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Ungrateful,Poisonous,and unacceptable.

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posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 12:41 PM
AV, your apology obviously wasn't sincere.

My only question is AV, why are you here?

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by John bull 1
I\'ll tell you Abraham Virtue I\'m one of the most liberal posters here on this board.I\'m continually sticking my neck out and tweaking the tail of authority.

It takes a lot for me to lose it.

To quote you directly from above.

\"[Abraham_Virtue] Cause I wanted to get attention\"

Well you\'ve got the attention you wanted Abraham Virtue.

You say that I am poisoning the board.

I can\'t see how I can make that much difference when you\'ve been pissing in the well so copiously.

I\'ve tried to befriend you.I\'ve tried to understand you now I\'ve had enough and I\'m disowning you.

You see Abraham Virtue I\'ve stuck my neck out for you in the past.And I see this latest vendetta against the staff as a personal betrayal.

Atleast Cold Anger,Cammo Dude,LevitationJunkie and others had the balls to speak out honestly.I may not agree with everything that has been said but I respect them for their integrety.You just blurt out vague notions of freedom you can see how it can be achieved.

If you\'re not part of any solution you\'re part of the problem.

I did it to get attention so people would take the censorship seriously. I have seemed to accomplished that much. Is there anything wrong with that.

Also I don't think that calling me a liar is justified. For I never said I was sorry about my beliefs, just my actions. There is a difference you know???

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 12:51 PM
Someone needs to up their dosage and get on with their life.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 12:53 PM
AV, I always respected your passion for your beliefs. But you are going too far. You apologized to William and the staff when you came back. Then behind our backs you are back to the same nonsense. And I say behind our backs because you clearly did not want this posted.
There is nobody out to get you. The fact is I/we could careless what you do here as long as the guide are followed. The rules must be followed,for the benifit of the community. If certain posts,or words were not censored,this place would turn into a hellhole.
Much like Bob88 asked,why are you here? If you do not like what is going on,leave.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 01:02 PM
Everyone here who posts a decent amount has had some discomfort with the way another member replies to their posts or their replies. This is the natural progression of dialogue. For people to become so adamamant about a subject as ludicrous as the one that AV is yelling about is exactly that; ridiculous and out of line.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 01:11 PM
Abraham Virtue.Have you got any conception of the hard work,time,and more that William puts into this board.All those facilities you enjoy.

Tell me Abraham Virtue what is it exactly that you want for free???

because all Williams asking for is a little respect.

[Edited on 10-7-2003 by John bull 1]

[Edited on 10-7-2003 by John bull 1]

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 01:41 PM

If you want a board where no one censors ANYTHING that ANYONE says, and there are NO controls on what happens or how it happens, there are many boards out there that have NO moderation. Of course, those boards wont hold a candle to ATS in terms of thier organization, credibility, and overall interest by those who are seriously interested in the topics being discussed.

If you are that concerned about your freedom of speech, and freedom to feel like the rest of the board is persecuting you, by all means, go seek them out. They are easy to find, just type some keywords into google.

I would agree that this is getting to be an old tired topic that needs to be put to bed. I would also agree that NO ONE on this board has ever, for any reason, wanted to persecute you, or hold you down in any way. However, the current wrath you are feeling from numerous members is being brought upon BY YOU, and YOUR ACTIONS.

Dont act surprised, when you obviously worked so hard to earn the persecution you have been so afraid of for so long.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 01:49 PM
They say no publicity is bad publicity. I don't know about this whole sorry thing.

Somebody needs a time-out without toys.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 02:28 PM
But unfortonately I have to take in some pride and make sacrifices on this issue. I do that for the sake of the board. So please by all means go on and burn me with your torches and please by all means stab me with your forks. Cause I am not going to fight. I am a lover. Not a fighter. So take my head off and do with my heart what you will. For it is quite clear that none of this matters to you and you only care about one thing. Yourselves. Get over it. Make a sacrifice or two. It will help you in life and it will set you free. Trust me. It works and it helps. I am in total bliss right now???

