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Trump unveils Middle East peace plan with two-state solution, tunnel connecting West Bank and Gaza

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posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

And I apologize for alluding to anyone being an idiot it was just a figure of speech and other little heated I really think that the biggest disagreement they're going to have in the future is whether Israel comes first or Palestine comes first when you name the country I also think that the Jews are either going to become inbred and dwindling dwindle because the way they operate

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: iPray2Allah

I would really just love the Jews as much as a Muslim could possibly love them give them all the support they need and they'll just become like the Mormons or the Amish

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: iPray2Allah
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

the people who walk on the land first own the land. Look who is there now... Call it what it is and move on. Choose borders with neighbouring nations and call it Israel-Palestine.

OK. since we are going to go with your idea,then the Hebrews/jews were in that area before the romans came and dispersed them throughout the empire. Before that the Romans renamed the area of Judea and israel to palestinia and called them palestinians.

they were still hebrews/jews though. Before WW2 they would call them palestinian jews.
The arabs on that land were NOMADS,who roamed and never stayed in place long.

The palestinian jews later after israel was re created called themselves Israelis/israelites and threw off the hated palestinian name the Romans slapped on them.

SO by your own words you declare the jews/hebrews were there first. thank you.

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: yuppa

No you totally missed the point the people who are still alive who are there first whoever is Alive and Well ever got there first has first rights to the land

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: iPray2Allah

OH no thats not what you said is it?

The hebrews were there before the arabs were. judea and israel existed before the palestinians.

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: yuppa... Whoever is there now...

posted on Jan, 30 2020 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

I am not convinced the two-state solution is the viable plan to kickstart the Middle East peace process. No progress towards the two-state model has occurred in the last two decades. The Trump admin's Middle East peace process is political window dressing. The plan may play with Trump and Netanyahu's core supporter bases.

IMO, a new approach to Middle East peace doesn't involve the two-state solution. The West Bank is geographically and to an extent politically separate from Gaza. Integrating The West Bank into Israel is more likely to succeed than using the current Middle East peace road map.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: xpert11


posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:50 AM
Sad Palestinian officials/Hamas will once again reject a Palestinian state, for what the dozenth time? They've been offered their own state over and over and always refuse. The Palestinian people are refugees with no state because their leaders fail them over and over.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

A history of snipers shooting unarmed protesters is a itchy trigger finger? That's just untrue and not supported by anything. If i remember right, a sniper told a reporter that all decisions come from up top and no one makes a move without clearance. Which makes sense because that's how military work, nit just snipers firing all willy nilly.

I don't ignore what hamas does, but you definitely ignore and justify cruel crimes against Palestinians. Shooting unarmed civilians on purpose is a war crime.

Israel is also refusing peace if they act this way. But you can't see that because you have drank so much kool aid that now you're justifying snipers shooting unarmed protesters on purpose.

No point in arguing with someone like you. You want Palestinians to get rid of hamas and cease all aggression but blindly support Israel's acts of violence. That's just hypocrisy and nothing will get solved that way.

But keep sippin Israel's kool aid and saying "100 years!" while ignoring every bad thing israel has done to Palestinians.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 10:01 AM
Look, peace or no peace, this is at best a start for land, get it and work with it.

Nobody doesn't have to do anything and we can continue with the statues quo.

The way I see it, they have NOTHING, but with this plan, they have SOMETHING, even scraps, crumbs, WHATEVER, use it, take it, grow fat with power, education, military and economics.

At the very least, peace for the children and a lot "less" attacks.

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Yeah a long time ago I saw a documentary on how Palestinian boys would just be sniped randomly sitting in the living room watching TV or standing in the kitchen right in front of their mom just because of the Israelis were bored literally with nothing to do

posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: iPray2Allah

The whole world knows whats happening... The internet is to thank for the truth.

posted on Feb, 1 2020 @ 12:49 AM

originally posted by: iPray2Allah
a reply to: iPray2Allah

The whole world knows whats happening... The internet is to thank for the truth.

the "palestinians" are made up people(according to YASSER ARAFATT,and the PLO former leaders) As far as the ARAB palestinian goes that is. They are refugees from the other countries who were refused entry to go back because their behaviours.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 05:25 AM


posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: gortex

The land given to them during the creation of the State of Israel is being stolen from them as described below.

You are confusing two different things here. During the creation of Israel (back in 1948), both the west bank and Gaza were not part of Israel. Both were given to the Arabs, which rejected this offer and instead started a war against Israel, and lost. For the next 18 years these territories were a part of Jordan and Egypt. So basically, Ottoman -> British -> Jordanian/Egyptian -> Israeli.
Then, in 1967 the west bank was concurred by Israel. So If it should be returned to someone it's the Jordanians, but they don't seem to want it back.
They Story of Gaza is somewhat similar.

Regarding the current shenanigans with the Israeli settlers, yeah I agree they need to be kicked out and the land should be given to the Palestinians. Not because "Israel stole it from them", but because it is in Israel's interest to end this conflict. Neither of these people isn't going anywhere, and both need to recognize the other's right for self-determination.

That being said, the notion that any of the territories in this region were ever under Palestinian control or somehow belonged to them, is nonsense.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: St Udio

the Palestine Arabs were a population living without government or borders...the Palestine Arab peoples(along with small cells of Shephardic Jews were native/indigenous to the region, and willfully lived on lands not policed or governed by Egypt or Lebanon or Jordan--by conscious decision to live under local tribal laws & not modern political governments

Not sure what is the time period you refer to, but this area always had a clear government.
West Bank: Ottoman empire -> British empire -> Jordan -> Israel.
Maybe the local villages lived by tribal laws but it doesn't mean that there was some kind of Palestinian government in this area, as they were always a part of some other country.

the sporatic groups of gathered Arabs & independent peoples were (more or less) like the Native Peoples in north America called Indians--- or Native Australians not living in parceled lands but living in Natures' lands without borders

A romantic story, but a false one. You can trace the Ottoman rulers in this area back to the 16th century. In no point the people of the area of Palestine were living without an Ottoman oversight. Most definitely not like the Indians in per-colonized America.

the unclaimed Levant Lands in the Palestine region were unclaimed, free land which the UN took-over and assigned to Israel as a place for Jews to return to (around /Jerusalem in particular) and for the indigenous Arabs and No-Nation nomads/Jews/unincorporated occupants to remain in the Levant Lands of the Palestine and Ancient Hebrew Tribes

Well, these lands became unclaimed only after the British left. By that point Jews where a third of the population in the region. So to divide the land was generally a good idea. Not unlike what is being proposed now. And same as 72 years ago, they reject the offer and chose war over peace.

Colonialism is the culprit, the /Hubris of the UN is complicit in creating the Israeli-Palestine Mess.... this was the start of the crime of Political Correctness gone Bonkers-Wild... still going on today in the USA

This we can agree on.

posted on Feb, 2 2020 @ 11:34 PM
I hope isreal kicks out the not isrealis and ends this BS, there's enough middle ages sand holes for them to make a home in.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 10:03 AM
Looks like the peace plan is going well...............

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