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Worried Yet? Part Deux - The Conspiracy Deepens

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posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 12:55 PM
While I agree the numbers being reported officially do not stack up when compared to worldwide influenza, I think a few things are important to remember here:
1) If you're going by the official numbers, then the official mortality rate seems to be around 20% (1018/4352*100 = 23.39%, numbers as of 13:54 EST).
2) The worldwide response doesn't jive with the "nothing to see here" narrative.
3) China has a history of under-reporting numbers in a similar situation with SARS some years ago.

That, in my opinion, is enough to take a step back and admit that we don't have enough information to make a determination one way or another, and people who are concerned about this should not be summarily dismissed as whack-jobs or far-out conspiracy theorists. I agree a panic is not warranted either, but neither is blithe indifference.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
One explanation could be a longer incubation period than the 3-14 days that was originally postulated.
I am not saying that is the case, but if we see an increase of cases outside of China soon, there's the answer.

It has been either almost 3 months (started in December), or possibly as long as 5 months (October), depending on who you believe, but from what I've read, it is at least as early as December, so, 3 months.

That is far, far more than the worst case 24 hour incubation period you are citing, which there is no real evidence to support (yet).

So, how do you explain the fact that it has been 3 months, with the first full month with ZERO travel bans/lockdowns/quarantines, etc, to get it started spreading. Where are all of the infected?

Answer: there aren't any (huge number of hidden infected).

It really seems like some of you want this thing to become the apocalypse.
edit on 11-2-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: ThouArtGod

(who gets to treat a heart attack if the local health care system is inundated with Wu Flu?).

if ambulances are out servicing those near death from pneumonia for transport, and hospitals are quarantined, then who handles the rest of the medical issues?

Heart surgeons don't drive ambulances nor do they deal with many flu patients.

Disaster and Emergency Management

That's a completely separate entity. We're not talking about a hurricane. We're not talking about opening the Astro Dome and filling it with cots. We're talking about hospitals and people losing their minds over THE FLU!

Your rhetoric just wouldn't play out that way in a real American hospital. America would not handle the issue the same way a Communist country with communist medicine would.

You are clearly panicked and worried, no amount of information will make you feel otherwise. Stay scared, come back in 6 months and tell us if it was worth it.

edit on 11-2-2020 by MarkOfTheV because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: PrairieShepherd
1) If you're going by the official numbers, then the official mortality rate seems to be around 20% (1018/4352*100 = 23.39%, numbers as of 13:54 EST).

Sorry, that is ridiculous.

It could be that bad, but to say it is, before we know the numbers with respect to those infected, but not yet dead or recovered, is just plain irresponsible, if not dumb. Stop fear-mongering, and just admit we don't know, yet.

The good (or bad) news is, we will know soon enough.

2) The worldwide response doesn't jive with the "nothing to see here" narrative.

Combined with the lack of any serious illnesses and zero deaths outside China suggests that either what is killing everyone in China (if indeed those numbers are as bad as some of you believe) either is not the WuFlu/CV, or the Chinese (or possibly asian) genome is far more susceptible to it (which suggests a bio-weapon).

That, in my opinion, is enough to take a step back and admit that we don't have enough information to make a determination one way or another,

And yet, above, you did just that (suggesting a 20% mortality rate).

and people who are concerned about this should not be summarily dismissed as whack-jobs or far-out conspiracy theorists.

No one is dissing anyone expressing concern.

What I am on about is those who take some random $internet-rumour and start parading it around as factual.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

Dude- who are you? I will not even deign to respond to your dig at my "level of panic", as I have done no such thing. Are you a ChiCom plant? Are you paid by commies to spread disinformation? See how that works?

I am fully aware that heart surgeons are not first responders, nor are they ER personnel. Minus the fact that this was clearly one example (I can list dozens of reasons to visit the hospital for emergent care), are you aware that victims of stroke and heart failure do not go straight from home into the OR, and then back home again? Are you even aware of what DEM does, much less the variance in fields? Have you visited a 3rd world nation under duress from an outbreak of disease (especially a localized one?)?
I have. And it is NOT a panic to assert that health care systems can, and will be, overrun under the right set of circumstances.
What is ridiculous, however, is to come onto a message board, filled with people who merely want to discuss varying points of view on myriad topics, and tell them to shut the F up. My POV is not lazy, nor uninformed. Just because you have some medical personnel in your family doesn't mean you have cornered the market on information- quite frankly the RN, the Dr., and the NP in my immediate family would call that a narrow minded world view.

Good day to you.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:10 PM
So here's a thing. I don't have the link but there's a live video floating around Twitter right now: "The Chinese government is welding people into their apartments." The video is legit, they are in fact welding all of the doors/windows of an apartment building shut. I don't know if there are actually people inside. If there are people inside I'm not seeing any food/supplies getting in there. Maybe someone else can grab the video and post. I'm unable to do so at the moment. Posted by Mindy Robinson @iheartmindy

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: BoxerBrawler

Crazy, I know. I've seen that, and many other videos, and it tells me that the ChiCom Government is lying through their nose. Acknowledging that they are lying, btw, does not make you paranoid or crazy... it just makes for larger questions about the official narrative.