Where are you???

Abraham Virtue

[Edited on 10-7-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 02:31 PM
You speak with a forked tongue AV. You say you are a lover,but you have spewed forth venom.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue
But unfortonately I have to take in some pride and make sacrifices on this issue. I do that for the sake of the board. So please by all means go on and burn me with your torches and please by all means stab me with your forks. Cause I am not going to fight. I am a lover. Not a fighter. So take my head off and do with my heart what you will. For it is quite clear that none of this matters to you and you only care about one thing. Yourselves. Get over it. Make a sacrifice or two. It will help you in life and it will set you free. Trust me. It works and it helps. I am in total bliss right now???

Where are you???

Abraham Virtue

Why do I have the feeling this is probably the most honest post I have seen today?

Abe, just to clarify, NO ONE is crucifying you... you are doing it to yourself. When you do it to yourself, it is no longer an execution, it is suicide.

If that is your goal, first I would have to say dont do it, it brings no one any good. Second, if you feel you must be in complete misery, why do you have to drag the rest of the board in?

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 02:52 PM
To be honest, I've forgotten how this all started in the first place, many, many threads ago....

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 03:11 PM
What exactly is being censored ? what names cant we write and why ?

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 03:22 PM

AV, everyone knows that you are going over the edge. Remember what Ycon said: You were not her friend. [and you replied] That's what you think.

You have lost it. I thought you were understanding my point about all this. The fact is, you don't. I'm sorry but you are going to kill the board if you keep going on like this. Calm down. Maybe you need to talk to Simon. He will probably also think you have lost it.

If you love this board, like you say, you will slow down and think. I told you that censorship (Now I'm really sick of that word) is put in place to prevent chaos on the board. Listen to what William says about the word A*s*s. He said the only reason he killed it is so schools won't lock the site off from the students. ...and that is there for the growth of the site.

For everyone else: I feel there is something strange about the site. But censorship (
) is not my issue. It's the people (such as AV). Don't think I changed sides on you Abraham because I was never on your side. I'll still discuss with you on what you are feeling is wrong, but remember, I don't agree with everything you are saying.

One last thing: I told you that the walls have eyes...

[Edited on 7-10-2003 by Cammo Dude]

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 03:33 PM
I have been here for about 3 years now, and this is one of the worst episodes I have seen on the board.

There are too reasons for this, firstly as the board grows, there are increasingly people coming with agendas of their own or are mentally unstable.

Secondly just the increasing numbers of people here seem to make it less pesonal. No longer does Netchicken dominate the "last post" section.

I am growing increasingly sick of AV paranoid whines, and abusive posts. If you don't like it here then Get the hell off our board. He has been given far more opportunites than other posters, and every time has come back to stab people in the back.

I will vote for a permanaent ban, if it comes to that. To me AV has become an outsider, not a member.

I am also sick of the undercurrent of complaining that is beoming increasingly prevalent as well. IF you don't like the way this board is set up then vote with your feet and leave. There is no way we can meet everyones desires, agendas, needs, medical conditions.

Sure we are different from earlier, if you want a simpler life, try WOS's or my board, they are small in number and mine is nearly dead
. My God we are not the only message board on the entire internet. find anothe home, just stop crapping in this one.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 03:54 PM
Well Maxwell, the name B-rian, no hyphen( I'll refer to him as mr.b) is being filtered when ATS was introduced to and the members here didn't like him too much ::cough::.
Mr.b claimed to be Jesus returned and said a bunch of stuff that I'd rather not re-state because it's rather extensive. The religion & spirituality forum became flooded with mr.b topics and the topics were going nowhere. William was fed up with this since it wasnt what the forum was for so he decided it would be best if Ycon (mr.b's faithful follower) would take it to a more appropriate message board. He also filterred out mr.b's name, I assume, in hopes of ending any further discussion about him for it was kind of polluting the atmosphere here. Including causing flames and spam to pop up everywhere in the religion & spirituality forum and there was little intelligent discussion there. Ycon also decided to leave ATS, then some people cried that Ycon was being oppressed for her religious beliefs.
The whole situation apparently ruffled AV's feathers, mainly the filtering of mr.b's name.
Well, at least that's one example of filtering, I can't personally recall any others.
Hope that helped.
I hoped I got my facts right...

