posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to:
"Prep" for most of us, is a little extra every time you shop; something that builds over time. If you are able, buy the things that you already use,
and stock up on them. In some cases, you can save money buying things in bulk. If your finances don't allow it, then add a little more each time.
Thing about the things that you wouldn't want to, but
could do without. Get more of the stuff you can't do without. My Darlin' and me like
Charmin Ultra Strong. In normal times in the Cayman Islands, it might be rare every now and then. It is normal for us to have six -12-roll
packages at any one time. These days, we have two dozen 12-roll packages. We have also considered what we would use in the absence of TP, and have
voted for the time -honoured tradition of a washcloth that was often washed in the sea. We also have 120 rolls of Fiesta TP in the shed, which was
purchased 15 years ago, and is thought to be just barely better than 600 grit sandpaper.
A lot of "prep" is thought. It is thought about how to do normal things in unusual times. Is fire important if you lose power? Can you make
fire? Is a box of 'strike-anywhere' matches a good investment? What is the most efficient nutrition price-wise for your situation? Rice? Beans?
Soy? Can you buy it in bulk? Is it something you regularly use?
Think about going through your normal day in the light of not making contact with people. Think about your normal day if there were no power, or you
couldn't drive, or if the internet wasn't working. All of those things are currently thought to be improbable, but we really don't know. Much of
"prep" is mental.
Please feel free to PM me if I can help further. ;o)
edit on 28/2/20 by argentus because: messed up my italics