcile voting for open borders with your apparent panic at Trump's allegedly having cut funding for pandemic preparedness?

I bet having a secure border is extremely helpful in keeping out deadly diseases.

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 12:05 PM
I think another way to look at it would be - how much less than the billions being asked for would be needed, if they had spent the millions to have a fully prepared team to manage this sort of a crisis ahead of time? Spend a penny now to earn a dollar later.. that sort of thing. Instead they boosted the military budget by billions, which made no sense to me. Cut a -lot- of programs down to size that cost millions. Even 1 less billion on that military budget could have kept AMERICAN programs that benefit AMERICANS at full strength.

But instead, we are ill-prepared for this, a -lot- more will have to be spent to probably would have needed to be, to try and get up to speed quickly enough to match the spread of this virus. This hasn't been a strategic administration - rather just a reactive one.

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: myselfaswell

Flu has killed 16,000 Men/Women/Children right here in America since last July. Only people who aren't well-balanced are more concerned about this Corona illness, than they are about the predominate threats to our lives.

I would counter that intelligent people would be more concerned about this virus than the flu. After all, it's twice as contagious as your yearly influenza. It's also 20+ times more deadly. Not being concerned about that is foolish. In a year, it has the potential to kill as many as 20 years of the worst flu seasons.

You think people being worried about that are unbalanced? Hmm.. ok then.

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: myselfaswell

Flu has killed 16,000 Men/Women/Children right here in America since last July. Only people who aren't well-balanced are more concerned about this Corona illness, than they are about the predominate threats to our lives.

I would counter that intelligent people would be more concerned about this virus than the flu. After all, it's twice as contagious as your yearly influenza. It's also 20+ times more deadly. Not being concerned about that is foolish. In a year, it has the potential to kill as many as 20 years of the worst flu seasons.

You think people being worried about that are unbalanced? Hmm.. ok then.

The stock mkt's worried. They know things the proletariat has no clue of. No panic selling as of yet....
edit on 25-2-2020 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 12:35 PM

So OP, how do you feel about Trump's stance on illegal immigration now?


So, it can be said, that Trump has actually done far more proactively to protect the US from deadly diseases than prior administrations have.

That's ridiculous and wishful thinking. His travel bans had nothing to do with disease. His wall after 4 years is non-existent, and would not have protected against this (or any pandemic) whatsoever. Pandemics will start (as is happening now), via multiple points of entry. Ships, airplanes, trains (all venues of infection so far with the Coronavirus), on the road of course. NOT through a couple dozen people wandering across the border. If someone had this, they would not be -able- to make a long journey to sneak across the border for one thing.

That's a sad justification for saying Trump has done "more" for disease prevention than other administrations. Obama at least actually increased the CDC budget, to deal with things like this. Trump removed that - not due to budget worries, but because the Obama administration is the one that put it into place. That is the reality.

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: toolgal462

So, it can be said, that Trump has actually done far more proactively to protect the US from deadly diseases than prior administrations have.

How? Anyone from just about anywhere in the world can get a tourist visa and fly into Atlanta, no questions asked.

Not even the chosen one can stop a multi billion dollar industry, nor would he want to.....Capitalism!

edit on 25-2-2020 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-2-2020 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2020 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: fleabit

Did you hurt yourself bending over backwards to justify your hypocrisy?

Face it, you are a hypocrite.

Illegal immigrants can bring in diseases that are dangerous to the population and yet you don't worry about that.

BTW, the wall is being built despite the Dems efforts to stop it.

So, spare us your faux outrage over Trump having allegedly cut funds for pandemic preparation especially so since Redneck already clarified that isn't even true.

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