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by subalterna
Well Maxwell, the name B-rian, no hyphen( I'll refer to him as mr.b) is being filtered when ATS was introduced to and the members here didn't like him too much ::cough::.
Mr.b claimed to be Jesus returned and said a bunch of stuff that I'd rather not re-state because it's rather extensive. The religion & spirituality forum became flooded with mr.b topics and the topics were going nowhere. William was fed up with this since it wasnt what the forum was for so he decided it would be best if Ycon (mr.b's faithful follower) would take it to a more appropriate message board. He also filterred out mr.b's name, I assume, in hopes of ending any further discussion about him for it was kind of polluting the atmosphere here. Including causing flames and spam to pop up everywhere in the religion & spirituality forum and there was little intelligent discussion there. Ycon also decided to leave ATS, then some people cried that Ycon was being oppressed for her religious beliefs.
The whole situation apparently ruffled AV's feathers, mainly the filtering of mr.b's name.
Well, at least that's one example of filtering, I can't personally recall any others.
Hope that helped.
I hoped I got my facts right...

Truthfully, isn't the religion & spirituality forum always like that?
I went there once and by the looks of it, it seemed filled with crazy people. That's just my thought.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 04:08 PM
In all fairness to A-V...

He's not the only person who is insulting or unfair around here.

And, like I've said before, it's wrong to blame every problem around here on new people. If anything, I see a lot of newbies who are trying to write good, informative posts, while the oldtimers live in their own little world where they bicker about who is and who is not cool or a good poster... or where they just fight each other all day long. Though Netchicken says that, essentially, if you don't like the board you should leave, I'd like to point out that a lot of new people ARE leaving because they get dogged by oldtimers who should know better.
The bottom line is this: While the Oldtimers are having their private wars like this one, newbies are trying to post interesting threads/topics... only, when they do, an oldtimer often comes down from Olympus just to comment on how the new people aren't very good.. at which point they re-ascend without making any contributions.
Well, as a new person, let me just say that threads like these are stupid and laughable. I'm sick and tired of hearing the pot call the kettle black. A-V is wrong, but a lot of people going at him, here, are also wrong in that they can be jerks...

This is the last time I will ever partake in one of these dumb inter-board threads. If you want me, I'll be looking up things in those boards beneath the XMB Forum, where I rarely see a lot of you oldtimer guys anymore.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
If anything, I see a lot of newbies who are trying to write good, informative posts, while the oldtimers live in their own little world where they bicker about who is and who is not cool or a good poster... or where they just fight each other all day long.


The bottom line is this: While the Oldtimers are having their private wars like this one, newbies are trying to post interesting threads/topics... only, when they do, an oldtimer often comes down from Olympus just to comment on how the new people aren't very good.. at which point they re-ascend without making any contributions.

I'm still sorry for posting that first thread on "I remember...." That was a mistake. I worded everything wrong.

If it has seemed that I am bashing newbies, I'm not. I want more people.

BTW, sorry about the Poll I made about AV. I couldn't resist.

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 05:18 PM
subalterna, thanks a lot for your briefing !!

i don't know what happened in detail, but censoring the typing of a former member's name surely is disconcerting. I can't figure out an other motive than it being a barb against current members who use that name. And as such it would not really be a proof of greatness on parts of the censors. Or what exactly is the reason behind it ?

[Edited on 10-7-2003 by Maxwell Smart]

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