posted on Feb, 12 2020 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to:
Oh my bad!
We're staying in downtown Boston and on Saturday we will probably do the touristy stuff, like some freedom trail sites during the day, then do dinner
and lots of bars hopefully into the night. Maybe do some of it on Friday too. I'm not good at creating airtight itineraries, mine are always pretty
spacey leaving lots of time to wander around inbetween points- but also I'm not the only one planning this trip. zosimov my dear beautiful friend
will also be with us, and so will Augustus and peter.
In the past, we've never really divulged too much information to the public prior to the meet up in an attempt to reduce the risk of being trolled, as
if anybody would ever dare troll us, lol! In the past, some people have come during the day or one day or just for dinner or a drink, you can join us
at any point, we'd exchange phone numbers if you're serious and also because I'm risky and fearless and stranger danger turns me on.
About being fearless anyway.
So yeah, please join us for all of it, and tell us dark schadenfreude truths!