Or as ATS used to say, "Deny ignorance".

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: BoxerBrawler

Crazy, I know. I've seen that, and many other videos, and it tells me that the ChiCom Government is lying through their nose. Acknowledging that they are lying, btw, does not make you paranoid or crazy... it just makes for larger questions about the official narrative.

Or as ATS used to say, "Deny ignorance".

For what it's worth... I don't trust my own government much further. They'll wait until the truth couldn't be hidden anymore if it becomes a real issue for us. But that's just my speculative opinion worth as much as the digital paper this post is written on.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Ummmm. yeah. I trust my government very little, due to inept systems, secretive agencies, and lackey-led fields dominated by "yes-men". I believe in the individual, and am proud to see many people step up all over the states to provide real world answers, to solve problems, and to put people over careers. But just based on natural disasters alone, we are a reactionary people, and often fail at planning for the unforeseen.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

British media is reporting 5% mortality rate.

I don't know how accurate that is.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: ThouArtGod

Most people with the flu rarely exhibit pneumonia like symptoms

You must not know how many people die from the flu each year.

Cornoavirus is not a flu, it's a cold, a respiratory illness.

Still... You have doctors seeing patients with the flu all the time and you don't really hear much about doctors falling dead after treating them.

You can't really say the same about this one. Also, as someone mentioned in another thread, why would this brand new virus pop up out of nowhere and suddenly millions and millions of people are quarantined at once? Why wouldn't this be the case with just the regular old common flu?

Why so many handlers in Hazmat? My doctors office don't have staff walking around in hazmat but they are dealing with flu patients daily and don't seem very bothered by it. No facemask included.

I would also think that the flu fatally affect seniors more so than anyone else. This virus seems to go after more from middle age up. Even men appear to be more vulnerable. The median age is 40 years old. I'm in my 40s and I'd like (hope) to think I'm healthy-ish, minus the smoking habits. If I'm hit, based on what we're reading about in china, I'm probably screwed.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: StallionDuck
So far, there are only TWO deaths (and that's if you count Honk Kong separate from China) outside of Mainland China.

Another very important stat you left out is, both of these were native Chinese who recently left WuHan.

Aha! The plot thickens!

Thanks for that bit of important info.

I know we really can't trust Iran and Muslim militants, especially when they say Israel is responsible. But... Is it possible 'someone' is responsible and put this together for this very purpose?

I know we've had discussions years ago about genetic plagues that will affect only certain races and genes. I don't remember if there was any evidence for it but I do wonder now.

Hmmmm Something else...

If Israel gets surrounded by a 3 billion (?) people army, should this go very wrong, we could probably count out China in that prophecy.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

It really seems like some of you want this thing to become the apocalypse.

I am not sure how you got that idea from my post.

Maybe you missed where I wrote this:

I am not saying that is the case

edit on b000000292020-02-11T13:38:39-06:0001America/ChicagoTue, 11 Feb 2020 13:38:39 -0600100000020 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

all i have to say is i am very happy we all decided on Wu-flu instead of the Kung-Flu.

Wu-flu just rolls off the tongue

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: ThouArtGod

Hey, I'm talking about America here... not third world countries with communist medicine. Obviously they have more to worry about.

People in America need to chill... including you.

Me saying that in a thread titled "WORRIED YET?" is hardly out of context.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

So, how do you explain the fact that it has been 3 months, with the first full month with ZERO travel bans/lockdowns/quarantines, etc, to get it started spreading. Where are all of the infected?

Answer: there aren't any (huge number of hidden infected).

Considering we can only go off the information we're given, there isn't a whole lot you can put your finger on as 100% (or even half) truth. All you can really do is question the narrative and that's what we're doing here.

I wouldn't go off of travel bans. I would go off of the moment we knew about it to the time quarantine started - almost immediately. Travel bans started almost immediately also. That has a very serious tone to it.

The 'conspiracy' or questions that are plaguing my brain are based off of what we do know, considering what we do know is at least half-arsed correct. Should China hide the real numbers, I would suspect the numbers are HIGHER not lower. There would be no reason to hide lower numbers. I'm only following the possible motives of this elusive truth that we're trying to understand.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:42 PM
Corona Brewery is offering $15 Million to help change the Corona Virus name to Bud Light Virus. Source

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

I said good day!

But in all seriousness, I acknowledge that the United States is better equipped to handle such a scenario, obviously depending on many unknowns that exist around this virus. As one famous epidemiologist once said, it's not a question of IF a viral outbreak will cause a world-wide pandemic, it's a question of WHEN. So the U.S> and other 1st world countries may dodge this bullet, but I can't believe we will Matrix dodge every future bullet.

As an aside, just think of the myriad resources that have been put towards HIV. No, HIV has not decimated the healthcare system, but we can say that this new (1980s) virus has taken gobs of physical resources and man hours away from other medical research and treatment.

Now, Good day to you.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: smkymcnugget420

True.... but I know Kung Flu. And I have mastered it, as otherwise it would become my master.

So say Confucius.

posted on Feb, 11 2020 @ 01:47 PM
Doesn't like 80 or 90% of our medicine come from China? Or at least part of the ingredients that go into our OTCs?

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